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Non-Delivery Issue


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Is there any procedure for filing a complain with LL against a merchant that has failed to deliver a purchased item? It is from a major supplier ot Intan Dance systems (It starts with "D", but I own't name them), and they do know they have not delivered it, I have been going around and around with them in their customer service website for two weeks. I made the purchase in-world, in their store, and paid over L$12,000 for the package, and as soon as the money was removed from my account, I got an error message saying that the item was "out-of-stock" and to contact their customer service. I did, they replied that the "owner" was out-of-town and would replenish their stock when her got back, and to "wait a bit." A week passed, no delivery, I wrote another service ticket, and got a reply, I assume from this "owner", saying he had been away from SL and would deliver my purchase when he logged on "later that day." That was two days ago, still nothing. It's been two weeks now. They have not responded to yet another service ticket. Am I simply screwed for $50 REAL DOLLARS that they took from my account without delivering, not even saying upfront that the item was out-of-stock UNTIL AFTER they took my payment out?

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A good sign is that you have received responses so it might just be a merchant with poor customer service skills who may eventually get around to it. I would keep sending notecards and IMs.

If persistence doesn't pay off then call this a lesson, in SL and in RL, Whenever I purchase something online anywhere I do a bit of research (if I care about losing the money). I look up reviews and ratings. Before purchasing on Ebay or SL I send messages to the merchant to gauge customer service. You can get a lot of information about the merchant when you see how long it takes to reply and how much care factor goes into the reply. Once you have established positive communication then you are on some firmer ground instead of just going in blindly. Remember, the more expensive an item is the more customer service it warrants - the merchant should never be too busy.

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The "D" is a pretty good giveaway to me whom this merchant is.

Many of their listings are deceiving if you don't read very carefully what is written. Their reputation is less than stellar.

Stay patient and like Pamela said, keep it civil......until after you receive your goods.



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JoeMax93 wrote:

Is there any procedure for filing a complain with LL against a merchant that has failed to deliver a purchased item?

I made the purchase in-world, in their store, and paid over L$12,000 for the package

In the case of the first sentence, had you bought the item off Marketplace, LL is responsible for delivery, there's a support case option for "Failed Marketplace Delivery".

The second sentence absolves Linden Lab of any responsibility/accountability (take your pick) and they consider it a "resident to resident" transaction in which they won't intervene.

This is one benefit of purchasing from Marketplace.

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  • 4 months later...

I am amazed at the reponces I see here, do you mean to say that a D can take money, not deliver goods and not refund the money and get away with it? At the same time those persons who stock the vendors are not getting their share of the non delivered item. I hate to think how much I have lost to non delivery over the years but it is begining to bug me seriously. In the past it has been "only 2 or 300 linden" and I have walked away after getting zero satisfaction other that "we will look into it" I have recently been ripped off (again) for 2 dances costing $L486 each and I am unable to get either the dances or my money back. Get off your rears LL and do something about this. This is theft!

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Timo Dumpling wrote:

I am amazed at the reponces I see here, do you mean to say that a D can take money, not deliver goods and not refund the money and get away with it?

Yes. Who's to stop them?

Here's what LL says:

"Buyer Beware

Linden Lab does not exercise editorial control over the content of Second Life, and will make no specific efforts to review the textures, objects, sounds or other content created within Second Life. Additionally, Linden Lab does not certify or endorse the operation of in-world games, vending machines, or retail locations; refunds must be requested from the owners of these objects."

(From "Community Standards 11.1.05" - notecard included in the Library Folder in your inventory)


Edit: just so there's no misunderstanding. The Community Standards notecard only mentions vending machines but it applies to Marketplace purchases too.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

gingerjohn wrote:

did not realize this aspect to marketplace purchases versus in-world!?!

next time i will do my purchases strictly in marketplace.

 lesson learned.

Not so fast.

The Buyer Beware passage Sassy linked is in the universal Community Standards agreement - it governs acceptable behaviour across all of Second Life, Marketplace and in-world.

Nowhere here is as 'safe' as you've been imagining.

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  • 5 months later...

I know exactly who the D is an not afraid to call out this decieptful vendor..It's DMC  Darkmoon Lillihook. and there is no such thing as support in his shop..I paid good money and got same error only after they too my money.. and it has been 1 month without a single replay either from my suppot ticket on their website or inworld   They are cowards who don't care and I will not be nice to people who rip others off..they need to be called out for their action...and Linden Labs if you are listening..for you to not help your members in cases like this means you are cowars also and you condone this type of action..why would you worry really..you still get your money you money grubbing SOB's... LL cutomer service is worse than DMC

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

gingerjohn wrote:

did not realize this aspect to marketplace purchases versus in-world!?!

next time i will do my purchases strictly in marketplace.

 lesson learned.

Not so fast.

The Buyer Beware passage Sassy linked is in the universal
 agreement - it governs acceptable behaviour across all of Second Life, Marketplace

Nowhere here is as 'safe' as you've been imagining.

Well since this thread has been brought back to life... the CS do indeed define acceptable behaviour, the difference is in who is responsible for the delivery, which was the original issue.

Now, having said that, if the issue is a delivery failure and the purchase was from MP, there's recourse to be sought from LL who can investigate and redeliver.

However, there's no guarantee that what they deliver is what was expected.  i.e. Seller can choose to list a prim cube as a "Dance System loaded with 100 dances".  LL will happily ensure the delivery of the object which was referenced in the listing.  In fact, were I to create a brand called "Not a", I could then list that empty prim box, renamed to "Dance System" and list the empty box under my brand as "Not a Dance System".  Ethical?  Not exactly!  Delivered exactly what was specified?  Absolutely.

Thus LL would not get involved in the content or quality, only to ensure that the referenced content was delivered via MP.

Warning to all really, not Freya, Freya knows this already.

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