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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good morning all!  Happy Sunday!  It is going to rain all day again today!  Sigh .  Well we need it but cant it rain on the weekdays or Monday?   So I am grounded today too.  Maybe next weekend for a video over the water!  Got coffee?  I do!  The Breakfast club pulls up to Helping Haven today at 8 AM on the beach and is hosted by Lily.  Our DJ for today is GoSpeed!  Hope to see you! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Helping Haven Gateway/86/19/23



Coffee dog.jpg

Edited by Hippie Bowman
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1 minute ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

It's Monday again!!! And I wish for all of you that this happens again and again and again for a very long time.

Thanks for the root-beer float, what a wonderful way to start the week.

Happy Monday, Kids!!!

My pleasure Maddy!



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UGH.  My alarm normally goes off at 4:45 am.  This morning, at 4:22 am, we were startled awake by an extremely loud popping sound and both of the fans in our room turning off.  My husband and I crawled out of bed, me definitely not happy because while the brain is still very foggy, it is alert enough to know that there will be no coffee.  We stumbled downstairs in the dark and peeked outside at the block. It seems that just our side of our block and the side of the next block that backs up to us are the only houses dark. Well, since we had heard that loud popping sound, I grabbed the flashlight and looked at the power pole in our back yard.  Half way up the pole there are 3 raccoons hugging the pole and just above them, where the lines all come together, is a huge black burn-looking spot on the pole.  <sigh>

Well, no coffee; no shower - I do not shower well in pitch blackness - but luckily I do have some dry shampoo.  <grumble, grumble>   My husband and I toss some clothes on and manage to get the face washed and teeth brushed by flashlight.  We grabbed our stuff and headed out the door, about a half hour early for me.  I make a very quick beeline to the closest Starbucks, which is even on the direct route to work.  I not only got my normal latte, but also took in my large car coffee cup and had them fill that.

Something tells me it is going to be a very long day.

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57 minutes ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

   Ugh. I got to sleep later than usual last night.

You're setting a bad example for me, Mom.

1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

My alarm normally goes off at 4:45 am.

But not as bad as Li'l.


3 hours ago, Hippie Bowman said:

Good morning...

Or Hippie, who also starts the day way too early.

Happy Peak of the Week, Kids!!!

... rolls over and goes back to sleep by counting beeping sheep.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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