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The VaNiTy ThReAd

Wilhiam Hydraconis

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Venus Petrov wrote:

You have a lovely avatar, Dana.  If you would like to post photos of your favorite boots on another thread I've just created in Your Avatar, please do so!  It helps if you ID the boots and why you like them. 


Thank you :smileyhappy:  Ok sure, although I'm fairly certain that I don't even
a pair of boots I'd consider "favorites" lol. Certainly not these 2 if I did.. will have to look and see.


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Rhonda Huntress wrote:

Govindira Galatea wrote:


btw, where is the "quote" button that's promised in the Forum FAQ?  It's nowhere on my forum pages.  Is it something that Google Chrome doesn't like?

OMG!! That is so cute!  Is that taken with Kerstin's?

But to answer the question, click "Reply" and the bottom of the post you want quoted.  You will then find the Quote button at the top right of where you edit your message.

It is Kirstens viewer taken in the top level of my pagoda. My face is in shadow from the roof and I like the way the walls beams and posts cast shadows in the morning light. And thank you, re quoting; as you can see, I am now mistress of all! :-)

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Venus Petrov wrote:

Oh wow!  Reminds me of some pink ..really pink..hair that I wore for a short while.  That's part of the fun of SL...you can wear just about anything one day and go totally opposite the next.

Great photo!



I love that hair just for that reason.. it's amazing.. it has 113 color choices.. and bows change color too.

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Storm Clarence wrote:

Great shots everyone.  All you forum lurkers - show us your vanity; get your feet wet and make a post.  

Show me, show me, show me.!

Thank You Storm for the compliment... BUT I do think since you are the OP that it would be great if you posted your sl avi for all the lurkers to see how handsome your avi is...  :smileyvery-happy:

/me stands here arms folded waiting........................

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