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still problems with log-in

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Same as me now. I change the DNS with the Info and help from Google DNS yesterday and was in SL without any problems in night. Today I start and have the same Problem again like you.

I get respond of my Ticket from Linden and they told me to use the Viewer from Linden and all would be ok. That can not be, I use Firestorm all the years and worked very fine. All Problem comes till yesterday Linden works on Server ...

To change now anything at my Viewer, PC or anything like that is for me not the right way. I was willing to accept that there is a Problem with Connect DNS in Frankfurt, okay. But be wondering why this Problem starts exactly at this Time where Linden start to do their Work on Server. The Problem starts for me exactly at this time and be wondering what I must change now all on my PC to find a way to log in .......

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yes i think its still the problem with the Connect DNS Thingy because a friend ( also german ) has the sl viewer and the same problem and for myself i had never problems with firestorm

i dont know what to do ,think we can only waiting and hope that they fix the problem :(

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Looks more like one of the providers of Linden Lab has some issues:

  3    20 ms    19 ms    27 ms
  4   179 ms   180 ms   183 ms  lax-sb2-i.LAX.US.NET.DTAG.DE []
  5   179 ms   179 ms   173 ms
  6   174 ms   175 ms   174 ms  ae10.cr1.lax112.us.zip.zayo.com []
  7   182 ms   182 ms   182 ms  ae7.mpr3.phx2.us.zip.zayo.com []
  8     *        *      209 ms
  9     *      219 ms   210 ms  sw-core0-83.phx.lindenlab.com []
 10   209 ms     *      218 ms  vip.secondlife-phx.agni.lindenlab.com [216.82.8.

seems that zayo.com forget about some IP-Packets on the way to the lindenlab Servers.


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Thank you Redath,

I send just this moment my answer to Linden in my Ticket that I reopen and copy this from you inside.

I be not a PC Profi and be not willing to change all my settings in PC now without any way to know what I do there.

Point is - since yesterday after maintanence runs it for some of us very wrong :-(

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I  have  the same problems since more than 24 hours.


What I realy miss is an information about that issue  by LL

I guess, several ppl may have report this problem to LL,  but LL doesnt seem to be aware of it.

There is no information to find in the "grid status reports"..  which  would be very helpfull for ppl who are "desperatly"  searching what might be wrong with their connection or  pc.

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Redath Pearl wrote:

Looks more like one of the providers of Linden Lab has some issues:

  3    20 ms    19 ms    27 ms

  4   179 ms   180 ms   183 ms  lax-sb2-i.LAX.US.NET.DTAG.DE []

  5   179 ms   179 ms   173 ms

  6   174 ms   175 ms   174 ms  ae10.cr1.lax112.us.zip.zayo.com []

  7   182 ms   182 ms   182 ms  ae7.mpr3.phx2.us.zip.zayo.com []

  8     *        *      209 ms

  9     *      219 ms   210 ms  sw-core0-83.phx.lindenlab.com []

 10   209 ms     *      218 ms  vip.secondlife-phx.agni.lindenlab.com [216.82.8.


seems that zayo.com forget about some IP-Packets on the way to the lindenlab Servers.


Not a particularly extreme trace - performance is a little low but it's working.

Zayo aren't a provider to LL but recently taken over the Abovenet links through to Phoenix. There have been historic issues with this company (links below, worth reading). If you can promote traffic through the XO Communications link through to Phoenix you may notice better performance but I can't be sure.

Your packets made it okay - some missed timings are typical. Whatever issue is causing this, it does not affect all users within Germany.

Hope this helps.

SL Community: SL extremely slow

SL Community: High Sim Ping from UK

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this problem pops up 2-3 times a year for me, randomly it seems, also it seems that it only affects germans. for me it means higher than usual ping and especially high (VERY BAD) packet loss that prevents me from doing almost anything inworld. the chat/messaging is lagged, avatar movement, physical movement (using vehicles), crossing sims is deadly... the last 2 days it started again and today was really bad, DNS resolving ONLY for the SL connection failed a lot, etc. everything else works normal.

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Yes they do !! I've been reading that  ofc now the internet providers here are being blamed !


I spend all afternoon on the Phone with  my Provider and they checked  it all , also  I checked the SL Server Ping which gave me 220 ms ... thats a  bit  slow  to establish a connection !! 


