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Do you ever get bored of SL

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SL, by definition, is just an empty canvas. A place that has to be filled up with content by its users. Of course SL is in itself a bland, boring thing. But all the more space for each of us to do something. So if anyone ever gets bored in SL they should ask themself if it's not them who are boring, rather than the platform.

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The very first time I came to sl, I got bored. Although I can't really blame the platform for that, despite it's very primitive nature (2004) at the time, it was just me. I'm not exactly sure what my expectations were when I first came in, I was just checking it out and realized that my system, nor I, had the patience to deal with it, lol. So I went off to play games I'd already been well-established in, and enjoyed immensely. I also had other issues to contend with in rl that took priority over any and all hobbies.

The second time I came back (2006), there were more people, more things to do, more opportunities, but more important things came up in rl I was dealing with, and I was still using the very same machine that had difficulty before(so, it still did, even more so when other people were around, lol).

I came back for good in 2008, when a game I had taken part in for years and years went belly-up for good. I came over with a ton of people from the game, and decided I'd stick around too. Something about other people I already knew, made it much easier to get past the quirks and issues I was dealing with, having a system that barely handled sl. I stuck around because, well, I found things to enjoy. I even found things to do outside of the circle of folks I grew to know and love as family(both pre-sl and after coming back for good).

If you're bored, it's not likely the platform, but rather you. I find new things to do all the time. When I get in a funk, because humans tend to do that at times, I find something else to enjoy, explore, build, etc.. If the day ever comes that I cannot find some way to enjoy sl, I suppose then I'd likely leave. I've taken time off from sl quite a few times, but they were mostly linked to health related issues with myself or my kids(and a few times for vacation). A short bit of time off might give you new perspective when you come back...or it could prove to be time well spent if you realize that coming back would be useless. You just never know. Although I do not recommend ever deleting your account, just in case you decide to come back(it can be a pain in the butt to recover, sometimes, depending on how long you were gone).

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Charli Infinity wrote:

Hmm off topic but that just reminded me of another question... What do content creators in SL that make their living in SL fill up in the "Occupation:_______________"  section of any form in real life? Always wondered about that. Make enough in SL to support your family in RL? That's amazing.


If its actually a person asking a question, it goes something like this:

"So what do you do?"

"I'm an artist"

"Oh, cool! So like, drawing and painting?"

"No, 3d modelling."

"Oh, cool...." *glazed look to the eyes*


On Topic: No, I don't get bored. I spend 95% of my time in my sandbox.

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Wow really you guys are here for years and not bored?

A lot of the stuff just look like the same thing repeating it self. Same themes, same look just remade in sculpt then now remade in mesh. I've seen SL through the years. It does get boring there nothing really new about it and what's worse now is that there's so little people in SL compared to years ago. Lots of these places don't even have people in it.

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Bored? 8+ years and I can say never.  I have too much to do to get bored.  I love creating content and my friends.  There is always something new to see in SL as content changes constantly.  Always new and interesting people to meet from all over the world.

I've never taken a break other than two times when I had health issues and was too sick to log on.  Each time I came back as soon as I could.

I think if you don't do anything but club, shop or stuff like that it might get boring after a while.  I do those things too but its just a small part of my time in SL.  I've never been the kind of person that needs entertaining, I can entertain myself.

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I have been in Second Life seven years and have not gotten bored. Second Life to me is like a good tune you can't get out of your head, and real life interferes. It has to interfere. As a result, I want to spend way more time in world than I get and think about being there way more than I should, if there are any shoulds about thinking.

My problem with Second Life is not boredom but exhaustion. I am often on late at night and too tired to do much. There are times I sit and watch my zwickies fly. They are extremely  graceful and amusing.

There are times when I just take a walk until I hit banlines. Empty mainland is a blessing on those nights.

There are even times I revert to anti-social newbie behavior and stage home invasions including bouncing on the banlines or trying to sit on furniture and snap a selfie before the security orb kicks in.  The homes are almost always empty, and I don't even leave footprints.

Second Life always has too little content. Yes, there are endless prefabs and endless fashions and yes it repeats, but I see that as an opportunity to make what I need. Wax cloth and kente are in short supply as is really nice purple, green, or blue hair. If I want a dress with a cockroach or squid motif, I have to make it. If I want selene regia plants..... Modern bee hives are hard to find. Drip irrigators and nesting facilities for mason and other solitary bees are as far as I know nonexistent except for the ones I've made.  You get the idea. Chances are good that you can make what you need with fairly basic graphics software and rudimentary building skills. Satisficing is part of the fun that keeps me in SL when I am awake enough to really enjoy it.

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I used to get bored  even when i was excited about logging on..

Boredom happens sometimes..

It's like asking if anyone ever gets bored on vacation..Heck ya there too sometimes..

Then i would realize i forgot to turn on my music and then it's not boring anymore. \o/






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Charli Infinity wrote:

Wow really you guys are here for years and not bored?



Charli Infinity wrote:

It does get boring there nothing really new about it and what's worse now is that there's so little people in SL compared to years ago.

