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9 days now Still no Money (Process Credit Rant)

Artorius Constantine

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The difference between RL and SL merchants is a simple one, one you left out of your BASIC facts.. There is not one single RL merchant that is not also a customer or another merchant. Not one.

There are plenty of SL merchant that never buy a single thing in SL. They may rent land but they do not buy from any other merchant. They are NOT contributing to the economy of SL. They are a drain on it. Simply selling things does not make you a contributing part of the economy, you must also put some fo that money back into it.

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I would love to have every merchant on the MP to have to have an inworld store.. It would do much to get rid of the scammers.

I would also love a vendor that was linked to the MP. That would be amazingly helpful. Make one listing and have it show up inworld and on the MP, instead of having to make both. Very time saving.


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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

The difference between RL and SL merchants is a simple one, one you left out of your BASIC facts.. There is not one single RL merchant that is not also a customer or another merchant. Not one.

There are plenty of SL merchant that never buy a single thing in SL. They may rent land but they do not buy from any other merchant. They are NOT contributing to the economy of SL. They are a drain on it. Simply selling things does not make you a contributing part of the economy, you must also put some fo that money back into it.

Again, you show your narrow minded view. First, there are lots of things that merchants do to try and gain some exposure, namely paying LL for enhancements, or whatnot. They might even pay for other 3rd part advertising things. It's really unlimited what they could be involved in that help our virtual world in some way. Are they a guru? Do they know all aspects of 3D and coding? If not, they will need to pay someone else.

Now, I'll show you how a greedy merchant, that gives nothing back, helps the economy. Let's imagine some super elite 3D artist, that doesn't know a dang thing about SL, nor cares. Granted, this person has little chance to actually be successful, as they have no understanding of SL, nor how to best make their products, but let's just ignore that. They just want to exploit SL, and extract money out. Let's imagine that they accomplish this. They make a hot product that everyone wants, and they are raking in the dough.

Obviously, people like this product, and they tell others. This could make them spend more time in SL. This could also bring in more people into SL, who bring in more money. Because this product is hot, it also sparks off a whole other industry to supply accessories for the products. Now, that dang greedy merchant wants to take even more money out of SL, so they put out an affiliate vendor for others to sell product for them, cause they are never around. People buy those affiliates and make a small commission. That commission ends up paying for parcels, or give that person money to buy other things. I could literally come up with dozens of ways their products make SL better, yet they spend no time in SL, nor do they really care about it, other than a cash cow. This is the beauty of the free market, because it uses greed to help everyone.

What was that shoes company that made like 1 million dollars in SL? I don't know that they did anything for SL, outside of making those shoes. Let's imagine they did nothing but make those shoes. Do you think SL was worse off because of them? Do you think that simple shoe company added to SL? How much economic activity do you think they generated? I'd be willing to bet, that LL easily made millions more because of those shoes, and the hype they brang. And, the exposure, is priceless.

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Sorry, I have to add this part, cause it's really a kick in the nuts to people with Drake's attitude.


In a free market, which is what the SL market is, the money each merchant pulls out of SL, can be seen as a direct measure of how much they added to the platform. That is the reality. Generally speaking, the people pulling the most money out, are doing the most for SL, and LL.

Just to give an analogy, I'll give a real world example. Let's first remember that in the real world, we do not operate in any kind of a free market, as every sector is highly controlled. The markets that are least controlled, are those related to technology, as technology moves faster than legislators. So, the example I'm thinking of is Steve Jobs. The money he earned, or the profits Apple made, are a direct measure of what he gave back to society. Now, I'm not an Apple fan, and I hate their business model, but I do think my point is hard to argue against. The point is tho, that the creator/inventor/merchant does more to help society, than likely any other type of person on this earth, and they should not be demonized, but thanked.

Personally, I think jealousy plays a big part, and it's pretty ugly.

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I was waiting for the "You're just jealous" line..

The money, computers and time Steve Jobs gave back to the comunities, schools, and charities is the measure of what he gave back to society. There are plenty of rich people who are looked down upon by their fellows because they do NOT give back.

We are going to have to agree to disagree. And i would like to point out that no where did i once insult you. It's rather petty when derogatory statments come into a discussion to "make a point."

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Sorry, I have to add this part, cause it's really a kick in the nuts to people with Drake's attitude.


In a free market, which is what the SL market is, the money each merchant pulls out of SL, can be seen as a direct measure of how much they added to the platform.
That is the reality
. Generally speaking, the people pulling the most money out, are doing the most for SL, and LL.

