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Firestorm AO in viewer animations abscounded!!!

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As far as I understand, anyone who has items removed/replaced with IP holders should be getting an E Mail.  I could be wrong but that is what I understand.  So check your E Mail and SPAM folders.

If you didn't get an E Mail I'd be asking Support why.

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Some of the Sinewave and Akeyo were in a box called Holy S**t, Sinewave dances or something along those lines. They were pirated several years ago, actually. I know I let Sinewave and Akeyo know and they just got around to taking them, at least 2 years later....rolls her eyes. These were dances, at least for Sinewave, that came out back when I joined, at least 5 years ago if not more.  The ones I had go were:


  • Item: Animation named "purple whirlpool"
  • Item: Animation named "room with a view" 
  • Item: Animation named "rubadub" 
  • Item: Animation named "dip me in chocolate" 
  • Item: Animation named "weloveyou-girl" 
  • Item: Animation named "milk and honey" 
  • Item: Animation named "danish"
  • Item: Animation named "AKEYO_groove1-NI_02" 
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My Vista animations from years ago got IP Replaced two days ago.

I bought a walking animation from Akeyo yesterday afternoon...  I logged in this evening, and it was IP replaced.

I'm completely and totally pissed off, and there's nowhere to complain to.  Seriously, WTF.  


Linden Labs?  How?  What exactly do I report?  I don't have the old item names...?

Vista? Akeyo?  They didn't do anything, except maybe sold animations that got flagged DMCA.  Maybe they're reselling solen items, how the hell should I know?


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Linden labs should send an email when they replace content. There should be a list of the content replaced with the original animation names.

That will help me to identify and report it to LL and also to provide a temporally solution.

And be sure we create all our content at our studio :matte-motes-not-even:

Thanks all for your cooperation!




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my email settings are ok, every mail they send for advertising and announcements, IM's and more of that comes in my mailbox, but the replacement is not received ... of course the animations are gone.... of course it's still in the AO itself, but it's gone again as soon you try to replace it in the FS ao.


and still no response from LL?...what a great service to their customers, downgrading to basic

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For clarity here:

1. The problem is with animations that have been loaded into the Firestorm built-in AO.

--Has anybody suffered IP replacement in the last few days who is not using Firestorm AO?

2. The animations are not stolen or even possibly stolen (not acquired as freebies, etc.).

3. The problem is not restricted to Vista animations. I have Akeyo and others that were replaced. And not all my Vista were replaced.

4. LL is not sending any kind of message--I mean during the outbreak of this in the last few days.No email, no notecard.

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1. I had some taken from folders that were not in Firestorm's AO sets, although most of the taken ones were but then that's the only place I put them when extracted.

2. Mine weren't stolen, at least not by me and I certainly take Vista Barnes' word on the matter.

3. Likewise, although the only non-Vista one I had was the ""weloveyou-girl"  which was taken out of the "OMG Dance with me super Angels" HUD that I bought a while ago. No idea if the HUD creator paid for it properly or not. (I'm assuming they did for the sake of politeness). That was just in a few folders, not in Firestorm's linked AOs. Also likewise, only a subset of the Vista animations were taken.

4. I got an email listing them yesterday morning, that's how I knew what to look for in my inventory.

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Some of the Sinewave and Akeyo were in a box called Holy S**t, Sinewave dances or something along those lines. They were pirated several years ago, actually. I know I let Sinewave and Akeyo know and they just got around to taking them, at least 2 years later....rolls her eyes. These were dances, at least for Sinewave, that came out back when I joined, at least 5 years ago if not more.  The ones I had go were:

  • Item:
    Animation named "purple whirlpool"
  • Item:
    Animation named "room with a view" 
  • Item:
    Animation named "rubadub" 
  • Item:
    Animation named "dip me in chocolate" 
  • Item:
    Animation named "weloveyou-girl" 
  • Item:
    Animation named "milk and honey" 
  • Item:
    Animation named "danish"
  • Item:
    Animation named "AKEYO_groove1-NI_02" 

I'm slightly confused by your post.

Are you saying you just had those removed from your inventory yesterday?

Or were you referring to when it happenned two years ago?

