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My Biobreed dog wont eat?


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Happy, you can find who you bought your dog from looking into your marketplace account > Order history. The name of the merchant is just below the name of the product. I will look like this example:

Ruins Walls Pack - Mesh - Full Perm

Sold by Reid Parkin 


Once you've found his name, send him a notecard or an IM and ask him for help. Good luck! :)

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. . . and yet another lame dog duck finds succour from the charitable inhabitants of the General Discussion forum, clogging it up with further detritus and deterring those who might wish to have a discussion from bothering to participate because they have to laboriously filter out the cavalcade of inappropriate threads which the moderators should be proactively removing..


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valerie Inshan wrote:

I have head Linden Lab is hiring. You may want to apply for a super-moderator job. I don't doubt you would do a fantastic work spending your time moving threads instead of bashing new residents looking for help. Now who's lame here? 

I wouldn't take anything less than Ebbe's job - which I hear on the grapevine might be up for grabs just after they stop using winter tees in California - that's golf courses, not shirts, by the way. It would be great to be paid to repeat Peter Gray's spintext ad nauseam, attend global conferences about virtual worlds (funny how the attendees all insist on actually BEING there, eh) and not tell anyone what you were actually doing because it was commercially confidential, up until the point the project was cancelled and sometimes beyond that.

You also get to work a three day week, with frequent flyer bookings between LA and SF on Mondays and Fridays so your can enjoy regular long golfing weekends.

Although I would make a super moderator, if I might be so immodest to comment.

(As regards helping new residents, I think the "give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, he can feed himself forever" advice applies; offer a lame man a crutch and he will limp longer than necessary.)

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valerie Inshan wrote:

I have head Linden Lab is hiring. You may want to apply for a super-moderator job. I don't doubt you would do a fantastic work spending your time moving threads instead of bashing new residents looking for help. Now who's lame here? 

Perhaps you would like to go in-world and feed the husky by hand for her Val.

I see a lot of lame in this thread and none of it is coming from the Llazgun.

It took me all of 1.7 seconds to Google Biobreeds. Is the OP incapable of performing that rudimentary function? If so then maybe they are not ready for the intricacies of SL. Like being able to identify where you have purchased something.

The post is in the wrong section!

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LlazarusLlong wrote:

(As regards helping new residents, I think the "give a man a fish, feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, he can feed himself forever" advice applies; offer a lame man a crutch and he will limp longer than necessary.)

in this case Valerie did teach Happy how to fish. By giving an example from which Happy was able to deduce how to fish for themself and for ever after

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Perhaps you would like to go in-world and feed the husky by hand for her Val.

Certainly not. All I did was pointing at the right direction so the OP gets support and can learn by herself.

It took me all of 1.7 seconds to Google Biobreeds. Is the OP incapable of performing that rudimentary function? If so then maybe they are not ready for the intricacies of SL. Like being able to identify where you have purchased something.

As a helper (and as a long time resident), I cannot imagine being judgmental or condesceding to new residents. Once upon a time, I was a newbie - just as you have been back in January 2009 if I read your profile well. I am grateful to the people who welcomed me, showed me the first ropes in SL. Even "rudimentary functions" are not obvious when you are new. But maybe I was a slow learner and you were a born geek... ;)

As for the OP not being ready for this "intricated" world, who are we to judge? SL is not an elitist private club exclusively reserved to a clique with a higher knowledge. I strongly believe everyone has the right to come in here and have fun with "their world, their imagination". I do not see where "lame" applies when it comes to help somebody getting on the saddle: they'll ride by theirself as soon as the horse starts to walk. 

And finally, is this the wrong section? Maybe. But who cares? Were we suposed to leave the OP without help because she isn't familiar with these fora? I do not think so. 


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valerie Inshan wrote:

Derek Torvalar wrote:

Perhaps you would like to go in-world and feed the husky by hand for her Val.

Certainly not. All I did was pointing at the right direction so the OP gets support and can learn by herself.

It took me all of 1.7 seconds to Google Biobreeds. Is the OP incapable of performing that rudimentary function? If so then maybe they are not ready for the intricacies of SL. Like being able to identify where you have purchased something.

As a helper (and as a long time resident), I cannot imagine being judgmental or condesceding to new residents. Once upon a time, I was a newbie - just as you have been back in January 2009 if I read your profile well. I am grateful to the people who welcomed me, showed me the first ropes in SL. Even "rudimentary functions" are not obvious when you are new. But maybe I was a slow learner and you were a born geek...