No, the amount someone makes at any given time is based on the perception of their value, not their actual value. Bernie Madoff was taking home big piles of money from people who thought his company was doing what it actually wasn't.

Incidentally, the merchant who it was claimed made a million real-world dollars selling shoes in SL has had their account removed, their in-world and marketplace stores are no more, their SL brand website and RL consulting company website bring up "this domain is available" pages and there are reports on other forums that the subcontractors who did the actual work of making the shoes weren't getting paid in the end. Interesting.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

Sorry, I have to add this part, cause it's really a kick in the nuts to people with Drake's attitude.


In a free market, which is what the SL market is, the money each merchant pulls out of SL, can be seen as a direct measure of how much they added to the platform.
That is the reality
. Generally speaking, the people pulling the most money out, are doing the most for SL, and LL.

No, the amount someone makes at any given time is based on the
of their value, not their
value. Bernie Madoff was taking home big piles of money from people who thought his company was doing what it actually wasn't.

Incidentally, the merchant who it was
made a million real-world dollars selling shoes in SL has had their account removed, their in-world and marketplace stores are no more, their SL brand website and RL consulting company website bring up "this domain is available" pages and there are reports on other forums that the subcontractors who did the actual work of making the shoes weren't getting paid in the end. Interesting.

This is a good example of the free market too. Just cause you hit it big for awhile, doesn't mean you'll stay there. They fell apart and it hardly affected anyone, while dozens more filled their place.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

Sorry, I have to add this part, cause it's really a kick in the nuts to people with Drake's attitude.


In a free market, which is what the SL market is, the money each merchant pulls out of SL, can be seen as a direct measure of how much they added to the platform.
That is the reality
. Generally speaking, the people pulling the most money out, are doing the most for SL, and LL.

No, the amount someone makes at any given time is based on the
of their value, not their
value. Bernie Madoff was taking home big piles of money from people who thought his company was doing what it actually wasn't.

Incidentally, the merchant who it was
made a million real-world dollars selling shoes in SL has had their account removed, their in-world and marketplace stores are no more, their SL brand website and RL consulting company website bring up "this domain is available" pages and there are reports on other forums that the subcontractors who did the actual work of making the shoes weren't getting paid in the end. Interesting.

This is a good example of the free market too. Just cause you hit it big for awhile, doesn't mean you'll stay there. They fell apart and it hardly affected anyone, while dozens more filled their place.

How do you know that they ever "made it big" in the first place? And it would have affected you if you'd made that bet about their knock-on bringing in "millions", wouldn't it?

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

The merchants who do nothing but make goods, sell them and cash out. Who cares if they rent land. They are not contributing to SL.


All content creators contribute to the success of SL.

WIthout content creation of everythign from virtual underwear to castles in the sky, there is no reason to rent land, and land is just an empty plot with green grass texture.

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

The amount LL makes on upload fees is a pittance. More and more merchants are doing away with inworld stores and selling just on the MP.


Even if LL is only taking 3%-5% off each sale, over the millions of transactions made each month between SL users, it certainly doesn't end up as a pittance. It becomes a very large sum of money.

With also every cashout, LL takes money on the transaction, it all goes into the big pot.

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Let me try and explain my viewpoint.. If , as a merchant, you do nothing but make goods, sell them and cash out, how are you contributing to the SL economy?

By paying for my premium membership, re-investing the dollars I do make from creating content for Second Life to fuel more education on 3D Modelling, buying my own stuff from other SL content creators, by tipping at land events like a Halloween exhibit, etc.

You cannot have Second Life without content creators, renting land or not.


Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

There are plenty of SL merchant that never buy a single thing in SL.

They may rent land but they do not buy from any other merchant.

They are NOT contributing to the economy of SL.

They are a drain on it.

Simply selling things does not make you a contributing part of the economy, you must also put some fo that money back into it.

Now sir, you are just desperately making accusations and pointing fingers around without any statistics or facts to back up anything you have said. You are simply ridiculous, sir.

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I would love to have every merchant on the MP to have to have an inworld store.. It would do much to get rid of the scammers.

When people shop online, there is no point to have a brick and mortar store.

When people shop mainly on the Marketplace, and you only get 3 visitors a month at your inworld store, and it doesn't pay for itself, there is no point. Paying for a store that is losing money is not good business. Hence, I dumped the land store and went back to MP.  I may rent in the future though, as my product number increases, and I want to increasingly showcase the more special items, or be able to actually pay for land through sales, and create something for people to do in SL other than shop.

Also, personally, just because I dont have an inworld store (currently), doesn't mean I would scam anyone.

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