I have a "to-do" list a mile long!  *laughing*    Things to make, learn, plan, visit, people to talk to, reply to, and so on...   There's always more to do, then time to do it.

Just like RL...I don't get "bored", as there's always so much to do, things to learn....fascinating things to read...

Although, much of my SL is community and socially oriented, I really like my private time too....as it's the time when I can think, plan, and learn.  For that, I'm happy to log into my building platform, and not have other people around.  : )


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Charli Infinity wrote:

Wow really you guys are here for years and not bored?

A lot of the stuff just look like the same thing repeating it self. Same themes, same look just remade in sculpt then now remade in mesh. I've seen SL through the years. It does get boring there nothing really new about it and what's worse now is that there's so little people in SL compared to years ago. Lots of these places don't even have people in it.

It is clear from the responses that SL is like RL -- it's all about what you bring to it. Creative ppl will find ways to make either engaging. Uncreative ppl CAN become more creative, if they want to be (to a limited degree), but my guess is that they really are not interested. Some are just gifted with an intense desire to be creative in SOME way, and some are not.

That said, not everyone who is creative is going to enjoy SL. 


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I never used to get bored, but I hardly go on now, because the activities I used to do, has dropped, either by facilties, or by factors that had a damaging effect caused by LL

Used to own or manage, or worked in dance clubs, mainly alternative lifestyle venues, always packed , especially Thursday-Sunday. was never short of work up to the hiking of land rates, then many famous jazz & dance clubs just couldnt afford to have money balls or give out free Lindens from a ball, because There was no way of covering your new tiers.  I attended with a partner many, of the last days of certain dance Clubs. The amount that closed in that time was alarming.

Combat sims. I used to spend 8 hours a day (retired)  with a choice of urban combat sims to play on, being an officer, a leader, land owner of faction and so on. There was NOR with 12 sims at one time, totally full. KOL. Forbidden. Mega. Mandinka, loads of pandora Sims.   Then LL did the worst possible thing, merging the teen grid. I joined a brand new urban combat sim, it cost owners huge amount of $ to build.  Just after, the teen grid was merged, letting in kids, who had no knowledge or respect on how to be an adult and use the rules the same as we had to.  These new owners, tried for roughtly 6 months, but time and again, it was impossible to control and ask juniors to abide by the rules in place that are in every combat sim to protect players from unfair tactics or other antisocial behaviour.  I found after the owners had said they were closing after 6 months, i was very sad for them, I talked to them about the problems, as being an Admin myself at one time. 

They said "the teen grid merge has just about ruined combat in SL now, heaven knows we tried,"  but we spent 6 hours a day just trying to deal with unruly Children, who would actually talk back to an admin. Thats an instant ban in any combat sim.  but the number of ill mannered kids, was so many, the owners were, like, almost being harrased for putting fair rules in place. hence now,  out of 20 urban combat sims that were in operation prior to 2009-10, theres  maybe 4-5, but they are almost deserted in EU time, only after midnight do some others arrive, but then thats the time I go to bed.

Finally, When Blake's seas was busy and not full of empty sims like it is now, I was involved in building and maintaining Airports based on rl operations. However, mesh came along a little to late for me,  most of the 30k$ of aircraft i have were bought, based on being built with prims, hence an airliner with attachment could be as much as 300 prims.  these would cross no more than two or three sim crossings, before finding yourself on the sea bed.  I also lost 20K$ of none copy Aviation items on a mainland crash, 20k of L$ is a lot of money, no one knew where they had gone, LL said they wouldnt reimburse me the 20k lost. I was not the only one, others lost huge chunck of no copy items and LL just stood back on there TOS and in other words Tough!    ~hence thats why i dont go on SL much now, many of my 70 friends from 2007-2013 have now dwindled to 10, most have left, most went because of the club failures, and a lot left from the urban combat groups, as they closed one after another. I have a whale of a time in Star wars Old republic now, many friends, my own home inworld, buy , create decorations, place thm, invite friends over.    Dont have to spend anything at all.  just £8..99 a month, gets you all aspects of the game including more friends now than I had in SL.

It very much depends what you hope to get or achieve out of SL, but the one reason I joined in 2007, was because They advertized it, as "Come to SL and make real Money", and for about 12 months I did.  from 2008 on, my income began to fall and fall, until by 2010 i was spending 500% more than the income i was recieving from reciepts from jewelry sales and donations to sim keep up dwindled to a few hundred a month, meaning my shortfall for a months full sim payment was over £150, when it should have been almost covered by revenue.


So thats my story on how boring it is in EU time zones, maybe Americans with more disposable income play this more than us now in EU, because we pay vastly higher fuel and heating costs and most like UK do not have oil resources or enough gas, hence it costs to import it, so we dont have the income to spend in SL like we used to.  Also car repair prices are staggering now, and as disabled i rely on my automatic car to get me eveywhere, hence, a vist to the garage, usually sets me back arund 300$ every six months or so for servicing and new tryes plus all that goes with it...


so , for me, I dont have the connection any more to certain ativities i joined SL to enjoy, hence , i can tell you its very boring being in an empty combat sim hopefully waiting for a few people to actually enter it for more than an hour! Standing on street corners earning XP points, and doing nothing is the most boring part of SL i have come across. Any comments?

