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Anyone Else Have This Problem?

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I consider myself "old school". I started playing SL with my first Av in early 2006. I absolutely cannot get the hang of the new viewers. I am still to this day using 1.23. I have tried numerous times to log into the new viewer and I never last more than about 10-15 mins before I get frustrated and log back in with the old viewer. I can't seem to find anything. I have been playing so long that on 1.23 I know without a second thought where to find anything I need, how to change things, building, etc. With the new viewer I haven't the slightest. What's really bothering me about it, is the fact that I teach building classes in SL and it's really bad that I don't know my way around the new viewer. This makes it not only difficult for me when teaching but extremely frustrating that I cannot be "in" with the new technology. Plus all the new features like Display Names, etc are not viewable to me since I am using 1.23. Believe me when I say that I really have given it a try, but not being able to navigate the new viewer is extremely difficult and makes me not want to even play or build or do anything. I know there has to be other people like me out there that just can't get the hang of this new viewer. Especially if they have been playing a long time. If you are out there, please speak up! Let me know I am not the only one who has these issues.


What I would really love is if SL could cater a bit to their loyal "oldies" and give us an updated version of 1.23 that includes the new stuff but allows us to continue using what we are familiar with. It would make playing and enjoying SL so much better for me, and I'm sure many others out there.

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I have been trying to make a transition and start using 2.0+ more

It has been a slow go for me. Like you I am so used to 1.23 layout that everything is fast and simple,

When I try to use 2.0 something always comes up and I need to quickly access something or cary out an operation, and I end up lost and frustrated. Eventually I close it and don't pick it back up for a long time lol. Right now it is just going to take more time than I have to learn it like I know 1.23 as i do now.

I guess it would be the same way if it were the other way around and I started out on a viewer 2.0 style. then 4 years later try to cdhange to 1.23 style.....

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I'm right there with you!  I just can't seem to get the hang of v2.

I've always been a fan of using official viewers or even release candidate viewers versus third-party viewers. So I've been reluctant to use anything but my beloved v1.23. 

I would really love to LL incorporate a user-interface "skin" system that would allow us to utilize new features with the option of the old look and feel. I might make more of an effort to try v2 if it looked a little more like home.

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I run 2.5 solely.  And it's not difficult to use once you understand that the objective is to make things more logical.

What you have to do is delete entirely your 1.23 stuff and avoid the temptation of falling back to it.  We are creatures of habit and when faced with a better thing or using what we know, we'll stick with what we know.  Give yourself a week when you aren't uber busy inworld to learn how things are done in 2.5 and refuse to fall back to 1.23, and you'll pick up the new ways in just a couple of days.  Doing things in 2 is different rather than more difficult, although I admit some of the changes stink.

But the harsh truth is this:  at some time in the near future, only V2 browsers are going to be able to enter SL.  This will be necessary to have mesh visible inworld, which is currently stalled due to poor customer acceptance of V2.  Hopefully Pheonix will be on board with Firestorm.  But whether they are or aren't isn't important -- what's important is that sometime, V2 WILL be a requirement to go inworld.  So it is wise to just get used to the new layout and get it over with.

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My grandma still using her old typewriter even though my sister bought her a new laptop computer.  She said she don't really need the features in that computer since she only wants to do is to type her short stories.

I used to be a fan of tpv but since the beta mesh grid opened I decided to use the v2.xxx and get my self familiar with it and it only took me like 2-3 weeks before a get used to it and became comfortable  with it and now i cant go back to the old style viewer because I'm now dependent with the new features of this viewer.

IMHO having options on which viewer we use here in sl is very important since we all have different interest and  reason why we go to secondlife. 

I'm also wondering if someone who just joined secondlife and started with the viewer 2.xxxx then after like months try to introduce that person to the old style viewer. What do you think will be the reaction? 


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Yep, I'm right there with you. When v2 came out last year I tried it because I couldn't believe it could be as horribad as everyone said it was. Less than 10 minutes later after not being able to figure out how to respond to a friend IMing me and not being able to read most of the text onscreen or turn down the volume that was blaring I ran back to Snowglobe.  I tried v2 several times since the original incarnation but I always run into the same issues; nothing is placed where I can find it, I HATE the sidebar, things that used to take 1 click now take 2 or 3. It was designed for new people and completely ignores the needs of older residents who don't use voice and who do more than shop and dance.

