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You Have Stolen a Mod!!!

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99HarleyRider wrote:

Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it.

You did not aquire permission to sell this mod!!!

or further action will be taken!!!

Have the COPYRIGHT OWNER follow this procedure:


This is a general forum; basically, your post was the equivalent of opening your front door and shouting at someone who was nowhere near you.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

99HarleyRider wrote:

Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it.

You did not aquire permission to sell this mod!!!

or further action will be taken!!!

Have the COPYRIGHT OWNER follow this procedure:

This is a general forum; basically, your post was the equivalent of opening your front door and shouting at someone who was nowhere near you.

GET OFF MY LAWN!!!...damn dogs.

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Jerilynn Lemon wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

99HarleyRider wrote:

Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it.

You did not aquire permission to sell this mod!!!

or further action will be taken!!!

Have the COPYRIGHT OWNER follow this procedure:

This is a general forum; basically, your post was the equivalent of opening your front door and shouting at someone who was nowhere near you.

GET OFF MY LAWN!!!...damn dogs.

Make me!


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Jerilynn Lemon wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

99HarleyRider wrote:

Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it.

You did not aquire permission to sell this mod!!!

or further action will be taken!!!

Have the COPYRIGHT OWNER follow this procedure:

This is a general forum; basically, your post was the equivalent of opening your front door and shouting at someone who was nowhere near you.

GET OFF MY LAWN!!!...damn dogs.

Make me!


Oh Yeah!!! Iz goina pull the pin on dis thing!

Doggie with a IED.jpg

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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Jerilynn Lemon wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

99HarleyRider wrote:

Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it.

You did not aquire permission to sell this mod!!!

or further action will be taken!!!

Have the COPYRIGHT OWNER follow this procedure:

This is a general forum; basically, your post was the equivalent of opening your front door and shouting at someone who was nowhere near you.

GET OFF MY LAWN!!!...damn dogs.

Make me!


Oh Yeah!!! Iz goina pull the pin on dis thing!

Doggie with a IED.jpg

Oh yeah? If'in you do.

I'll come at you like a spider monkey.

I'm all jacked up on mountN Dew! Chip!



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Yep... You guys are really a stand-up group...

You take someone else's hard work and development, then post it on your site, and try to sell it at their expense.

Obviously you don't have the expertise to develope one yourself. You have to steal someone elses.


Yep. A real stand-up group of people you are.

I just can't help but to LMFAO at you leeches!!!  :manlol:  :manlol:  :manlol:

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99HarleyRider wrote:

Yep... You guys are really a stand-up group...

You take someone else's hard work and development, then post it on your site, and try to sell it at their expense.

Obviously you don't have the expertise to develope one yourself. You have to steal someone elses.


Yep. A real stand-up group of people you are.

I just can't help but to LMFAO at you leeches!!!  :manlol:  :manlol:  :manlol:

The point. You are missing it.

The people here aren't the ones stealing your designs, nor are we representative of the company (Linden Lab) which runs SL.

You seem to believe *someone* involved in SL is ripping off something from Design Mods Racing. While there is a good chance this is happening, the culprit is very unlikely to be here reading your rant. SL Residents are a huge, disparate group spread over the entire world. Only a small percentage of us even read this forum, and Linden Lab barely even look in here

What you need to do is find the account name of the person you are accusing, and raise a DMCA notification against them as Theresa suggested in the first reply. Or just IM them and spew abuse in their direction if that's your level.

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99HarleyRider wrote:

Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it.

You did not acquire permission to sell this mod!!!

or further action will be taken!!!

Well aren't you just a party pooper.

OKies, so you saw one of 322 MarketPlace NASCAR inspired products somewhere on the 10's of thousands of regions on the GRID or in the MarketPlace that appears to be a knockoff of a product owned by Design Mods Racing, a company in the real world.

If I may,

Who the heck are YOU? You pop into these forums with a blanket threat to everyone as if the 10's of thousands of people with active accounts in SL are at fault. Please get a life.

Fact: Linden Lab doesn't encourage copyright infringement. In fact it observes all DCMA policies in regards to clearing up issues regarding copyright and trademark protections.

Fact: NASCAR inspired products and bling and enthusiasm has been represented in SL for years.

Fact: The account 99HarleyRider Resident has exactly zero standing in regards to copyright and trademark matters.

