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Calling SL a game

Paul Hexem

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Some good points brought up in the thread. And I noticed a couple people couldn't help but to chime in and say "Because it's not a game!" although not in those words. That's pretty telling, too.


Perrie Juran wrote:

Tagging my own post here:

is for real, would they be the epitome of someone who does not consider SL a "game?"

I like that thread, Perrie. I had to add the perfect response to it.

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Gadget Portal wrote:

Some good points brought up in the thread. And I noticed a couple people couldn't help but to chime in and say "Because it's not a game!" although not in those words. That's pretty telling, too.


Perrie Juran wrote:

Tagging my own post here:

is for real, would they be the epitome of someone who does not consider SL a "game?"

I like that thread, Perrie. I had to add the perfect response to it.

Well played.  :)

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We put a cut half of an orange on the table. 

We ask a panel on people on what they see.

Mr. A says he sees a fruit.

Ms. B says she sees a dome shaped object.

Mr. C says he sees something orange in color.

Ms. D says she sees something juicy and ripe.

Each person is comfortable in their own setting to describe what they see as correct.

All of them can get offended amd disagree with each other, or they can accept that it is more than what they see.

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iamwakingup wrote:

We put a cut half of an orange on the table. 

We ask a panel on people on what they see.

Mr. A says he sees a fruit.

Ms. B says she sees a dome shaped object.

Mr. C says he sees something orange in color.

Ms. D says she sees something juicy and ripe.

Each person is comfortable in their own setting to describe what they see as correct.

All of them can get offended amd disagree with each other, or they can accept that it is more than what they see.

is interesting this. The varied answers come bc of the question: What do you see?

when ask: What is it?

then the overwhelming response is: It is half an orange

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Tari Landar wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Your premise isn't quite right. For instance, I sometimes correct people who call SL a game, but calling it a game doesn't offend me in the slightest.

How does the fact that you do not get offended make Gadget's premise incorrect?

Because he asked, "
Why get offended when SL is called a game?
" It assumes that people get offended. Therefore, it's an incorrect premise.

It's not incorrect, people do get offended. You might not, but some do. 

I accept that what he wrote could have been meant that way, but he didn'r ask why some people get offended. He asked why get offended, which appears to imply (to me), that all people get offended. That's why I wrote that his premise is wrong. It does appear to be wrong to me. Since he hasn't responded to my post, we can't be sure which way he meant it.

However, to the best of my knowledge, his premise is wrong anyway. Does anyone actually get offended? Does anyone actually take offense when SL is called a game? His question assumes that they do, but I haven't seen any of it. All I've seen is people, including me, correcting the statement, which doesn't mean that any offence was taken.


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iamwakingup wrote:

We put a cut half of an orange on the table. 

We ask a panel on people on what they see.

Mr. A says he sees a fruit.

Ms. B says she sees a dome shaped object.

Mr. C says he sees something orange in color.

Ms. D says she sees something juicy and ripe.

Each person is comfortable in their own setting to describe what they see as correct.

All of them can get offended
amd disagree with each other, or they can accept that it is more than what they see.

Why would anyone get offended? They may disagree but none of the answers had any potential to be offensive.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

My main problem with calling SL a game is not so much a problem of definitions, but more a problem of the approch that follows such a statement. In my experiance people who call SL a game are either griefers, who refuse to feel any guilt when they destroy what others create, steal and harasse. Because...you know, its just a game. :smileyfrustrated:

Or they are lazy and spoiled as f... They come to the forum (if they find it) and rant about how they hate that it doesn't run as smooth as a regular AAA game, how theres nothing to do here, how its too complicated and they actually have to use their brain and how unfair it is, that they have to pay for stuff.

And last but not least its a term usually followed by insulting those who are residents here and dare to get upset about things here. The "get a real life" insult.

I believe that this is the most accurate (not to mention honest) answer which has been given to Gadget's question so far in this thread.  The problem I have with it is that not everyone who refers to SL as game has these unfortunate types of attitudes.  I understand why some would consider those who do to be, if not actually offensive, aggravating as hell.  But it's those attitudes which cause the problems, not the act of referring to SL as a game.

I believe that those who automatically condemn people who use the word game in reference to SL are acting rather prejudicially and would benefit greatly from reserving their vitriol for only those who truly deserve it.


