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Problem loading in due to large inventory.

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Been debating on trying SL again after a year off. My issue is this. I load fine on first load or after i clear cache. However I have a large inventory about 78k of stuff over the years. Once I load and go to relog so it will set and I don't have to wait on it no more I have issues logging in. With Firestorm load screen hangs or it loads slow until I loose connection. With Singularity I get a messages about unable to load a gesture and ding I am offline. Anyone know a way to fix this outside or clearing cache all the time or deleting half my crap? Thanks in advance.

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78k isn't really that large an inventory size - I know plenty of people with a larger inventory then this.

You shouldn't have a problem logging in on with a fully cached large inventory unless you have a really slow system &/or a really slow connection speed &/or a very "flat" inventory structure. By "flat" I mean you have a lot of items in the main Inventory folder or directly in the main system folders and not in subfolders. The more subfoldering (folders within folders within folders....) you have, the better.

Your problem may also be caused by something being wrong with that accounts inventory - for example a crazy number of duplicated calling cards or a very large number of active gestures.

You said you use Firestorm viewer so the best way to get help is to file a support JIRA issue with Firestorm (see http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/file_a_jira) - Firestorm support will likely need to see your viewer logs & get the results of some tests so a JIRA issue is easier.

Your problem should hopefully be fixable.


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Thanks I'll check that out on the Firestorm viewer. I apriciate it. I manage to get Singularity up no problems finally. Only thing with it is when I pop fullscreen mode on it the interface half of it goes invisible on me. Like my menu up top vanishes, but i see the names and background chat windows and stuff are invisble, but I see the words and the chat part where ya type is grey. I have to go back to window mode and restart to sort it out. How do you full screen without the view messing up like that? I am thinking that's a Singularity issue myself and wouldn't have that issue on Firstorm. I tried asking in the group, but got ignored by everyone except one guy who was actually nice enough to IM me on it, but poor fellow was about as clueless as I was on what was causing it. lol I am running windows 8.1 if that heps any. I remember having that problem once before with that viewer, but I been off SL so long I forgot how I fixed it in the first place. lol So any help on that would be apriciated too. Thanks in advance. :)

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I don't feel so bad then. Most people I know always give me crap cause of my inventory size saying it's why I am having issues, but I am like on my gaming rig I have no issues loading in what so ever, but since it is out of commission atm I am forced to use my laptop which is fine, but when it comes to loading SL for some reason on Firestorm I always have issues. I got Singularity up and fine, but I rather run it full screen it seems to load the world faster that way, but the interface bugs out on me every time. Also wondering if down grading to a 32 bit viewer would make a difference. I normally run 64 bit. I figured I ask other residents who have been playing more recently then I have though.

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Velk Kerang wrote:

Most people I know always give me crap cause of my inventory size saying it's why I am having issues, but I am like on my gaming rig I have no issues loading in what so ever, but since it is out of commission atm I am forced to use my laptop

I'm pretty sure it is the combination of large inventory plus a slow system that is the problem currently then.

I'm actually having the same problem as you at the moment. I have a 107k inventory on my main and I'm away from home at the moment and I'm accessing SL on a very low end craptop (CPU: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU     P8700  @ 2.53GHz (2526.99 MHz), Memory: 2000 MB, OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601), Graphics Card: Mobile Intel® 4 Series Express Chipset Family).

The viewer (both Firestorm and the Linden Lab viewer) will often hang so long while creating inventory views while logging in that I'll time out and either never get logged in or I'll appear to be logged in but my location shows as 10,10,10 on the region and I'll be disconnected very shortly after. If I purge my inventory cache before logging in, I have no problems at all - a bit of a pain to do but hey, it works.

I will also often have to force quit the viewer when logging out because this system just seems unable to compress my inventory when logging out and just hangs or takes a very long time. Lack of memory is the problem there I think. Again, this is only a problem on my main with the large inventory.

On this same home network, If I login my main on my Dads desktop (a fairly decent system for SL) I have no problems logging in or out whatsoever. When I am back at home on my desktop I have no problems either. I do have the same problem at home on the craptop though.

I have none of these problems on my alt accounts which have small inventory (10k at most).

I have been using the Onlive SLGO viewer while away from home to work around this problem and it's really great. I have no problem at all when using SLGO. You can find details of SLGO here: https://games.onlive.com/landing/slgo and http://www.firestormviewer.org/firestorm-on-sl-go/

You need a good (>5mbps and lossless) connectiopn to use SLGO though. If your connection is good but your computer is a brick from the dark ages like mine, it's a fantasic way to access SL.



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Velk Kerang wrote:

I manage to get Singularity up no problems finally. Only thing with it is when I pop fullscreen mode on it the interface half of it goes invisible on me. Like my menu up top vanishes, but i see the names and background chat windows and stuff are invisble, but I see the words and the chat part where ya type is grey. I have to go back to window mode and restart to sort it out. How do you full screen without the view messing up like that? I am thinking that's a Singularity issue myself and wouldn't have that issue on Firstorm.

I have never seen or heard of that problem on Firestorm. I'm not familiar with Singularity viewer so I don't know if its a known bug.

One thought though - are you running Singularity with basic shaders disabled when you switch to full screen mode? Your description of the symptoms sounds like the problem that can happen running the viewer with basic shaders disabled - much of the user interface will break and turn transparent or display in the wrong colour. You should find the basic shaders checkbox under graphics preferences in the viewer - sorry, don't know where that setting is exactly on Singularity.

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Velk Kerang wrote:

Been debating on trying SL again after a year off. My issue is this. I load fine on first load or after i clear cache. However I have a large inventory about 78k of stuff over the years. Once I load and go to relog so it will set and I don't have to wait on it no more I have issues logging in. With Firestorm load screen hangs or it loads slow until I loose connection. With Singularity I get a messages about unable to load a gesture and ding I am offline. Anyone know a way to fix this outside or clearing cache all the time or deleting half my crap? Thanks in advance.

It sounds like you've got a corrupt gesture activated. Deactivate all of your gestures and see if that helps.

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  • 5 years later...
17 minutes ago, PhilGalaxi said:

what name shame?

I have no idea.  You plucked a quote of mine from somewhere (not this thread) dated over a year ago and plonked it in this thread from 5 years ago. You tell me where it was from

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5 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I have no idea.  You plucked a quote of mine from somewhere (not this thread) dated over a year ago and plonked it in this thread from 5 years ago. You tell me where it was from

Oh shoot I am sorry 


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4 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

No probs, I was just very confused 😕

Yes my wife and two other folks I know of, have the same issue with SL  and I have a pretty small inventory.  I just download animations and add them to objects my wife extruds and makes in our SL island 

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14 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

I have no idea.  You plucked a quote of mine from somewhere (not this thread) dated over a year ago and plonked it in this thread from 5 years ago. You tell me where it was from


Problem loading in due to large inventory.


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