I know that at some point LL will kill off the ability of the 1.x series to connect and I'll be forced to deal with v2 at some point. I'm hoping that by that point some TPV developer will have been able to mod the UI of v2 to make it more familiar and friendly to people like us. Either that or I'll have to decide whether SL is worth me continuing with.

P.S. The next snide little remark comparing me to their grandmother who likes her typewriter coming from someone who hasn't been in SL as long as some notecards I have is gonna get a nice PM from me... just saying.  There's a word you might want to look up condescension; it doesn't work well to bolster your arguments.

No one's asking LL to dump v2. They've wasted around $2 mil. dollars in it's development and they're committed to it, for better or worse. But the UI is atrocious which is why the majority of people don't use it. You like it, fine. Good for you. Quit trying to force your opinions on me.

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koto Nizna wrote:

I'm also wondering if someone who just joined secondlife and started with the viewer 2.xxxx then after like months try to introduce that person to the old style viewer. What do you think will be the reaction? 



I can tell you what the reaction would be...  My inworld GF started on v2, and was so thrown off by it, she quit for months.. the only reason she is back with us now, is because someone she knows in RL told her about Imprudence.. Case in point - V2 UI is not newbie friendly.

And before you go on saying that she probably didn't know much about computers, or isn't technologically inclined.. she teaches programming in RL....


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Deej:  I didn't see her comparing you to her grandmother.  Rather she was pointing out that we are creatures of habit and we don't like change.  Thus the grandmother example where she continues to use a very obsolete piece of gear because that's what she's used to, even though a vastly superior solution is available if she'd only but take a little time to learn how to use it. 

I didn't see condescension as much as parable and example.

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Hello. I personally love the 2.x.y viewer because it is all I have ever known and I love the Second Life experience. I have seen a few changes to it since I began playing not so long ago, and, like, after the first change I was all OMG this sucks I like how it was, but then I figured out, or rather, I got used to using it and now I don't hardly remember why I didn't like it in the first place. Anyways, I can totally understand how if you are used to using something and then all of the sudden someone changes it on you without like any consent on your part it can be frustrating.

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yeah Iv'e been in SL almost 3 years now,and Heck,i'd love to use the new viewer 2!could'nt wait to use the new alpha layers for shoes,extra tattoo layers etc.but same thing,i cannot find how to do anything,I have to go to the forums or tutorials everytime i want to do something-even had to search help for how to upload a texture......have tried to use it numerous times,but my computer CRASHES within 30 minutes every time- i get the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH.but i'll tell ya what really gets my goat is the new camera controls being a pop-up box at the bottom,instead of being anchored on-screen like in viewer 1.2.3.IT'S A NIGHTMARE!click,open,choose pan/orbit,click,open,choose pan/orbit,click,open,choose pan/orbit,click,open,close,open,close,aaaaaaarrrrggghhhh!!

in fact i have actually had nightmares bout that...and then when i go back to using 123 all my settings have been undone!all my colours in my colour chart have reverted back to default,Lod,preferences,etc,and i get help pop-ups all the time"you are editing a sculpted object"yeah I KNOW!!!!etc,.sorry-venting too much?

not sure what to do...*help*

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Viewer 2 installs


Uninstall SL

delete the Second Life directory under C:\Program Files\

Empty the trash can to ensure stuff is truly gone

Go to where the cache is kept:  Ref:  http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clearing_the_cache   to find it.

Delete the entire Second Life directory, cache and all.

Download the latest installer and install it from scratch.


The biggest problems with updating and having several viewers is that most point to the same cache folder.  And every program seems to handle caching differently.  So if viewerA stores file Y which is a sound, but viewerB's cache loads file Y thinking it's a texture, the viewerB takes a mighty dump because it's not coded to handle lots of "bizarre exception" problems well. 