I do remember that box and the original removal.

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I remember seeing the "Holy Sh**" folder a few years ago.  But I deleted it immediately and cleared trash as soon as I saw that it was pirated content.  It has nothing to do with my experience with the AKEYO dances being removed.


My dances were also not placed in an AO, including in Firestorm AO.  I had stopped using them some time ago and they were just sitting in my inventory in my "Dances" folder.  I also did not suffer loss of any of my Sine Wave dances.





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BobbiePhaulds wrote:

Those were removed a couple of days ago. That's a direct copy/paste from the email.

That's really curious that anyone would have that box now with the dances from two years ago still in them.  Makes it sound like the original removal was not complete.  Could speculate several things but who knows.  This is all very wierd from the start.

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Zembel Braham wrote:

For clarity here:

1. The problem is with animations that have been loaded into the Firestorm built-in AO.

--Has anybody suffered IP replacement
in the last few days
who is not using Firestorm AO?

2. The animations are not stolen or even possibly stolen (not acquired as freebies, etc.).

3. The problem is not restricted to Vista animations. I have Akeyo and others that were replaced. And not
my Vista were replaced.

4. LL is not sending any kind of message--I mean during the outbreak of this in the last few days.No email, no notecard.

For even more clarity, I have never installed firestorm, never used it once.  But I still have lost animations.  Just saying.


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I would like to take time from ranting to thank both Akeyo and Vista (artoo Magneto& Vista Barnes) for contacting me and sharing their concerns and offering help and replacements if needed. Hopefully there will be some lessons learned here from this but.....well.. looking at past happenings one does not get hopeful about LL handling of such things. One wonders is LL cutting to close to the bone for staffing?? Should not the creators of content, as well as large land holders, have some inside track or at least a "hot line" to LL ?? Who does LL consult when matters of IP or Land or Conduct are taken?? IF LL think they can pull off SL 2.0 without this input they may as well retire and call it quits. Get out while the getting is good because it will not fly. I wish everyone a Happy Holiday season, even those at LL :matte-motes-big-grin: and please NO more rest of the year crapola....PLEASE. :smileyvery-happy:

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I received no e-mail, either, even though the replacement was quite widespread in my inventory, given the number of Vista AOs I have bought over the years. I hope it gets sorted out (funnily enough, my Firestorm AO still works enough with the essential animations that, apparently, didn’t get replaced... so no duck walk for me, lol).

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Wallace Wirefly wrote:

Thank you all for letting me know I am not going crazy. Yes this was a IP replacements issue....AGAIN! Luckily I had my original AO HUD from Vista that contained the animations I was using in my Firestorm AO. So I just had to Reload a new card as well as replace the IP ones and so far is working fine. I agree this blanket IP thing is as stupid as it gets. I blame both parties. LL and I assume Vista for calling out the replacement. As I have said before in SL the idea that DCMA works is a fallacy because
as we know in the virtual world of Second LIfe(open source)
it is impossible to lock down. I know people make money of of their work and this is good but they should know that eventually things get taken. To cause everyone to suffer because of a few bad apples just frustrates. As I would say the spice must flow so stop messing around and lets get on with the show

I haven't read the whole of this thread so, in case nobody noticed your mistake, I'll mention it...

Second Life is not open source. The viewer is, that's all. And an open source viewer cannot affect other people's inventories.

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Since it seems some people only had their honestly bought animations replaced but didn´t receive the mail or didn´t find it in their spamfolders or wherever, I´m pasting my mail here, fyi.

I´m not really impressed with how the mail is written.

Another interesting thing, and that´s maybe why some didn´t find the LL IP e-mail:

The mail was sent to one of my accounts, the replacements happened on ANOTHER account's built-in firestorm AOs! I didn´t notice any replacements on the account that mail had been sent to, and after I noticed the IPreplacent in the other account´s AOs and, later, got the e-mail, I did check.

Also: their replacements suck, since I noticed them because my avatar was suddenly hovering half of the time when he should have walked...1 of the 2 walking animations had been replaced by a 'generic placeholder item'.



