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Avatar having issues changing clothes and becoming a cloud.

Shoujo Swords

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I've been on SL for about 3 months now, and never had this issue till  recently. When I log on, sometimes I'm a cloud (where as I NEVER was before now), sometimes I'm not. When  I'm not, I try and change clothes using appearance tab and its preset  clothing folders, and it just gets stuck in the "loading" phase of it and I appear to keep my clothing on, but when I check "wearing" it has nothing in it.

I can't change clothes, and end up naked when I log back in or as a cloud..only to not  be able to put anything on. hair, clothes, anything. I click my avie,  and click detach all, to see if its a piece of clothing that's  glitching. However nothing changes. I rebake textures, and nothing  changes.

I redid the cache, and nothing changes. So I'm thinking..its my internet  maybe since I use wireless (even tho i've never had this issue before now). So I change that, and nothings fixed. Then I log onto a entirely different  account and everything is fine and dandy, nothings glitching, I run both  at the same time and check ALL of my alts account settings, they match  my main accounts (the problem account) settings perfectly. My alt views my mains avatar as a  naked woman with nothing on, hair or anything else, and dark tan skin,  almost orange. So her skin isn't loading either.

I thought if I added each piece of clothing individually I could put  something on, but it says avatar does not exist or something. Any help  would be appreciated, I'm not totally tech savey but I'm not a total  idiot either I don't think. So please, anyone.

I've used Pheonix thinking I could bypass this, but Pheonix has the same issues as Viewer 2 which is what im using. Please no grief on that, i'm new and have gotten rather used to Viewer 2 and have no intentions to change.

Also, i've done character tests, i'd say about 70% of the time it works and I see the default avatar, but the same thing occurs again when I load some clothing from my appearance tab. Sometimes it doesn't tho, and I stay a cloud. I've run the lag meter, and all lights are green but occasionally my client one goes to red/yellow. Then it jumps back to green. I think theres an issue with something i've bought recently, but I can't pin point what it was.

Please anyone help me, I can't play like this. I can't go anywhere because Idk if im dressed or not, and I loathe the idea of having to leave this account behind since i've gotten so much on it. I can't fix this, i've asked for help in SLU and no one will help me. So please, anyone. I miss playing.

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If you have a "My Outfits" folder, right-click any of the outfits in there and select "Replace Outfit"


Create a folder, name it something easy to find so you can always keep it in your inventory for future use, like Normal Me or whatever.
Put a copy of your usual basic components in there...Skin, shape, eyes, hair (including bald base), huds etc and a basic shirt and pair of pants.
Right click on the folder and select REPLACE

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I don't think you understand. It doesn't matter what clothing I wear, its the same as normal. Sometimes it will act normally, and i'll change my clothes without issues. Ok, so that lasts maybe...1 - 2 hours. Then if I change them again, this happens. I don't know WHAT clothing or inventory item it is that's the problem, it is NOT something i'm wearing tho.

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The problem is not clothing, it is a bug and it affects the basic complulsory elements of avatars...Skin, Shape, Eyes, Bald Hair base.

One or more of them go "missing" and cause all the problems you are having. The 2 suggestions I posted both involve replacing all 4 of those things in one hit along with some clothes so you don`t end up naked in public.

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According to Phoenix support, it is a server bug not a viewer bug, which is why it makes no difference if people try changing viewers. You say that character test works 70% of the time, that is another variation of the 2 things you just tried, (replacing everything on your avatar) interesting that it is more successful using default nooby parts rather than your own usual parts. Do you recall maybe getting something new around the time that it started? Like a new skin or eyes?

The 2 most common affected parts seem to the hairbase and the shape, though I`ve seen people post that in their case it was the eyes or skin. Not really sure what to suggest other than maybe to trying "replace" using some of the avatar folders in your Library to see if any of them are more successful than your usual body parts. It is a known bug that is being worked on and is affecting lots of people, though I am sure that is of little comfort

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I took what you said and thought about it, and now that you mention it, I did buy a lot of hair ( i never stop shopping ) and when I put on an outfit (or tried to at least it didn't work) that had one hair style I bought, I noticed my bald base (i checked in my inventory) wasn't for that hairstyle. when I put it on, my outfit loaded. I'm gonna mess around with it and see if It fixes it every time. Although sometimes I can't even click on an individual item in an outfit folder because it wont load. It usually does after a bit. I'll get back to you in a few mins.

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Most bald's use exactly the same settings, so they are interchangeable. Find one that works and use it with most of your do's.

I have a folder in which I keep all the things that make up my naked avatar, e.i., skin, shape, eyes, bald. I can replace my current outfit with that folder, if I'm seriously not rezzing. For a time just changing my bald would do the trick. So, I went through and found a new bald. Since I've changed bald I've not had problems. But, experiementing I find the orignal blad does work. I don't rely on it and it is no longer my 'default' bald. So, whether there is something odd about that old bald or the server upgrades that have fixed a problem, I don't know.

There are a number of things that cause or contribute to the problem of avatars failing to rez. The Lab says it is likely TPV's and the makers of the TPV's say it is the Lab's servers. What I do know is people using SLV2 exclusively have the problem too. I also know that I had lots of problems with my avatar failing to rez and clothes messing up and doing odd things when I had a single cache for all my viewers. I am convinced that mixing downloaded images using OpenJPEG and KDU in the same cache is a problem. All current TPV's use OpenJPEG and it is pretty well agreed that 1% of SL images will choke OpenJPEG and fail to decompress correctly or else never show a complete download. All SLV viewers use KDU. SLV2.4 and earlier use the old KDU and 2.5 and up are using the new version of KDU. Whether KDU handles 100% of the images uploaded with OpenJPEG... I don't know.

To understand how to avoid the incompatiblities and find other possible fixes for your avatar not rezzing, read: Avatar Render Problems: Ghost Cloud Smoke Ball Ruth

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i been having the same problem i have tryed everything. the only thing that i know of to do is make another avi. and i am the same way really dont wanna do that knowing i have spent so much lindens on the avi i am using now. i am also not able to wear some of my outfit thats listed in my inventory but i cant click on them to wear. and when i do try to click on something it says its loading up but never does. i dont know how this happen and if this is actually possible to get fixed. but i am hoping that some one can tell me what to do. knowing now im afraid to actually buy things on there not knowing if thats the reason why im having problems with my avi so if any one knows whats going on could you please help me out also. i tryed to rebake my avi and everything and its not working so i dont know what to do any more


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