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Seems  to me  that if a  person is a super user  here  and we know there  will be a lot that are....  then they are not  really in SL and enjoying it  they  live on the  forums..  doesn't make since to me..  but then again I am just a country  girl the  forums are  fun  but  SL is better :smileytongue:

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Obsessed? Nah.. I think whoever that guy is, his analytical skill is excellent and and his articles are well researched.

MikeW wrote:
   The more ladders you have, the more unique your superusers will feel about their contribution (and reward). But more ladders required more management.
A multi-branch ranking structure should be the last step in the design of your ranking structure. Having many poorly designed ranking ladders is much worse than having one that is well designed.
My advice is to start with one ladder for your creators. When you are able to manage steps 1 to 4 with all the yearly adjustment, add one for your critics, then collectors, and finally joiners.

Note those texts in green and lets take our ranking system as an example. Sub rankings are meticulous and unnecessarily put a lot more work in otherwise a fairly simple task. I am for one are into acknowledging someone or group based on his/her/their deeds. Credits must be given to people who deserved it. I just don't see the necessity of creating more divisions in a group rank if there isn't a clear idea or rewards of being in a sub rank. If what we want to achieve is a sense of community, there should be a bit more uniformity and less complexity.


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I think sub-ranks are mostly designed with people who have a drive to ladder climb in mind, as confirmation of progression... I don't see much point in it personally, or much use to the community at large.


I think the article writer was a bit too narrowly focused though.... there plenty of talk about the psychology of the people who like to do that sort of thing just because they can, and not enough of focusing on things that might compell more casual users to take a more active part in the community..... the solutions presented seemed directed more at maintaining the projected percentage by catering towards one specific type of user, rather than engaging a larger number of  community.

as such it seems like it was a bit overplanned.

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"Currently I am working a model that quantifies the value of WOM(word of mouth) in a community. This is along the road to quantifying the value of a superuser. Superusers actually come in many flavors (product experts, advocates, brand evangelists, opinion leaders, etc) and each type of superusers brings value through different mechanisms. More importantly, different community needs a different mix of superusers. For example, a support community probably needs a lot of product experts and some opinion leaders; where as a marketing community would need more advocates and brand evangelists. What is the optimal mixture of superusers for any given community?"

The idea is to drive people to become Superusers. There are different types as noted above. While they admit to .1-1% of a community actually ever being Superusers the purpose is to get get lurkers in the "game" See the article on Gamification. Also look at the article on Motivation. Actually all the articles will paint the picture for you that would be tl:dr here.

ETA For a throretical understanding of the ranking ladders look into Schedules of Partial Reinforcement. the schedules may be varied according to need, or group of users, or level/rank.

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