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Wilhiam Hydraconis

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Elric Anatine wrote:

 I can chat endlessly about fashions sometimes!

A man after my own heart... lol.


Here's my entry in that genre...


It's from Wretched Dollies https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/WD-Lord-Hollow/175996:

I thought Rfyre was great at one time, now... not so much. I'll definitely have to check out the other's you've mentioned.

Thanks... Dres

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Venus Petrov wrote:


Elric Anatine wrote:


That outfit is from Falln (one of my favourites, Valeries).  I tend to find, for myself, the best elegant gothic with a Victorian twist ensembles (for men) stem from Falln and Silent Sparrow.  I am admittedly not quite as keen on Rfyre, but do have a few of her ensembles.  AVid has an interesting selection as well, and Blak Opal offers some excellent variety.  But for the best coat tails, it's Silent Sparrow, followed by Falln -- both are wonderful with creating sumptuous suits.

Apologies... I can chat endlessly about fashions sometimes!

You have made me curious about Silent Sparrow (again).  I bought several lovely outfits there back in 07 but the last time I was at the shop about a year ago it did not seem to have the same awesome selection it had earlier.  I will visit again soon.   And, you mean FallinAngel?  If so, yes, lots of nice stuff there, too!



Hya from Silent Sparrow slowed down a little this past year, but I have to say of all the creators I've been buying from in the past 4 years, Hya's skills have grown the most.  She is continuously learning and applying her knowledge to new creations.  And with her inimitible style and texture creation, I cannot recommend her enough.

Actually, I meant Falln (as in Azriel Demain).  Az is an astoundingly prolific producer, and he does experiment, but I tend not to buy every suit he makes.  I will have to check out Fallin Angle (I'm curious now).

I maintain a list of Gothic Victorian Steampunk fashion for men (sorely in need of updating), but will send you a copy in world just for your own interest (and in case any of your male friends are suffering a fashion crisis and wish to dabble in Goth-Vic-Steam ware).  /me chuckles.

Cheers and nice chatting!

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:


Elric Anatine wrote:

 I can chat endlessly about fashions sometimes!

A man after my own heart... lol.


Here's my entry in that genre...


It's from Wretched Dollies

I thought Rfyre was great at one time, now... not so much. I'll definitely have to check out the other's you've mentioned.

Thanks... Dres

That's a fabulous ensemble, and one of my favourites.  I do wish she would create more EGA fashions.  And well met!  Cheers.


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Elric Anatine wrote:

is actually on sale for any Gents (or even Ladies) who may be interested.  I just learned of this, so thought I'd share.

My review is
, as well.  For more photos!


I have received your information inworld, thank you again Elric!  I love your blog.  The descriptions are detailed and the photos compliment the review very well.  I have bookmarked it for future reference.


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Marianne Little wrote:


Elric Anatine wrote:

is actually on sale for any Gents (or even Ladies) who may be interested.  I just learned of this, so thought I'd share.

My review is
, as well.  For more photos!

 I love it when guys dress up.  :womanvery-happy:


/me chuckles.  Some of us are just as much slaves to fashion (in RL and SL) as the Ladies.  Wasn't it ZZ Top who said "Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man"?


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