Yes, it takes time to relearn what we've been doing automatically.  And yes, some of the V2 UI is pooptastically written (getting rid of the Music and Video buttons tops my list).  But the program is very stable now and gives me spectacular FPS at mid settings on a less than spectacular computer  (4 years old).  Just wipe the SL 1.23 stuff off your machine and force yourself to learn the 2.5+.  You'll never bother unless you have to, and at some point in the future, you WILL have to use 2, be it from a TPV or LL's viewer.  So find a week where you aren't critically busy and give yourself some time to familiarize yourself with the new layout before it gets forced on you by the labs.  It took me a week to where I was doing things as automatically as I was before.  But I am still just as quick to do X as in 1.23. 

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yeah,tried that before.But,Viewer 2 automatically clears the cache every time i log in-does this mean nothing?i read on the sl wiki that cache clearing should be done infrequently,unless you teleport alot...anyway all my problems were SOLVED when I read >next topic>Ishtara Rothschilds remark on viewer 2 F ups thread-just use PHEONIX! yeah,its great!!all the new capabilities of viewer 2 with the interface of 1.2.3!!could'nt ask for better!!YAAAAYYY!! :smileyvery-happy:

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AlessandraAndria Zapatero wrote:


AlessandraAndria Zapatero wrote:

I consider myself "old school". I started playing SL with my first Av in early 2006. I absolutely cannot get the hang of the new viewers. I am still to this day using 1.23. I have tried numerous times to log into the new viewer and I never last more than about 10-15 mins before I get frustrated and log back in with the old viewer. I can't seem to find anything. I have been playing so long that on 1.23 I know without a second thought where to find anything I need, how to change things, building, etc. What I would really love is if SL could cater a bit to their loyal "oldies" and give us an updated version of 1.23 that includes the new stuff but allows us to continue using what we are familiar with. It would make playing and enjoying SL so much better for me, and I'm sure many others out there.

I started in 2008, so I consider myself still "new school"
    I used 1.23 due to that codition called "lame duck computer" (as it seemed to work the best for me) and it seemed fairly intuitive to use, though when I think back on it there was so much to learn about how to do things having never ventured into a virtual environment before.  And I hated Viewer 2 at first because I was I knew where everything was before without having to think much about it...like riding a bike.   Then I decided to try the "new shinny" and give it a fair shake, and having spent time with it, I find it harder to return to the "old school" format.  I suppose my answer would be this:  It takes time to get accustomed to for sure.  It's the old dog new tricks kinda thing really.  And the debate goes on, and never will all be satisfied, which is why I love TPV's and the innovations they offer, even if some offer too many gadgets for my tastes.



AlessandraAndria Zapatero wrote:

What I would really love is if SL could cater a bit to their loyal "oldies" and give us an updated version of 1.23 that includes the new stuff but allows us to continue using what we are familiar with. It would make playing and enjoying SL so much better for me, and I'm sure many others out there.


I would love that to, but I fear at this point it prolly won't happen.......some days I even wish for a rotary phone too


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AlessandraAndria Zapatero wrote:

I consider myself "old school". I started playing SL with my first Av in early 2006. I absolutely cannot get the hang of the new viewers. I am still to this day using 1.23. 

I started in 2006. I am used to the V2 interface, but I still need 1.23 because:


  • it runs on PowerPC;
  • it has a search engine that serves me well.


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Thank you Bodacea! Everyone who is having issues with the new viewer and love your old 1.23 go out and download Phoenix TPV! I am soooooooo happy right now. It is the anser to all our problems! The old syle we are used to with the new features of V2.

I can't thank you enough for telling me about this. I love, love, love it!!

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I used 2.5 viewer all the time and find it works well, sure it took awhile to get accustom to the new viewer, and now find myself rarely going back to  1.23 viewer, unless I am having issues applying textures to prims, which is less frequently then when it first came out, and 1.23 has a better search engine in certain areas.  But, I agree with Parrish that the new web based profiles is to large, as also the camera controls, but unsure why Bodacea controls are anchored to the bottom, I am able to drag it around anywhere on my screen.  And, Yes,  I still crash when uploading a texture.  Think this is a great topic cause having diversity in viewer options will allow more people to enjoy Second Life best suited for them. 

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