If you have an issue with whatever someone has done in SL, just deal with it, stop with the blanket threats, put your feet where you mouth is and walk to Design Mods Racing and let the owners know of the copyright infringement. I'm sure they will be very grateful and exercise their rights as the copyright, trademark and servicemark owners.

Enough said!



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99HarleyRider wrote:

Yep... You guys are really a stand-up group...

You take someone else's hard work and development, then post it on your site, and try to sell it at their expense.

Obviously you don't have the expertise to develope one yourself. You have to steal someone elses.


Yep. A real stand-up group of people you are.

I just can't help but to LMFAO at you leeches!!!  :manlol:  :manlol:  :manlol:

I will try to explain.

First, as has been pointed out, this is a forum for users of Second Life.   If you want to contact Linden Lab, who own Second Life, you can find their contact details here.

Second, the Second Life Marketplace is a facilty whereby individual users of Second Life sell to other users content they've created.   It's not LL selling it, and LL's content creation team don't make it.   Everything you see for sale on the SL Marketplace was made and uploaded by individual hobbyists. 

Third, Linden Lab don't, and can't reasonably be expected to, police all the material uploaded to the Marketplace.   However, they do provide a procedure whereby someone who says his intellectual property has been stolen by someone else and offered for sale in Second Life can get it taken down.   That procedure, which can be used only by the intellectual property holder (or, I assume, his legal representative) is described here: DMCA: Digital Millenium Copyright Act | Second Life.

So, I suggest you contact  Design Mod Racing to draw the matter to their attention, and direct them to LL's DMCA complaint procedure.     Complaining in this forum won't do any good.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

Oh yeah? If'in you do.

I'll come at you like a spider monkey.

I'm all jacked up on mountN Dew! Chip!



... nips your tail and runs like hell.

...pulls the pin witz maz teeth on the corn cob grenade and runs like hell. [Eeeeeeew, did i step on a leech????? Barfs on the NASCAR Racing Car parked around the corner!]

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99HarleyRider wrote:

Your "NASCAR 50's" mod is from DMR, Aka: Design Mods Racing and you have stolen it and are trying to sell it.

You did not aquire permission to sell this mod!!!

or further action will be taken!!!

What I find totally engaging about this particular thread is the fact that the OP (as quoted above) is very earnest and .. umm .. passionate in their desire for others to respect their stuff, but has so far refused to listen to the clear and very even-handed useful advice given in several replies in the chain.

We, as a group, have been unexpectedly accused of doing nasty illegal things, threatened with somewhat unspecified but obviously dire and very scary "further action", and still members of our community take the time to reply with dignity, honesty and a geniune interest in helping the OP fix their problem.

Bravo to SL Users! And Bravo to the voices here that take hit after hit and still maintain a cool, calm, mature demeanor.

(Now .. whatever y'all are smokin' .. pass it over dagnabit!)

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Next time I get a spam email, I should pick a random person on "teh interwebz" and threaten them with further action.

If the world still had telemarketers... I'd call somebody in Kansas at random and yell at them the next time one of those telemarketers called me.


Because you know...

Teh Interwebz spammed me, so I'll just yell at it randomly until the person I happen to land on fixes 'teh interwebz'.


OP: The person who's content was stolen needs to file a DMCA, and speciy therein the details that some have linked here. But the members of this forum... we're just random people on "teh interwebz", some of whome might even be in Kansas... but we've got nothing to do with whatever bee is buzzing you.


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KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

Oh yeah? If'in you do.

I'll come at you like a spider monkey.

I'm all jacked up on mountN Dew! Chip!



... nips your tail and runs like hell.

...pulls the pin witz maz teeth on the corn cob grenade and runs like hell. [Eeeeeeew, did i step on a leech????? Barfs on the NASCAR Racing Car parked around the corner!]


Oh!! Oh!!! Ohh! You really really did it!!


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Coventina Dalgleish wrote:

Anyone bother to look this individual up and look at his profuse profile, do so I believe all questions will be self apparent.

I attempted to look at this upstanding individuals profile (99HarleyRider).

Come to find it no longer exists.


That leaves me to assume the responses, ie:  dog on lawn, spider monkey points (jacked on Mountain Dew too) and some logical references, allowed the OP to find his deity and move on.

Which brings me to a question. Why would someone come here, post a rant and not hearing what they wish to hear, delete the account?

It seems a long way to go to post a concern with a new SL account and then just poof


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