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 It's a game and it was always a game. It's a SandboxMMOG. Mass multiplayer online game. You rent land and you build whatever you want on it that's how you play the game. You customize your character, play with virtual items, and run around a virtual world. I realized that the demographics for SL isn't exactly the average person that does play traditional games or even MMO's so they don't have experience to differentiate just what SL is. This game lets you get married,have sex, have children, etc. etc. That's all role play it is indeed very much a game because it does not have "real life" consequences behind the actions you take. As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game.


What game doesn't take place in a virtual world?

What game doesn't have a character you control? (even if you're just Player 1)

You do have points in this game they're called "Lindens" Points in this game are its currency


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Phil Deakins wrote:

iamwakingup wrote:

We put a cut half of an orange on the table. 

We ask a panel on people on what they see.

Mr. A says he sees a fruit.

Ms. B says she sees a dome shaped object.

Mr. C says he sees something orange in color.

Ms. D says she sees something juicy and ripe.

Each person is comfortable in their own setting to describe what they see as correct.

All of them can get offended
amd disagree with each other, or they can accept that it is more than what they see.

Why would anyone get offended? They may disagree but none of the answers had any potential to be offensive.


I was too busy thinking about the mess it was making on the table..

Soon as they said dome,i knew it was face down..

If it was my table i would be offended..:matte-motes-shocked:






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Vandris wrote:

 It's a game and it was always a game. It's a SandboxMMOG. Mass multiplayer online game. You rent land and you build whatever you want on it that's how you play the game. You customize your character, play with virtual items, and run around a virtual world. I realized that the demographics for SL isn't exactly the average person that does play traditional games or even MMO's so they don't have experience to differentiate just what SL is. This game lets you get married,have sex, have children, etc. etc. That's all role play it is indeed very much a game because it does not have "real life" consequences behind the actions you take. As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game.


What game doesn't take place in a virtual world?

What game doesn't have a character you control? (even if you're just Player 1)

You do have points in this game they're called "Lindens" Points in this game are its currency


I was wondering how long it would take for someone to come along, completely disregard the topic at hand and present their argument either for or against SL being a game.


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i think the important question is, why people get offended about something?

i think it has to do with the emotional attachment they have to something that makes that part of their identity, because being offended is an emotion.

when people love something, let's say a religion, a political party, a sports team, that becomes part of their identity, so when you say something that diminish the magnitude that they feel over that something, they feel like you are diminishing themselves, their identity, and as a form of self defense, they activate the offend emotion and attack back, to keep their power in balance, to not feel smaller.

some people can be very emotionally invested in Second Life, for reasons that it provides them something of great value that they can't find anywhere else, maybe the ability to be somebody else, to be able to be seen and accepted without the obvious defects they have in their rl, empowering them to reach higher social levels that due to real world impediments, it would be extremly dfficult to achieve, they treasure second life in an intimate level, and when you diminish Second Life, they are personally hurt.

i think that is why some people feel offended when you call that part of their life "just a game", giving Second Life the importance of a toy for children.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Vandris wrote:

 It's a game and it was always a game. It's a SandboxMMOG. Mass multiplayer online game. You rent land and you build whatever you want on it that's how you play the game. You customize your character, play with virtual items, and run around a virtual world. I realized that the demographics for SL isn't exactly the average person that does play traditional games or even MMO's so they don't have experience to differentiate just what SL is. This game lets you get married,have sex, have children, etc. etc. That's all role play it is indeed very much a game because it does not have "real life" consequences behind the actions you take. As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game.


What game doesn't take place in a virtual world?

What game doesn't have a character you control? (even if you're just Player 1)

You do have points in this game they're called "Lindens" Points in this game are its currency


I was wondering how long it would take for someone to come along, completely disregard the topic at hand and present their argument either for or against SL being a game.



That's cool, because I was wondering when someone would come along that assumes their "opinion" overides someone elses "opion" and fail to comprehend anything stated or implied and therefore assume they're making an "argument". This is usually what happens when you don't read things fully. Usually resulting in ones embarassment.