Intellectual Property Team <ipteam@lindenlab.com>

11 Dec (3 days ago)

Hi xxx Resident,

We are writing to let you know that we removed some content you had in Second Life under our Intellectual Property Policy. For a list of the specific content we removed, please see the "IP Complaint Details" below at the bottom of this email.

When we receive an intellectual property complaint, we investigate it and look for copies of the content identified in the complaint. Our investigation found that you had some of this content. We replaced the content with generic placeholder item(s), as described in our FAQs on our Intellectual Property Complaint Process.

If you weren't aware of an intellectual property issue, don't panic or take it personally! Just take steps to avoid content that may have intellectual property issues. Here are some tips to protect yourself and keep your inworld shopping safe and fun.

Many thanks for your interest in Second Life.

-- The IP Team at Linden Lab


Content Removed:
  • Item: Animation named "fall2_VA_fly3" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "fall2_VA_fly3" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_crouchWalk" Location:  Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_crouchWalk" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_crouchWalk" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "v3_VA_Prejump 1" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "v3_VA_Prejump" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "v3_VA_Prejump" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "v3_VA_Prejump" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "v3_VA_Prejump" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "v3_VA_Prejump 1" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_boxerflight2" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_boxerlanding1" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_boxerlanding1" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_boxerlanding1 1" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_boxerlanding1" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_boxerlanding1" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA.DIVE" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VA.DIVE" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "VA.DIVE" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "VA_WALK_CA" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "VAboxerJUMP" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
  • Item: Animation named "VAmocFSLOW" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VAmocFSLOW" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VAmocFSLOW" Location: Inventory of xxxResident
  • Item: Animation named "VAmocFSLOW" Location: Inventory of xxx Resident
*If animations were removed, the replacement animation may be in your HUD or animation override (AO). [c:3290]
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I didn't receive any email from LL, and I use to look the spam folder for any email from LL before empty it. In three accounts, only "weloveyougirl" was replace with the general replacement, and no email for any account, but all other dances were inside danceballs, as most are not copyable, I will not test removing them to inventory :-)

Let's wait that the Lindens fix this soon. I didn't suffer a heavy lost but I know of people that have lost many expensive animations.

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On the subject of not receiving E Mails I said earlier people should ask Support about it.

Thinking  about this and knowing the Labs penchant for us to use the JIRA to report bugs, I think what really needs to happen is for someone to start a JIRA about not receiving the E Mail notifications and reference this thread.  Then others can add their voice to the thread.

Just remember that in the JIRA, accusing the Lindens of being descended from slimey Venusian swamp slugs will get your comments censored there.  In other words, just stick to the facts.

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Vania Chaplin wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:


Just remember that in the JIRA, accusing the Lindens of being descended from slimey Venusian swamp slugs will get your comments censored there.  In other words, just stick to the facts.

Are they ashamed of their origins?


Considering the problems we encounter sometimes, apparently not.  ;)

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In reply to my mistake yes the viewer only is open source BUT as it is anyone with knowledge of the coding can and will COPY anything in this virtual world. In fact all one has to do is do a search for COPYBOT or mention any site that may contain a non approved LL viewer that would allow this they would probably get banned from this forum. We all know that the reason this IP replacement happens is because of this very problem. As for DMCA if one was to actually read what it involves it has grown into something that it was not intended for. IE: Media property rights DVD's. The law was written in 1998 to address issues that arose from pirated media.So the fact that the code (viewer) is open source there are ways to circumvent and therefore copy ALL content in SL. Yes one can not copy others inventory but once one obtains a copy it becomes public so in that sense most everything in SL is open. LL TOS on this is hard to discern for example :

Except as prohibited by law, you hereby waive, and you agree to waive, any moral rights (including attribution and integrity) that you may have in any User Content, even if it is altered or changed in a manner not agreeable to you. To the extent not waivable, you irrevocably agree not to exercise such rights (if any) in a manner that interferes with any exercise of the granted rights. You understand that you will not receive any fees, sums, consideration or remuneration for any of the rights granted in this Section.

Just one section of the complex rules. So the fact that "law abiding" people get caught up in the "crap" shows that this does not improve the virtual world. Creativity can not be stopped no matter how many laws are interpreted. Nor can can a thief be stopped in a virtual world.

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