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just switched to firestorm from singularity viewer ... how do i fix stuff


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i like that i can hold alt and left clcik to pan the camera buut how do i change the up/down angle ?? really disliked being forced to use a hud like thing to do so 


secondly since i have a meshe avvy what is wrong with my head in singularity it looks like this cH6TWza.png


and in Firestorm it looks like a complete mess



3rdly how do i get rid of these things covering my HUD ?




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FS is a very complex and powerful viewer. I suggest you explore the PREFERENCE panes where you can change lots of things. Also, there are free classes (daily I think) that will help a lot. Or you can go back to a 1.23 viewer with lots less choices :D. There are tradeoffs.

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Chic Aeon wrote:

FS is a very complex and powerful viewer. I suggest you explore the PREFERENCE panes where you can change lots of things. Also, there are free classes (daily I think) that will help a lot. Or you can go back to a 1.23 viewer with lots less choices
. There are tradeoffs.

switched to pheonix

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Looks like you have a facelight going on. What you saw in Firestorm is how most of SL sees you - with that light bubble around you messing up your appearance.

As for the things in front of your HUD... move the HUD - those notices appear there in all current viewers now.

Sure you're on Phoenix? That's no longer supported and I'm surprised it can access SL still - its likely to have unpredictable results as it is notably outdated.


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Switched to Phoenix? I hope not. I assume what you mean is you switched to the Phoenix view. Regardless there are some options to switch the location of the Chiclets from the upper right to another location. Or you can just drag the HUD a bit. Experiment holding alt and control when camming you should never need a HUD to can. As for the images I am not sure what looks bad in the second. Looks like shadows are enabled maybe.

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Firestorm has an option to look like the Phoenix interface. Looks like lights and shadows so you might want to look at your graphics settings.If you set your windlight properly, the bird looking thing in the bottom right corner will bring up the quick list for your sky settings, you shouldn't need the facelight. Nothing you can do about other people, but you can look good to yourself.

The other thing you're looking at are the chiclets. To disable them go to Preferences, User interface, General..it's the last 2 boxes..check the hide group and IM chat chiclets.

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1)  Alt+CTRL tilts camera up and down, ALT+CTRL+Shift pans camera up and down (and side to side)

2) Remove your facelight. Delete it from your inventory.

3)  To remove the icons, click them to open the chat window for that conversation and click the X to close the window. But they will always reappear there so you'll want to move the HUD as well; Right-click the HUD, select Edit, and use the coloured arrows to move it down or left a bit. 

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Firestorm has an option to look like the Phoenix interface. Looks like lights and shadows so you might want to look at your graphics settings.If you set your windlight properly, the bird looking thing in the bottom right corner will bring up the quick list for your sky settings, you shouldn't need the facelight. Nothing you can do about other people, but you can look good to yourself.

The other thing you're looking at are the chiclets. To disable them go to Preferences, User interface, General..it's the last 2 boxes..check the hide group and IM chat chiclets.

yay they gone :3 


now how do i disable these notices http://i.imgur.com/xS8LOmG.png because if i get enough of them it will fill up that entire part of the screen(arrow to help you visualize) 


also how do i fix light settings ?

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Everything you want to know how to use Firestorm viewer is available here:

Getting help with Firestorm viewer

There are inworld classes too:

"We hold in-world classes explaining how to use Firestorm, what the preferences and menus mean, and so on. A great way to learn how to use the viewer, with an opportunity to ask questions as well."

Inworld class schedule is here:


Read and learn; attend the inworld classes.

Soon you will be an expert how to use Firestorm.

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Coby Foden wrote:

Splatulated wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Join the inworlds group...
Firestorm English Support.

where do i find a group ?

The group name actually is:
Firestorm Support English
Firestorm English Support

Search that inworld and join.

the group doesnt work 

nothing i type shows up in the chat 

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Splatulated wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Join the inworlds group... Firestorm English Support.

where do i find a group ?

In another thread you asked how to chat in a group so it follows that you know where to find them.  If you can't chat in it, either you're doing something wrong or the group has a session error and won't let you connect or you don't have rights to chat, in which case you'd need to IM an officer of the group and request chat rights.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Splatulated wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Join the inworlds group... Firestorm English Support.

where do i find a group ?

In another thread you asked how to chat in a group so it follows that you know where to find them.  If you can't chat in it, either you're doing something wrong or the group has a session error and won't let you connect or you don't have rights to chat, in which case you'd need to IM an officer of the group and request chat rights.

i was able to chat for few seconds but then it just stopped letting me post anything and was no body else posting either even after relog

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Splatulated wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

Splatulated wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Join the inworlds group... Firestorm English Support.

where do i find a group ?

