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ADVICE - Anyone In RL Arizona USA?

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I know this is a strange post - but I need to reach out to the wider SL community, as there are a lot of USA -ers in SL.  

I have a special friend who I met in SL, and have become best friends with in both lives.  He is very very ill and in a Hospice in Arizona, USA.  They think it's a matter of days for him - and I promised him a CD message talking of a few memories - as he's not well enough to be on a computer.   His Girlfriend is not handling it well (obviously), but said she would play him the CD, as we've been friends for the last 8years and I'm devastated to be losing him.

I live in the UK, and while I will do it - it will cost a fortune to express send the CD there.  So my brother suggested I ask  - Does anyone know of a company in Arizona, that would offer an immediate burn and send/courier service, to either their house, or the Hospice, if I emailed a sound file to them?  I am obviously happy to pay - as this is as much about speed as cost too.


Thank you

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Where in Arizona is the hospice - if it's in Phoenix or one of the nearby towns I can get it to him.


Here's how we can do this:

1 - You UPLOAD the file somewhere, or e-mail it to the e-maill addy I give you (IM inworld) and let me know where it is

2 - I download and burn it to a CD

3 - I take it to the hospice and leave it for him at the front desk.


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You'll have to forgive me mentioning this, Nefertiti, but that's extremely non-nefarious of you.

Jinny, I'm in California, can burn the CD and do the express mail or UPS Next Day that's already been suggested so shoot me a PM here if you need a fall-back plan.

And, my condolences. You've got a lot of personal strength do so something like this. Couldn't have been easy.

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Thank you all, who took the time to reply to my plea for help. 

I have emailed Nefertiti, but I also want to thank her publicly, for her amazing kindness.

What she did for my best friend and I, was the single, most kindest, and most important thing I have ever needed to happen. 

As soon as I saw her email, that she had hand delivered my CD to the Hospice today, and that they had said that they would play it for him, I sobbed heavily with relief.  When the tears stopped, I felt a sense of peace that I haven't felt, since I heard the news of his rapidly declining health, a few weeks ago. 

Because of this wonderful, kind, generous lady, doing what she called "a random act of kindness",  I have gained so much comfort. 

Thank you Nefertiti, I can find solace in knowing, that that he now knows that I haven't forgotten him in his final days, but most importantly of all, I can carry on, knowing that I got to say goodbye to my best friend.

Thank you so very very much Nefertiti.  You are indeed, a true Angel. 

Thank you.





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Thank you, everyone for your kindness, and special thanks to Dillion Levenque, and in-world Yvie Caproni, JJdan, and everyone else who supported me emotionally............and of course....my deepest eternal thanks, go especially to Nefertiti - who actually burned and delivered the CD, that enabled me to say Goodbye to him 'in person'.  Thank you so very very much.   xxxxxx


On Sunday 12th October 2014 at 5:30am GMT, my dear best friend, Richard Zhichao (SecondLife Name) / Baron Von Richard Smith (Facebook Name) / Richard Smith (Real Name), made his last grand exit, and logged off from RL. 

He slipped away peacefully from this earth, with his Girlfriend, by his side. I miss him so very deeply, but am glad he is no longer suffering.

He has been such a good friend over the last 8 years. and I can't believe I will never scream his name at him again when he is cheeky, or roll my eyes at him again when he's silly, or tell him not to shout down the microphone so loudly again, which he did in rl in order to wake my parents up, who were in the next room, so he could say hi,.... or that I won't pick up my phone, and listen to my voice-mail, only to hear nothing but a fart or a burp, and then him laughing his head off, as he hung up!..... Yea... thanks for that Richard! :matte-motes-tongue: Lol.

His antics are legendary, and the World is a darker place without him in it. Out of this darkness, and over the last few weeks, I have become friends with his wonderful Sister, and I know this new friendship will continue to grow. This would never have been possible without Richard introducing us. Thank you so very much, Richard. :matte-motes-smile:

He loved to bug me, and get me in trouble in SecondLife, and in real life too, and he knew just how to get a reaction from me.  He often said to me, after I'd been telling him off, "They broke the mould when they made me", and I would reply super quick "Thank God!"  or  "Yes! On Purpose!" :matte-motes-tongue: and he'd laugh his head off, and call me a Dink, or a Goofball.  I just couldn't stay mad at him. Lol.     If it happened in SecondLife, he'd add in public chat  "Jinny knows me in real life"  and people would contact me privately and say  "OMG! - Does he???? - Is he for real????"... when I told him what they said, he would laugh so hard....and of course, I'd end up laughing too.

My dearest friend - I hope you can rest easy, in knowing just how much chaos you caused me in both lives. You are, and always will be, my favourite pain in the butt, and I miss you so very very very much......but I know you will be out there, winding everyone up, and creating clouds out of your farts up in Heaven, as you laugh your head off, while watching the other Angels try to land on them. Lol.   Rest in Peace, ya Whackadoodle!   You truly are the best, and it's been an honour to know you, spend time with you, and call you my best friend. :matte-motes-smile:

Well......(((((hugs)))))......I guess this is it, Buddy. I can't think of any other way to sign this off, other than in the only way that we have always ended any time together, over all these years.......so here goes... *takes a deep breath..................*smiles, and waves, whilst shouting*......."Goooooddddbbbyyyeeeeeee Goooooooffffuusssssssssss!!!!!!!!!"


Sunday 12th October 2014 ~ 5:30am GMT
Sweet dreams, my dear, dear friend, Richard.
You will always be missed.
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