So until they resolve the issue , there is nothing we can do on our ends!!

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Marina Breen wrote:

I've been reading that  ofc now the internet providers here are being blamed !

There is so little diagnostic information on this issue that troubleshooting is incomplete. It's too early to blame anyone. My post references US companies, not German local ISPs.

There's more than one company involved in providing your link to Second Life. I'd be interested in hearing whom you asked and which route they tested against - and whether it was through to Phoenix like the Traceroute was.

Got any more details?

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its not funny at all anymore ..... since yesterday I cant log in ... 

I have a business to run here :( 

and I wonder why nothing really nothing is stated on the sl grid info website ....  dont they see the problem ? - dont they care about us at all ? - I dont know its very strange ... 

btw I am in germany too ....  and I get the DNS error message 


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ok well , i got just my answer of the ticket on the morning

they want that i uninstall every viewer and reinstall *only* the official sl viewer , unplug my modem and router etc,


yes LL all fine but for what?

1. i had never problems with firestorm , 2. i dont think THAT fix our Problem and 3. Why ? it takes me over 30 minutes alone to open the SL Homepage or Marketplace , if there is only a problem with the viewer ?

im over 8 years in SL and it was never so bad like the last 24 hours and honestly it`s not funny anymore now because they let us fly in the uncertain or why is still no word about our problems in the grid status?


*so langsam mächtig sauer * <---





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Same here from yesterday. I didnt get message DNS error, its just frozzen on loggin and nothing move neither here nor there. This morning SL works very slowly before lunch and then again i got same problem. I am from Hungary.

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Hi I am also from germany and the only good thing about all this is .I am not alone with my problem.i cant log on since yesterday and i am getting a bit frustrated now.i am usually on firestorm but tried sl viewer to check if i could log on there.but no.no chance in the world.mp and dashboard site need forever to load as well.i wont blame anyone or at least try not to but it would have been nice if LL would have posted some issue problems so we would at least know whats going on without manipulating on our computers probably not knowing what we are actually doing.

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

6   174 ms   175 ms   174 ms  ae10.cr1.lax112.us.zip.zayo.com []

Updating this, since I've hopped back onto a route that goes via Zayo/Abovenet. Connection is stable via 64.125.x.x and I get normal speeds, no packet loss etc. This is from the UK. If I can still get results from inside Germany I will try this shortly.

I'm reckoning this is happening lower in the chain (nearer Deutsche Telekom), and isn't related to Abovenet. At this stage it's entirely possible LL don't even realise this is happening to users in this thread.

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finally they posted something about this on the sl grid status website 

thank you to the person who did this :) 


I hope that they ( who ever . linden lab or the internet provider ) are able to solve the issue asap 

for the people who are in germany and reading this 

here are more people with this problem http://www.slinfo.de/forum/showthread.php/5616-Einloggprobleme-in-SL!/page121


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Thanks! I'm from Germany as well having the same issue. A ping to secondlife.com (for example) has 36% packet loss. Also the latency is about 220 - 240 ms, when packets are not lost. My ISP is Deutsche Telekom, my connectivity is VDSL with 50/10 mbps. All other services other than Second Life run quite fine, no packet loss. I also run services from my connection and even there (incoming connections) don't have any issues. I hope Lindenlabs and their provider will resolve this issue ASAP as this state is since yesterday morning! Thanks and regards

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Ole Etzel wrote:

Deutsche Telekom just sent me a message they will further investigate this problem tomorrow morning because they are going to bed now, haha those obscure RL people at their best!

This'll be the thing to check, yeah. Getting late over in Central European Time. :P

I've just gotten word from Germany proving that this does not affect everyone in that country and that even those connecting via Zayo can connect okay. Bit of a mystery but I feel I've thoroughly tested my hypothesis.

This'll probably end up being a pretty localised problem, but always good to have people on the inside chasing it down as well. Probably safe to assume that anyone relying on DTAG's network for DNS is affected (at the very least).

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It's NOT a DNS problem! If it was then you could not even ping. AND I'm not even using the DNS from DTAG, but from Google. The problem is packet loss, which can be related to a routing problem, and most likely it will be a routing problem. The question is, is it on DTAG side or on SL side? This needs to be investigated from both sides! I'll call DTAG now myself.

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