In another thread you asked how to chat in a group so it follows that you know where to find them.  If you can't chat in it, either you're doing something wrong or the group has a session error and won't let you connect or you don't have rights to chat, in which case you'd need to IM an officer of the group and request chat rights.

i was able to chat for few seconds but then it just stopped letting me post anything and was no body else posting either even after relog

It's called chat lag.. the group has 24911 members in it.. groups with large memberships usually have issues with chat. If your message doesnt show up after 5 minutes, resend it. DO NOT CLOSE THE GROUP CHAT! Alternately you could IM one of the officers of the group.

Heres and idea.. Go to THIS page and read the info there.. there are lots of links to show you how to do things.

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That doesn't look like a facelight effect to me. From other threads, and from the look of it, that's a mesh head. I suspect from the lighting that it's Fullbright in a dark location and contrasting with the system body.

If there's a HUD that comes with the head, check for a control to remove fullbright. If there isn't such a thing and the head is moddable, edit it and uncheck fullbright in the texture tab. If it's no-mod and the creator hasn't given you a way to change it from fullbright, then wow, to hell with their product. In that case, you can probably fix how it looks to you by experimenting with Windlight settings, but you can't control how it will appear to others.

eta: a quick look at the Snow Rabbit head advert on MP suggests that fullbright is controllable from the HUD.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Splatulated wrote:

Sassy Romano wrote:

Splatulated wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Join the inworlds group... Firestorm English Support.

where do i find a group ?

In another thread you asked how to chat in a group so it follows that you know where to find them.  If you can't chat in it, either you're doing something wrong or the group has a session error and won't let you connect or you don't have rights to chat, in which case you'd need to IM an officer of the group and request chat rights.

i was able to chat for few seconds but then it just stopped letting me post anything and was no body else posting either even after relog

It's called chat lag.. the group has 24911 members in it.. groups with large memberships usually have issues with chat. If your message doesnt show up after 5 minutes, resend it. DO NOT CLOSE THE GROUP CHAT! Alternately you could IM one of the officers of the group.

Heres and idea.. Go to 
page and read the info there.. there are lots of links to show you how to do things.

REally, please DO NOT harangue the support people with a bunch of questions you can easily get elsewhere, in places mentioned in this thread.  The support people need to deal with issues not covered by RTFM or attending the inworld classes. Those people have to be the saintliest on the grid, hard to believe they do it as volunteers.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

REally, please DO NOT harangue the support people with a bunch of questions you can easily get elsewhere, in places mentioned in this thread.  The support people need to deal with issues not covered by RTFM or attending the inworld classes. Those people have to be the saintliest on the grid, hard to believe they do it as volunteers.

You must close the FS group chat when you log in.. They get asked the same questions over and over. SOmetimes three or four times in a row by different people. '

I had forgotten about their classes.. Check the notices Splat, they have classes for FS.

Yes, they are saints.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

REally, please DO NOT harangue the support people with a bunch of questions you can easily get elsewhere, in places mentioned in this thread.  The support people need to deal with issues not covered by RTFM or attending the inworld classes. Those people have to be the saintliest on the grid, hard to believe they do it as volunteers.

You must close the FS group chat when you log in.. They get asked the same questions over and over. SOmetimes three or four times in a row by different people. '

I had forgotten about their classes.. Check the notices Splat, they have classes for FS.

Yes, they are saints.

I only join the group long enough to get my answer.  And I only do that when I have been unable to find the answer myself.  Once I get my answer I leave the group cause at least for me I see no point in my adding to the chat lag.

A lot of the questions do get repeated and / or were things people could have easily looked up for themselves.

I too marvel at their patience.

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i have stayed in the group for a few reasons.

  1. I am usually online when there are very very few if any Devs to help people. I have no problem helping out where i can and pointing people to the correct pages.
  2. I learn something every single day just from reading the chat.
  3. I like helping people.
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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

i have stayed in the group for a few reasons.
  1. I am usually online when there are very very few if any Devs to help people.  
    I may be on at the busiest times. 
    I have no problem helping out where i can and pointing people to the correct pages.  
  2. I learn something every single day just from reading the chat. 
    I probably would too if I didn't get in and out like I do.
  3. I like helping people. 
    I do too.  I am a go to person in my circle of friends.  Not so much because I am so smart but because I follow the Forums and other things I can usually direct people to the answers.


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There is a check box in Group Info so you do not get chat, unless you open the chat yourself. I used to not mind it being open in the background because I learned things I could help customers with --  but I just could not take listening to people abuse the support people.  Jerks think the support people somehow OWE them a fix, and trying isnt good enough for them. And then there are the people who use the group for all purpose support and questions, even if it has nothing at all to do with their viewer.  

So the last thing they need is people who ask questions that answers are already available for.

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