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What the heck is wrong with people?

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So...I was in a sandbox and Iike I aIways do, I fIew up high untiI there was no one visibIe at first sight.

I rezzed a pIatform and started to unbox my stuff Iike I normaIIy do, cause I don't own a home. When I finished I got my avie naked because I always wear mesh cIothes and I needed to make a chiId shape and put cIose detaiI to every part of the body. 

I randomIy got a IM of someone saying they wouId report me because what I was doing was agepIay and I was Iike....excuse me? You're camming on me whiIe I am feets away from the ground and aII by my myseIf trying to make a shape and obviousIy not agepIaying? 

But anyways, even though I ended up ignoring this annoying person, it's sadly common to deal with this kind of behaviour...

How do you deal with them? 

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Sahian Metaluna wrote:

So...I was in a sandbox and Iike I aIways do, I fIew up high untiI there was no one visibIe at first sight.

I rezzed a pIatform and started to unbox my stuff Iike I normaIIy do, cause I don't own a home. When I finished I got my avie naked because I always wear mesh cIothes and I needed to make a chiId shape and put cIose detaiI to every part of the body. 

I randomIy got a IM of someone saying they wouId report me because what I was doing was agepIay and I was Iike....excuse me? You're camming on me whiIe I am feets away from the ground and aII by my myseIf trying to make a shape and obviousIy not agepIaying? 

But anyways, even though I ended up ignoring this annoying person, it's sadly common to deal with this kind of behaviour...

How do you deal with them? 

Ignore the Ignorants.

But be ware some sandboxes are PG and you cannot be naked in those under any circumstance.

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Sahian Metaluna wrote:

And that's why I alway check on the rules before I take my avie's clothes off.

That may be true(and I commend you for that, as most folks don't, lol) but, naked child avs, will almost always be seen as "up to something" by a great many people, even if they aren't.  Even if you're thousands of meters up in the air, you're still open to the public eye when in a public sandbox. I don't agree with their mindset, but I know it's a popular one, regardless.

When making child avs, it's best to leave some layer of clothing on, just in case you run into one of those folks, if for no other reason, to avoid idiots.

But, in this case(in many cases), ignoring is your best bet. :)

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if you are premium you can go to the premium sand boxes also.. they didn't seem crowded very much when i use them..

You can also make you a little change room with a cube in the center and link it all together..

Then sit on the cube and in the edit tools in the blue z axis column of the position section, type in 4000.0 and it will send you and the change room to 4000 meters up..

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"You can also make you a little change room with a cube in the center and link it all together..

Then sit on the cube and in the edit tools in the blue z axis column of the position section, type in 4000.0 and it will send you and the change room to 4000 meters up.."


Interesting ploy. I'll have to remember that.


Thanks for sharing Ceka

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You can use changing rooms as well. I had this problem with changing into an outfit in an open sandbox on my first day of Second Life. I got hounded about how it was akin to real life nudity - which I completley disagreed with, particularly since my av was like a ken doll and only naked for about 1 second. However, all that can be easily avoided by going on the website and looking under locations for sandboxes with changing rooms. 

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Its generally unwise to go nude ever anywhere on G-rated land.

- Tts a TOS violation that you can, and by the TOS should get in trouble with - even on an adult avatar.

- Unless you're on a private locked sim with no direct access to other sims - someone can always find you... and then report that violation.

If messing with a child avatar - its best to avoid nudity al-together. There really isn't any situation where being nude on a child avatar is NOT a TOS violation. And its the kind that the lindens could rightly decide is ageplay - leading to a full-on account ban rather than just a minor penalty of some sort.If you are making a 'detailed' child avatar skin - my suggestion is to still leave off the genital regions, using 'American' standards - no nipples on the female skin.
As for making a shape... you don't even need to wear a skin when doing that - so just stay clothed for that process.

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I would suggest to go to an adult sandbox and there you can rezz a platform in the sky as you used to do at the normal sandbox.I guess at that place nudity should be allowed.

And I also made a sort of changing box for me when I create stuff at a sandbox.As someone already said it is easy made of few primwalls linked together. :)

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Sonja Smedley wrote:

I would suggest to go to an adult sandbox and there you can rezz a platform in the sky as you used to do at the normal sandbox.I guess at that place nudity should be allowed.

And I also made a sort of changing box for me when I create stuff at a sandbox.As someone already said it is easy made of few primwalls linked together.

You can't go to an adult sandbox and go nude in a child avatar and expect folks to not blink an eye.

It's really, really, unwise to ever go naked as a kid av unless you are on your own land, with no one else around, and privacy settings turned on. What you might(and probably many other people) think is innocent, many others will not. LL doesn't screw aruond with ageplay, even suspected ageplay...despite the fact that being nude in a child av is not actually always ageplay, it's often reported as such.

People are weird, and it's simply best to avoid the situation.

The advice would be different in an adult av..to some degree :)

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Christhiana wrote:

You can always make a big sign you can rez when working on your child avi that states "I'm not indulging in ageplay, I'm creating a skin and/or shape for a child avi.".

That really won't prevent an AR from being legitimately acted on...

There's also no need, if you are making a child AV skin - for it to even have the 'pieces' on it that would make it qualify as nude.


Note also that on an adult avatar, you could go nude on M and A land - but in a G rated sandbox, even at 4096m in the air - it is still a TOS violation.


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LlazarusLlong wrote:

irihapeti wrote: is this a self-fulfilling demonstration of conspicuousness ??

Why yes, yes it is.

I am not sure why, however, you would want to draw attention to yourself in this way.

I prefer conspicuity; long clumsy words just make you look pretentious.

why yes, yes it does

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irihapeti wrote:

LlazarusLlong wrote:

irihapeti wrote: is this a self-fulfilling demonstration of conspicuousness ??

Why yes, yes it is.

I am not sure why, however, you would want to draw attention to yourself in this way.

I prefer conspicuity; long clumsy words just make you look pretentious.

why yes, yes it does

You LIKE looking pretentious?

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LlazarusLlong wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

LlazarusLlong wrote:

irihapeti wrote: is this a self-fulfilling demonstration of conspicuousness ??

Why yes, yes it is.

I am not sure why, however, you would want to draw attention to yourself in this way.

I prefer conspicuity; long clumsy words just make you look pretentious.

why yes, yes it does

You LIKE looking pretentious?

It's all the rage, especially on Internet forums - some people take great pains to overcome obstacles in order to do so.

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