As for the OP not being ready for this "intricated" world, who are we to judge? SL is not an elitist private club exclusively reserved to a clique with a higher knowledge. I strongly believe everyone has the right to come in here and have fun with "their world, their imagination". I do not see where "lame" applies when it comes to help somebody getting on the saddle: they'll ride by theirself as soon as the horse starts to walk. 

And finally, is this the wrong section? Maybe. But who cares? Were we suposed to leave the OP without help because she isn't familiar with these fora? I do not think so. 


One needn't be condescending or judgemental in simply referring a person to the proper area to ask their questions. The fault lies in the moderation not being on the ball and doing that when the post was originally placed here.

Further, it is the fault of those who run the forum and website for not clearly placing accurate desriptors on the sub-headings for the various areas to direct people to go to those areas in which they need assisstance. As a helper, your efforts would be better utilized if you directed your attentions to the moderators and the Community Manager to help them solve these issues. As they clearly need the help.

And by the way, your rank here is illegitimate and so you should not self-identify as that pseudo-role. It's pretentious.


PS Yes, I joined in January 2009 but did not register for the forums until March of 2010. All my learning took place inworld, taking classes at places like Builders Brewery and by talking to other creators I met in my travels. I do not believe I have ever asked a techinical question regarding a product or how to accomplish something here in the forums. Unless it was facetiously.

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valerie Inshan wrote:

I didn't choose my rank. You go complain it is not legimate to LL and the system of these fora. As far as I'm concerned,*frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" (quoting Rhett to Scarlett). Have a nice weekend!

You were the one who invoked it.

Or perhaps you meant to say you are a helpful person?

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valerie Inshan wrote:


And finally, is this the wrong section? Maybe. But who cares?


I do.

I am sure others do as well.

Including many who no longer contribute to GD - or indeed the forums generally - because they are a mess.

And your attitude is being helpful; helpful to LL in propagating its lack of concern and unwillingness to act themselves.

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valerie Inshan wrote:
 Were we suposed to leave the OP without help because she isn't familiar with these fora? I do not think so. 


How DARE you suggest I didn't offer her help. I made two constructive posts, which, if acted upon would have enabled the OP to resolve their problem THEMSELVES.

I am happy to hand people toilet paper, but I am damned if I am going to wipe their backsides for them!

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valerie Inshan wrote:

I have just found Biobreeds have a website. You may want to register there to get support and see the FAQs. 

[...steps up on my soap box]

I wish the moderators would just delete everything after the above post by Valerie. It's a shame that a few self-important posters decided to not only belittle the OP for daring to ask a question in the General Discussion forum, but then following that up by slanderous categorization of the aid offered by those willing to help as "detritus" and 16 posts of non-sequitur "discussion" with further belittling and defending of a volunteer's decision to help and the OP by proxy.

I can imagine the opinion the OP now has of SL Answers and General Discussion forums by this one plea for help. The default option being to receive all future posts on a question thread that you start.

Great job Forumites!

Suggestion to Xiola Linden - I would offer this thread at a basic example of what is wrong with the Forums. In this case I wish I could have offered the suggestion to the Moderator to move this plea for help into the structured SL Answers Forum where a new OP would have been hopefully sheltered from the bitter suggestions and complaints of some of the respondents. That option not being available, the OP was assailed with not very helpful responses leading up to a satisfactory answer. Even though, on their own, these responses were obvious to those of us who have been in SL for more than a handful of months. It's been my experience that those who choose to spend much of their time supporting the SL Answers side of the Forums tend to muzzle themselves on the side of caution rather than show disdain towards an OP or those who offer constructive answers. [bTW: There are exceptions to this rule of behaviour from time to time. I offer the famous male organ usage questions as an example.]

[...steps off my soap box and returns to scrubbing the floor...]

Edit: Darn grammar errors.... Fixed!

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Suggestion to
 - I would offer this thread at a basic example of what is wrong with the Forums.



Me too!

It's in the wrong place. Everything that has happened is a consequence of the initial error, and the failure of the moderation system to remove it promptly to the correct place. (Note that I informed a moderator that it was in the wrong forum and should be relocated BEFORE even I made the first response to the OP!)

A dog in a cage is fine. And a cat in a cage is fine. But if you put a cat in a cage that has a dog in it then you are responsible for what happens.

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