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Signatures -- How did you pick yours and what does it say about you? Discuss

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My signature represents my belief that all SL residents are 'equal' in this environment.  Yes, there are ranks, and we each have one.  The vast majority of things that one would wish to do here, one can.  It is an inclusive message.  It wraps itself around you and says that 'you are welcome'.  It reflects my belief that we all have an equal voice, no one voice reigns over others, and all we need do is to express ourselved (within the Guidelines).

What do you wish to convey with your signature?

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Mine - although a line from a song by one of my favourite artists - reminds me that in the end we are all responsible for what we say, how we react and how we conduct ourselves. We are essentially our own conscience - and if we ignore that to gain points, look smart or show up others perceived weaknesses - well we then have ultimately to answer to ourselves. That (in my experience) can be rather more uncomfortable than coming up with glib excuses to other people.

Oh and that goes for the forums and Second Life just as much as it does in Real Life - for me anyway.


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My signature shows the frustration over how many creators that sell no modify items with resizers, be it hair, clothes or shoes.  Resizers should be a help for your customers, and the items should be left modify.

My picture shows me in a "Tam O' Shanter" hat that is no mod with resizer. It looks great until it's SL night, then some of the badges start to shine because the creator thought it was a good idea to set them to full bright. I hate and loathe full bright hair, jewlery and clothes.

 If it was modifiable, I could change that with a click. If it's scripted and I want to kill the scripts, I just hope that the menu has a delete option, or I am screwed. And then it's all the hassle when I have to make a copy of all prim parts and put it in a backup folder before I can delete the scripts.


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ZenCho Balhaus wrote:

If mine shows up its taken from a song by VNV called Beloved and I just think its a beautiful statement

I love VNV Nation and that is one of my favorites.

A pic just for the hell of it...


I usually never have a signature but yesterday I decided I wanted a little something silly that represents my sense of humor, or at least one aspect of it.  I'm thinking it won't be long before I come up with something else.



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Quinn Morani wrote:

My current sig is simply a reference to some fun I had inworld with friends a few days ago. Lillie Woodells was singing, and a few of us jumped up on stage to be her backup dancers. It was great fun!

Sometimes those 'impromptu' times in SL can be the most memorable.


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My sig ought to be self-explanitory.

However, in the prior versipn of this forum, some users made an attempt to turn it into something it simply is not, so ....

My sig is a warning and instructions for contacting me outside the forum to discuss a topic started in the forum. I have lost track of the number of times I have had to mute people simply because they could not maintain basic civility.

In the forum? That's one thing. As my sig states however, if you're going to contact me elsewhere (in world is the most used method), you're going to have to keep it civil as I won't waste my time dealing with a lack of social grace.

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Solar Legion wrote:

My sig
to be self-explanitory.

However, in the prior versipn of this forum, some users made an attempt to turn it into something it simply is not, so ....

My sig is a warning and instructions for contacting me outside the forum to discuss a topic started
the forum. I have lost track of the number of times I have had to mute people simply because they could not maintain basic civility.

the forum? That's one thing. As my sig states however, if you're going to contact me elsewhere (in world is the most used method), you're going to have to keep it civil as I won't waste my time dealing with a lack of social grace.

I see nothing wrong with your sig, Solar.  I have also been contacted inworld a handful of times because of a post.  Only once was it an obnoxious comment and it was from a lurker (or an alt).  People who hide have nothing of consequence to tell me anyway.


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Venus Petrov wrote:


Solar Legion wrote:

My sig
to be self-explanitory.

However, in the prior versipn of this forum, some users made an attempt to turn it into something it simply is not, so ....

My sig is a warning and instructions for contacting me outside the forum to discuss a topic started
the forum. I have lost track of the number of times I have had to mute people simply because they could not maintain basic civility.

the forum? That's one thing. As my sig states however, if you're going to contact me elsewhere (in world is the most used method), you're going to have to keep it civil as I won't waste my time dealing with a lack of social grace.

I see nothing wrong with your sig, Solar.  I have also been contacted inworld a handful of times because of a post.  Only once was it an obnoxious comment and it was from a lurker (or an alt).  People who hide have nothing of consequence to tell me anyway.


More or less some actally seem to think that my sig means that I'll be nice, kind and caring in the forum itself.

I'm blunt when I need to be - or when irked.

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Oh my....lol

Well those of you who know "Blackadder" from UK TV will know that a certain someone always had a "Cunning plan"

Like him I always seem to have these plans that endup in chaos and confusion but always a roaring giggle!

My partner in SL crime calls me "Slackbladder" and methinks a cunning plan is due to take revenge on this slander...

(Just because I am a woman of a certain age does not mean I am yet slack in this department...cough..ooops...BRB!)



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Once upon a time, I sponsored Quinn's Official Forum Signature™ Contest to solicit entries for my forum signature. Perhaps it's time to resurrect the winning entries here in the new forum! What say you, forum dwellers?

ETA: For the historically curious, I do believe this thread was also the first mention of Tolya's balls in the forum. :smileyvery-happy:

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Quinn Morani wrote:

Once upon a time, I sponsored
to solicit entries for my forum signature. Perhaps it's time to resurrect the
here in the new forum! What say you, forum dwellers?

ETA: For the historically curious, I do believe this thread was also the first mention of Tolya's balls in the forum. :smileyvery-happy:


But I just finally understood the Backup Dancer one after watching the video.:smileysurprised:

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I have been trying to get some friends to join Second Life. They always say they are to busy.

They never seem to be to busy to read this forum. So I added my signature to give them a little nudge..

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