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Manifesto Free Land


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 I run a Fullprim Sim (M) since 2 Months which provides everyone who wants Free Land. I am kinda suprised about the lack of people interested in free land where they can be creative and do what they want. Its basicly so dead that i think about changing it back to a Sandbox, or something else for that matter.

If someone is interessted in being creativ or a group of people looking for a place to squat, feel free to take a look


For infos about the sim, read this text:


Its basicly a reboot of the Anarchotopia Sim back from 2013.

I surprisingly never had any sort of grieferattack, until this post.


//And since its april first, its not a joke

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Pasting a few lines from your sim's description:

But be aware: The space is limited and everyone can delete any objects or kill other avatars.

  1. What can i do in the SIm?
  2. -Return everything from other people
  3. -Send other people home by killing them.

And you wonder why it is so dead? :o Indeed, who would want to live in such a secure place? :P 

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valerie Inshan wrote:

Pasting a few lines from your sim's description:

But be aware: The space is limited and everyone can delete any objects or kill other avatars.

  1. What can i do in the SIm?
  2. -Return everything from other people
  3. -Send other people home by killing them.

And you wonder why it is so dead? :o Indeed, who would want to live in such a secure place? :P 

People have their privat homes there since 2 months and not been returned. So yeah, i am surprised. The only homes that have been returned by people used like 1500 prims for a small house or have not been to the sim in ages.

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Valerie's mostly right - there likely isn't much anarchy going on in SL anymore. The extraverted experimental days are out, and suburban solipsism is in. If you can't lock it down or keep it away from other avatars who might want to look at it, no-one buys (and that's the only option - skills bartering is way dead).

Remember that the "Build it and they will come" philosophy went out with the equivilent of the dinosaurs, quite some years ago. Given that you can't even attract griefers nowadays (they go where people are, obv.) I'd say it's entirely likely that little to no-one fits your target demographic.

You can enjoy this if you like - I'm not sure seeking to belong and maintain popular venues is particularly anarchistic. Or you can still stir drama on a sandbox sim. :)

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

 I'd say it's entirely likely that little to no-one fits your target demographic.

Yeah pretty much seems like, i guess i just let it run for another month on autopilot and then do something else.


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You assume such an environment would be self-regulating in a positive way, like deleting only structures, that are prim-eating monsters. But thats not the entire picture. I wouldn't take the risk to invest time into a place, that can be destroyed by anyone within seconds.

People would delete buildings they don't find appealing.

People would kill others, because they don't like your sexual orientation, clothing style or avatar apperance.

People would delete and kill simply because they can.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

People would delete buildings they don't find appealing.

People would kill others, because they don't like your sexual orientation, clothing style or avatar apperance.

People would delete and kill simply because they can.

But that's entirely the point. This type of environment should not regulate anything. Destruction is an extreme method for guaranteeing change. Evolution-style change requires death and destruction. By the same token, growth requires risk.

This perspective of yours is not unique to you - but your words are an irresistable example of why this idea isn't paying off in the atmosphere that SL has become. This is not anyone's fault.

For whatever reason SL users are terrified of having others take control of their creations and experiences, and can't imagine a world where land is organised according to anything except authoritarian landownership who stockpile control and permissions. Land decorated with 2006-grade freebies should be preserved in amber, never moving or progressing because they pay tier or have lifetime accounts. Avatars expect to stand around undisturbed, sterile and functionless except for alternating between 90-second AO standing poses, and if anyone should Alt-Cam them it'll be the last thing they ever do. People take immediate and long-lasting offence at even being bumped into, and being "killed" can only be imagined as a process that perpetuates victimisation (your words).

The SL Grid is no longer a place where the OP's concept can work, because it can barely be envisioned. :)

This post brought to you by wildly liberal use of Lithium Search. And irony.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you want people to actively use the land, you need to make sure that people know your expectations. I'm a little disappointed in the fact that you closed the last one in March, kicked us all out, and are now rebooting fresh and have the same problems as before. I was actively using the land and you know that well. But, outside of the first time we talked, you never talked to me again outside of warning me regarding a structure that someone might boot because of prim size (and I thank you for that as I had no idea it contained that many prims). At least one other member was also a little upset that you essentially gave us less than 24 hours to pack up our stuff and git.


I wish I had known at the beginning that you had rebooted. I would have come back. Now I have a place that I'm paying for for at least a couple of weeks yet. If you are still running, I'll come by and take a look. But if you want active engagement you have to do more than expect it. You need to actively encourage it. Maybe have a weekly or monthly barbecue or dance party or something else. Make sure that people know your expectations.

And for free land, I'll gladly give up permissions and risk someone sending something back. Forces me to be more creative. 

And I greatly miss the awesome view I had previously. Nothing has yet compared. 


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