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sloowdown wrote:

I was discussing the policy just as all were here.
Just pointed out "MY THOUGHTS" and i really dont care if it is agreed upon by any one.
I know what I see and just saying it outloud because some really dont see or choose to act like they dont.

One more thing if you are not smart enough to look at the information of the approved Creators and Operators and see they are the same people, group, Company or whatever then you are the very people that are needed to buy into this entire thing.

That's not wholly true. You descibe those who disagree with you as idiots and as attacking you.

What you see is influenced by the way you see it, which means what you see (or think you see) is not necessarily true. For instance, you see that, according to the rules, you are not allowed to create a skill gaming game in SL, but you are wrong.

I think I'm quite smart, but you're addressing the wrong person because I haven't made any comment about the list of approved creators and operators and who they are. I haven't even seen the lists. They are of no interest to me.

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First off i am not addressing a certain person I just clock reply on the last post, i am not a professional forum user. I rarely tell my thoughts to others. 

What i see is my reality and always will be, as i have said i just telling my views no more or no less. I apoligize to anyone that got offended but I dont like to be told what i see is not what i see that is for my only to decide. If i choose to share that view and you see it also thats up to you, if you dont thats up to you also. there was one person here that i described as an idiot because he sounded like it. I could not tell you who it was unless i go back and read thru the posts which i will not do because that is old stuff. My views are posted let it be for now on this thread and i will also close out my views on any other thread i am on and resume watching what you all write as i has been doing before. AGAIN THIS IS MY REALITY AND YOU CANT CHANGE IT, YOU MEANING ANY ONE OTHER THAN MYSELF!!!

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Authorized participants

Only users that meet the criteria for Skill Gaming are permitted to access Skill Gaming Regions and participate in Skill Gaming in Second Life. Participation is limited to residents who meet the following criteria:

  • Have current billing information on file
  • Are at least 19 years of age
  • Do not reside in a prohibited state listed below
  • Are not connecting from a prohibited state
32px-KBnote.png Note: If you believe you meet all requirements for access, but are still unable to enter a Skill Gaming Region, please try resubmitting your current billing information and re-logging into Second Life as a first step toward troubleshooting.

↑ The above means: ↑
First delete your existing payment method. Then re-enter the payment method. Then re-log into SL.

Please review the list of prohibited states below and your account status to see if you can participate.

Prohibited states and countries

Residents of the following states and countries may not participate in Skill Gaming in Second Life:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
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Well I for one not only withdraw my application to have a gaming sim but I also left secondlife for good. The people on secondlife that are running all the monopolies are employees and insiders. It is a scam all of it, there is no way you can't enter into real estate or any other market without being undercut. When I bring in mesh it is a joke to use collada files when you have fbx. I bet the insiders are using .fbx files and thats why they control the marketplace. The entire industry of 3-d is using .fbx why not here? The process to bring things in is crazy and lose quality with the Collada and they know it.

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