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Unable to get any viewers to work on Ubuntu

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I've been having repeated and severe problems with not one program, but several. If anyone could help me understand what might be going on, I would really appreciate it.

I am currently running Ubuntu 14, the latest release. I have been attempting to connect to Second Life, and I have installed the main propietary viewer.

The first time I ran it, it worked correctly. I signed off. When I used the viewer again the next day, the entire viewer screen was unreadable garbase, including the upper bar part of it. I reloaded multiple times with no luck.

I then moved to Phoenix Firestorm, another viewer which should work. The first time, everythign was fine. The second time I ran it, the screen was unreadable garbage. I tried to figure out what was wrong and reinstalled. No luck.

I have done the same with a viewer called Alchemy, and another called Imprudence. Both worked the first time, and then the viewer became unreadable garbage the second time and every time afterwords.

I attempted to install another partition with Linux Mint. I created the Linux Mint partition, but for some reason the boot routine isn't located. I went to the extreme option of attempting to edit the partitions, but that isn't working either.

I am disabled and unable to get out of my house to speak to anyone. I can go for weeks or months without any human contact whatsoever if I don't use second life to speak with people. This is my lifeline to speaking with people. I don't have any other way. This is it. I have to fix this.

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I suspect wiping the viewers settings file will allow you to run the viewer again but until you discover the cause of the problem, you will probably have to delete the settings file at the end of every session.

Make sure hidden files are set to show.

After logging out, delete the settings.xml file.

This is located at:

  • Linden viewer: ~/.secondlife/user_settings/settings.xml
  • Firestorm: ~/.firestorm/user_settings/settings.xml

This should hopefully allow you to login again on each viewer.

Are you using the opensource mesa graphics drivers? You can see this information under Help -> About Second Life/Viewer name.

Your problem can sometimes happen with the mesa drivers. If that is the cause then it can usually be fixed by installing the non-mesa graphics driver. I'm not a Linux uswer so I cannot give you any more specific help. Hopefully someone else can  :)


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Copying and pasting the the info in Help > About that Whirly mentoned to this forum might help other people to give you better advice.

I`m pretty new to linux but have installed a few distributions in dual boot with windows 7 to see which suit me best. I`ve had the Grub bootloader not recognise my windows boot a couple of times in which case running "sudo update-grub" (without the quotes) from the terminal fixed it. If updating grub doesn`t fix mint booting you might get better advice quicker by posting on the mint or ubuntu forums.

I`ve tried Linux Mint Qiana, Manjaro, Ubuntu and a few other distros. Ubuntu I didn`t like at all, Mint was very nice and intuitive to a long time windows user but for now I`ve settled on Manjaro cup of linux edition which comes with a lot of apps pre installed compared to basic manjaro.

On my 64 bit Intel i5 nvidia graphics system with mint installation sl, firestorm, alchemy and singularity viewers all ran well apart from youtube videos not showing in world but I DID install the non free/proprietary drivers for mint before running any applications.

As Whirly suggests I`d look at what drivers you have installed and try find out if there are better ones for your system.

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