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Why is ladies mesh clothing so bad and made for matchstick like ladies

Bunnygun Gourdou

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Hello, i'm writing this article in the hope some clothes creators might take some interest and start making mesh clothes for ladies with a figure. I'm not talking about extra large ladies just normal everyday ladies.

 My wife in SL loves to wear jeans and pants outfits but when we go shopping all we can find (talking mesh here) are jeans that have super skinny hips and matchstick legs, they have no shape at all and look like the lady wearing them has anorexia.

I know all the ladies want to look hot and sexy so give them a little shape, please :)



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Gee, your wife must know hidden places to shop that I haven't found.  I have all but given up looking at mesh clothing because it all seems designed for a man's idea of what a woman should look like:  big butt and humongous breasts.  I can at least adjust prim and system clothes to fit my shape instead of having to accept someone else's idea of what I should look like.

So much for the rant.  :smileytongue:

The fact is, there are plenty of women's clothes in different shapes.  You just have to spend more time shopping these days than we used to.

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This debate around mesh clothing has been going on since it was introduced,  Not just clothing but now mesh body parts and full mesh avitars as well.  The standard body sizes offered in mesh clothing was introduced to offer more than one size to accomodate the average female shapes and thaat does include large.  And yes SL is a place where anyone can alter their shape to suit themselves and that presents an infinite number of size and shape possibliltes.  One person's idea of curvy may be hugely different from aother's. The mesh makers could not possibly create mesh for all those concepts.  That is why designers who make mesh clothing (either from their own made mesh or from templates mesh made by others and sold to designers)  make 5 sizes of each item, and also why most of us make demo's so folks don't get stuck paying for something that doesn't fit right.  Again I stress it would be impossible to accomodate and please everyone. 

The same could be said for male mesh clothing as well,  Those men with enormous muscle mass shapes also have issues with mesh clothing.  Again it is standard sizing.  Yet so many men in SL seem to think looking like the ultimate body builder is most attractive, when in fact to a lot of women it is not at all.  

So it doesn't matter male or female,  pleasing everyone is impossible!

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Part of the problem IS the standard sizing. The designers that got together to try to set a standard ran into a bit of a problem that they didn't really address properly. If you look at the numbers between XXS, XS, S and M, there is only a small difference in the numbers. Large takes a huge leap. They would have been better serverd to start with the XXS then divide the numbers up evenly up to the 100 slider range. Instead, they took a poll and averaged those number. Obviously, most avis were in what became the XXS-M range. Now that the numbers are set, though, there's not really anything that can be done about those. HOWEVER, mesh designers could follow the RL fashion and set up a "plus" standard size...the Splus starting between where the current medium and large are and go up from there to the 100 mark on the sliders.

I'm not a mesh maker so I have no idea how feasible it is, but it is an idea.

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Standard sizing is, simply put, retarded. I have no idea who made this system because it seems they only surveyed the most ridiculous and tiny sample of SL residents. Go to ANY popular shop or fashion forward destination, how many people do you see with body fat value that's larger than maybe 5? How many people do you see with boob size less than 30? But for standard sizing, in order to have a body fat of 0, your boobs need to be like size 30. Want boob size 50? Then you'll have to fatten yourself up with body fat value of like 20. 95% of the people I see in SL play SL to look attractive, if they even know what that word means. And that means being somewhat on the skinny side with larger boobs and hips than you do in RL. Of course there are the ultra-conservative people with a false modesty fetish who insist on making themselves look as plain as possible in SL, buy why is the dominating mesh trend designed to cater to these people??

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I would have to agree with you there Bobbie with regards to standard sizing,  I have a relatively thin avatar, not skinny have some curves I have to wear medium mesh size, so I can't imagine how tiny one must be to wear XXS?   But it looks like we are stuck with this standard sizing thing unless LL decides to update it,  then all the already made mesh fashions witll have to be redone by all the clothes makers.. or yanked off MP and out of stores.  I honestly don't have a clue if or how this will ever get resolved.  It is frustrating!

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Suki Hirano wrote:

Standard sizing is, simply put, retarded. I have no idea who made this system because it seems they only surveyed the most ridiculous and tiny sample of SL residents. Go to ANY popular shop or fashion forward destination, how many people do you see with body fat value that's larger than maybe 5? How many people do you see with boob size less than 30?
But for standard sizing, in order to have a body fat of 0, your boobs need to be like size 30. Want boob size 50? Then you'll have to fatten yourself up with body fat value of like 20.
95% of the people I see in SL play SL to look attractive, if they even know what that word means. And that means being somewhat on the skinny side with larger boobs and hips than you do in RL. Of course there are the ultra-conservative people with a false modesty fetish who insist on making themselves look as plain as possible in SL, buy why is the dominating mesh trend designed to cater to these people??

Theresa Tennyson sighs...

Standard size Small - breast size 52, body fat 7.

(Incidentally, what exactly do you think breasts and butts are made of?)

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I tried to tackle this problem a couple of years ago, taught myself how to use blender and everything. Here's the problem: there are literally millions of shape combinations, then couple that with mesh parts and bodies!  It was headache inducing and eventually I got frustrated and gave up. The whole mesh body and parts thing very much put clothes making in a state of flux these past couple of years.

If you're talking about a regular system avatar, the upper body isn't that much of the problem. It's the lower body, the lower body has to have the widest range of sizes by far. It's very hard to pin down an average of anything. If you go to an "urban" sim, butts and breasts and Avis in general tend to be bigger.  Now you're in the extreme side of the sliders, if you go to the "fashionista" camp the shapes tend to have extremely long, thin legs and very wide hips. See where I'm going with this? There are different types of "curvy".

Someone did make a curvy sized shape pack for mesh modelling, I can't remember her name right now. I don't think it caught on though. There are curvy sized mesh bottoms out there though.

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Tazzie Tuque wrote:

I would have to agree with you there Bobbie with regards to standard sizing,  I have a relatively thin avatar, not skinny have some curves I have to wear medium mesh size, so I can't imagine how tiny one must be to wear XXS?   But it looks like we are stuck with this standard sizing thing unless LL decides to update it,  then all the already made mesh fashions witll have to be redone by all the clothes makers.. or yanked off MP and out of stores.  I honestly don't have a clue if or how this will ever get resolved.  It is frustrating!

I find small is plenty curvy on my avatar, but the curviness is greatly reduced above 6 foot height.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if it's just my client acting weird visually or something but the ONLY size that fits a person with 0 body fat (which is pretty much what 90% of people use on their shape) is XXS. In order to fit into an XXS you need to have a near-flat chest and near-flat boobs. How is that remotely a "slutty" look? It's like what OP said, an anorexic's fantasy. I'm like the OP. I use 0 body fat on my shape but I like to have SOME boobs/butt, but apparently that's not possible with the retarded "standard sizing" because by "standard", they really mean "ironing board's standard". Want to dress up like a curvy supermodel with a relatively thin waist and above average boobs/butt? Nope apparently that's "looked down upon" in this virtual world because people are obsessed with false modesty. God forbid if you want to look even curvier than that, you'd be labeled a sloot. The only shape that people are "supposed to have" apparently is some average mid-age wife shape with droopy boobs and a rotund body. Not saying there's anything wrong with looking exactly like the way you do in RL (because yes, rarely anyone has body fat of 0 in RL), but I think I'm correct when I say MOST people would prefer to look... umm... a bit more ideal in a game??

Anyway this is the reason why I rarely if ever buy anything in the stupid "standard sizing" system. It's either unrigged or fitted mesh for me.

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