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Charli Infinity wrote:

Wow really you guys are here for years and not bored?

A lot of the stuff just look like the same thing repeating it self. Same themes, same look just remade in sculpt then now remade in mesh. I've seen SL through the years. It does get boring there nothing really new about it and what's worse now is that there's so little people in SL compared to years ago. Lots of these places don't even have people in it.

It is clear from the responses that SL is like RL -- it's all about what you bring to it. Creative ppl will find ways to make either engaging. Uncreative ppl CAN become more creative, if they want to be (to a limited degree), but my guess is that they really are not interested. Some are just gifted with an intense desire to be creative in SOME way, and some are not.

Not everyone wants to spend their time making things and turning their second life into a bussiness in other words a second job you know. Some people are here to have fun, explore and socialise not to run a bussiness. Really as a creator who make your living from SL you should be more appreciative of this group of people because otherwise everyone would make their own stuff, you'd have more competitors and not enough customers to make your bussiness profitable enough to live on. Duplicating stuff that already exist in real life into SL is not that creative at all by the way.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

Charli Infinity wrote:

Wow really you guys are here for years and not bored?

A lot of the stuff just look like the same thing repeating it self. Same themes, same look just remade in sculpt then now remade in mesh. I've seen SL through the years. It does get boring there nothing really new about it and what's worse now is that there's so little people in SL compared to years ago. Lots of these places don't even have people in it.

It is clear from the responses that SL is like RL -- it's all about what you bring to it. Creative ppl will find ways to make either engaging. Uncreative ppl CAN become more creative, if they want to be (to a limited degree), but my guess is that they really are not interested. Some are just gifted with an intense desire to be creative in SOME way, and some are not.

Not everyone wants to spend their time making things and turning their second life into a bussiness in other words a second job you know. Some people are here to have fun, explore and socialise not to run a bussiness. Really as a creator who make your living from SL you should be
more appreciative of
 this group of people because otherwise everyone would make their own stuff, you'd have more competitors and not enough customers to make your bussiness profitable enough to live on. Duplicating stuff that already exist in real life into SL is not that creative at all by the way.

The way I have fun IS to make things -- tho building in no way precludes exploring and socializing. I very much DO appreciate my customers (and I have no idea why you think I don't) who use the things I make in creating amazing homes for friends and family to enjoy.  Building is only ONE way to be creative in SL -- there are plenty of other ways to be imaginative/creative without making a thing, ever. 

I may not be "that creative at all" but YOU are the one who asked if we were bored, and said you felt you had wasted your time spent in SL,  and I told you 1) why I have never been bored and 2) why I had not been wasting my time.  Neverthelss you insisted that SL IS boring! 


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Charli Infinity wrote:

You're weird pamela.

You don't find it boring so I can't? What the virtual hell...

Those are your reason why you're not bored not mine.

Maybe you think you are the whole of SL and that's why it bothers you that I find SL boring these days.

Again, YOU asked if we ever get bored!  And when we do you say the above!

You are trying, and failing, to make the point that there is something wrong with SL, that it is boring. And I am saying, SL like RL is what YOU bring to it. 

To be clear, of course not all creative-imaginative ppl are going to like SL. And not everyone who likes SL is creative-imaginative.  I am saying that for the most part, being creative-imaginative means you are more likely to find SL endlessly engaging.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

You're weird pamela.

Charli, I don't think Pamela is any weirder than I am (so I might be agreeing with you). 

When I find myself in a place that's not as interesting as another place, I have two options:

  1. Go to the more interesting place.
  2. Make the place I'm at more interesting.

At the moment, I don't spend much time in SL, but that's because RL has given me a lot to do lately.

I was raised to understand that boredom is self-inflicted. I've always got something to do, or to think about. Pamela seems to be of a similar mind.

Surely you've encountered other people like us.


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Pamela Galli wrote:

Charli Infinity wrote:

You're weird pamela.

You don't find it boring so I can't? What the virtual hell...

Those are your reason why you're not bored not mine.

Maybe you think you are the whole of SL and that's why it bothers you that I find SL boring these days.

Again, YOU asked if we ever get bored!  And when we do you say the above!

You are trying, and failing, to make the point that there is something wrong with SL, that it is boring. And I am saying, SL like RL is what YOU bring to it. 

To be clear, of course not all creative-imaginative ppl are going to like SL. And not everyone who likes SL is creative-imaginative.  I am saying that for the most part, being creative-imaginative means you are more likely to find SL endlessly engaging.

No pamela. You have a problem with me finding SL boring because you cannot accept anyone having a different opinion than you and when you encounter someone with a different opinion you accused them of something. No. You're not the only one that experience SL. It's just that not everyone have the same opinion of SL as you. Learn to accept that instead of accusing people of something.

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