To help your inability to fully comprehend what you're reading allow me to assist you better my comprehionsly challeneged friend... I recall this thread being about someone asking why do people get offended calling SL a game. I believe this large portion of my comment that I've highlighted for you in bold letters should cover that topic quite well for you. Consider this a humble gift. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

"As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game,"

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Vandris wrote:


That's cool, because I was wondering when someone would come along that assumes their "opinion"
someone elses "
" and fail to comprehend anything stated or implied and therefore assume they're making an "argument". This is usually what happens when you don't read things fully. Usually resulting in ones embarassment.


To help your inability to fully comprehend what you're reading allow me to assist you better my
comprehionsly challeneged
friend... I recall this thread being about someone asking why do people get offended calling SL a game. I believe this large portion of my comment that I've highlighted for you in bold letters should cover that topic quite well for you. Consider this a humble gift. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

/me facepalms.

(Bolded several of your embarassments. Don't insult others for not 'reading you fully', if you yourself don't have the courtesy to correct your own mistakes. )

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Vandris wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Vandris wrote:

It's a game and it was always a game.
It's a SandboxMMOG. Mass multiplayer online game. You rent land and you build whatever you want on it that's how you play the game. You customize your character, play with virtual items, and run around a virtual world. I realized that the demographics for SL isn't exactly the average person that does play traditional games or even MMO's so they don't have experience to differentiate just what SL is. This game lets you get married,have sex, have children, etc. etc. That's all role play it is indeed very much a game because it does not have "real life" consequences behind the actions you take. As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game.


What game doesn't take place in a virtual world?

What game doesn't have a character you control? (even if you're just Player 1)

You do have points in this game they're called "Lindens" Points in this game are its currency


I was wondering how long it would take for someone to come along, completely disregard the topic at hand and present their argument either for or against SL being a game.



That's cool, because I was wondering when someone would come along that assumes their "opinion" overides someone elses "opion" and fail to comprehend anything stated or implied and therefore assume they're making an "argument". This is usually what happens when you don't read things fully. Usually resulting in ones embarassment.



To help your inability to fully comprehend what you're reading allow me to assist you better my comprehionsly challeneged friend... I recall this thread being about someone asking why do people get offended calling SL a game. I believe this large portion of my comment that I've highlighted for you in bold letters should cover that topic quite well for you. Consider this a humble gift. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

"As to date the only people I've come across that want to say SL is not a game are the kind of people that suppliment Second Life for their own reality so therefore they try to make a game seem more than what it is. I see this also as part of why people that get involved in "relationships" in this game end up getting hurt so much. They forget that this is all roleplay in this world and they try to cross the world over with reality and you just can't do that. So far I've notice that people I know that spend 24/7 in SL think of it as more than a game and refuse to acknowledge it as that while people that I've met that log in ever so often just think of SL as a game,"

I took this opportunity to embolden your opening sentence and advise you to reread exactly what it says.  If that sentence alone doesn't constitute an argument for SL being a game, I can't imagine what else possibly would.

Good day ...Dres

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both statements that you wrote i understood, i had the ability to understand your phrases, with didnt get to me was your intention.

now, a phrase that say "it is very common for all types of birds to fly, but there are some who don't have that abiliti." there is a typo there.

did you understood the information that phrase was trying to deliver to the reader? maybe based on the context? or the way that all the other words, that are gramatically correct, are arranged?

if you couldn't understood the phrase, just because one letter was exchanged for another, then you have a problem with reading comprehension, and that problem is limiting your capacity of understanding, hampering your ability to enhance yourself with knowledge.

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Canoro Philipp wrote:

both statements that you wrote i understood, i had the ability to understand your phrases, with didnt get to me was your intention.

now, a phrase that say "it is very common for all types of birds to fly, but there are some who don't have that abiliti." there is a typo there.

did you understood the information that phrase was trying to deliver to the reader? maybe based on the context? or the way that all the other words, that are gramatically correct, are arranged?

if you couldn't understood the phrase, just because one letter was exchanged for another, then you have a problem with reading comprehension, and that problem is limiting your capacity of understanding, hampering your ability to enhance yourself with knowledge.

If a writer gets even one letter wrong and allows it to stand because he or she is too ignorant, arrogant, or lazy to correct the error, then I am entitled to question every other letter and punctuation mark in his or her post, since he or she may be one of those infinite number of monkeys writing Shakespeare who do not have a clue what their words mean.

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