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purchase made, product not received

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What is the process of either getting a refund ($1000 Lindens spent) or having the product delivered. It shows in my transaction history that I made the purchase. I sent the creator an IM and also a notecard. No response yet. I checked my inventory over and over, and the product just isn't there. What is my recourse, if any, is there if the creator does not communicate? thanks.

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It depends. To begin with, if your purchase was made inworld, you may go back to the store and check if they have a re-delivery terminal. 

If you shopped on the marketplace, here's what to do:

Unreceived and accidentally discarded items

Has it been more than 24 hours since you ordered? If so, contact the merchant, explain what happened, and politely request redelivery of the item. If it has been less than 24 hours, please be patient and check again later. If the merchant doesn't respond, you can submit a support case requesting redelivery. Make sure to include the order number and the exact name of the undelivered item(s).

32px-KBnote.png Note: If an item purchased on the Marketplace using PayPal or a credit card is not successfully delivered to you, the credit or debit will not appear in your transaction history, and the merchant will have no record of the purchase. Simply try to purchase the item again.

Also keep in mind that merchants are not necessarily online everyday and it can happen it takes a few days before they get your message due to real life matters. I don't know when you purchased and how long it has been since you sent your IM and notecard to the merchant, but give them a few days and then send another message if they still don't answer. 

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I have discovered that sometimes when people say "checked inventory" they mean they browsed through folders but did not use inventory search. Also I have discovered that when people do use search, they do not use appropriate keywords -- it is best to pick one word you know is in the object name.

Also, if it is an inworld delivery, a relog will usually make things show up.  (MP deliveries go to Received.)

I have also discovered that sometimes I have set something inworld to sell the original instead of a copy, so the item did not go to inventory -- it sits in the store but with the customer as owner.

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Why has this thread been opened here, not in the Commerce/Merchants forum, or even Answers, where cut-and-paste responses are the norm?

This is exactly the sort of thing that is destroying the essence of the General Discussion forum, when mundanities of ineffective administration become topics of apparent concern. There is no "discussion" in this thread, merely suggestions as to whether it is the incompetence of the buyer, the seller or the software.

I am hoping that a mod takes note and removes it to a more appropriate location.

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Ladyartista Labrada wrote:

good grief.

Is that it?

No attempt to explain why you chose to ask a question that has NOTHING to do with a general discussion of any kind in this particular forum? Had you considered posing your very specific query in Answers, and if so, why did you decide not to? Do you actually know of the existence of an entire Subforum relating to Commerce, or perhaps you thought that it was full of a nation of shopkeepers, and deadly dull as a consequence?

Would you like to expand upon your rationale for posting here, and thereby develop a potentially informative discussion out of your otherwise inappropriate entry in General Discussions?

Probably not, I would guess.


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Don't forget to look at the creator's profile if you have purchased something inworld that was not received. Many have specific instructions how to contact them to get redelivery or if they have a redelivery station in the shop.

I agree that this OP should have been in the Answers Forum however the name of that forum has been a source of confusion for many residents. We once suggested they rename it Q&A. Oh well.

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Don't forget to look at the creator's profile if you have purchased something inworld that was not received. Many have specific instructions how to contact them to get redelivery or if they have a redelivery station in the shop.

I agree that this OP should have been in the Answers Forum however the name of that forum has been a source of confusion for many residents. We once suggested they rename it Q&A. Oh well.

*waves* hugs, Venus! :)

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Don't forget to look at the creator's profile if you have purchased something inworld that was not received. Many have specific instructions how to contact them to get redelivery or if they have a redelivery station in the shop.

I agree that this OP should have been in the Answers Forum however the name of that forum has been a source of confusion for many residents. We once suggested they rename it Q&A. Oh well.

Perhaps people think that they are not supposed to post questions in a forum called Answers.

After all, you don't get people posting about kid avatars in an Adult forum  . . do you?

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LlazarusLlong wrote:

Perhaps people think that they are not supposed to post questions in a forum called Answers. After all, you don't get people posting about kid avatars in an Adult forum  . . do you?

The mistake you keep making is based on the assumption that Logic factors into decisions made behind the LL curtain. Once you abandon that precept and work from the basis that randomness begets profitability then you will begin to absorb the Zen of Second Life.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

There is a Merchant forum, an Employment forum, a Wanted forum -- the only categories in Commerce. 

So what better place to get answers about problems with Merchants than in the Merchants forum?

Assuming you can't get an answer in the Answers forum.

Although on an analogous basis maybe there should be a forum called Customers.

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

begins to wonder if Llazeris us Prok, a well known troll from the former forum.

I think Prok would be as insulted as I am amused.

Oh, by the way, it is considered a contravention of ToS/CG to mention in public even the remote possibility of someone being another's alt; expect a call from your friendly neighbourhood mod in the near future if you continue to blatantly flout the rules.

And while I am posting you might want to consider the differential definition of a "troll" in General Discussion forums compared with what it might be in other parts of the forums; the essence of General Discussions is provocation and the argument of opinions. A large part of the problem with GD is that posters come here expecting the same sort of orderly behaviour as they would find in the forums to which they SHOULD be addressing their questions. There is an easy answer to that: post your queries in the RIGHT place!

Personally, I am careful to avoid contrariness for its own sake outside GD, and I expect a more liberal attitude to the expression of my opinions in GD, from other participants and moderators too! Feel free to disagree, but don't label me as a troll because I am not wearing the same rose-tinted spectacles as you may be.

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And yet you have no problem with a thread that has nothing to do with SL like this: Imagine this. . . 10 minutes of bliss

You even posted a reply into that thread "/me presses the Report Appropriate Content button.". You find that appropriate content for an SL forum? Those are the threads that really annoy me. I come here to read and post about SL, not to view music videos (plenty of forums for that).

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Christhiana wrote:

And yet you have no problem with a thread that has nothing to do with SL like this:
Imagine this. . . 10 minutes of bliss

You even posted a reply into that thread "/me presses the Report Appropriate Content button.". You find that appropriate content for an SL forum? Those are the threads that really annoy me. I come here to read and post about SL, not to view music videos (plenty of forums for that).

The reason is painfully clear Christhiana. LlLl is clearly the ruler of us all and we should bow down in gratitude for the drips and drabs he allows us.

Oh .. wait .. read that wrong: LlLl set his ruler down and now just drips and drabs.

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Christhiana wrote:

And yet you have no problem with a thread that has nothing to do with SL like this:
Imagine this. . . 10 minutes of bliss

You even posted a reply into that thread "/me presses the Report Appropriate Content button.". You find that appropriate content for an SL forum? Those are the threads that really annoy me. I come here to read and post about SL, not to view music videos (plenty of forums for that).

Then don't view them.


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Christhiana wrote:

And yet you have no problem with a thread that has nothing to do with SL like this:
Imagine this. . . 10 minutes of bliss

You even posted a reply into that thread "/me presses the Report Appropriate Content button.". You find that appropriate content for an SL forum? Those are the threads that really annoy me. I come here to read and post about SL, not to view music videos (plenty of forums for that).

Historically, if there is any history to this version of the forum, the GD Forum was open to topics unrelated to SL. It was the only forum open to such topics.

Why would you read threads that 'really annoy' you?  /me ponders

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While that may have been the case once, now it states General Discussion Forum

Second Life discussions welcome here! Please follow the community guidelines.
It annoys me (only a little to be honest) because I come here to read and post about SL because this is the official SL forum. I don't want to click through posts that have nothing to do with SL. There are literally thousands of forums on the internet appropriate for these topics, why not post it overthere?
It was more about pointing out the hypocrite reaction the TS got on posting in the wrong section.
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