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Wow some of you need a clean diaper .The game is 0 like bloodlines and biting is a non point effect that I doubt will be much of a issue.It is more based on building dark families with points for family tree size and combat that dose not rez anything and is more dark magic.I see a great game about to be released and I will be more then happy to support it!

If you had signed up for the beta testing and read the facebook before you just jumped on people the forums might be a place people use more then a handful of you with 1000s of negative post.

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I miss a lot of the old old vamp builds that used to be around,those places were really cool and the RP was even more cooler.

The awesome clubs and omg the vamp clothes!

I used to love talking to them and getting the blood history  of their families while dancing with them..Could listen to them all night long..

That couple over there,they are pure bloods and the oldest line here,they don't even acknoledge us,they are like royalty..

It was always interesting..

Then BL and thirst came along and a lot of the builds went away..

i mean huge awesome nests and castles and caves and crypts..

i walked into one club and it was like walking into something from right out of blade,where they invite a bunch of people to eat them, but way way back in time..

just body parts all over the place and looked like i just missed a mass sacrifice party or something..


i would love to see something like that come back.if this is about building families and blood lines(<-no pun intended)like real bloodlines and not the game bloodlines..

then this can be pretty cool thing..

i remember back then you could not beg someone to bite you lol,it was a special thing..i know,because i tried and came up full still lol

as long as someone can opt out and has a clear idea they are being asked..go for it..

it can be a good thing i think..


and don't mind how people are towards vamps right now,BL and thirst put a lot of people on leery mode because they sort of pushed thier game on people for years..

I'm all for something that puts them to the ground:matte-motes-evil-invert:


just want to add that not all bloodlines rp places were bad,just the ones spammin the newbs and playing it like it was a first person shooter sort of approach..

I knew plenty of cool people that played it and had good RP,it just that the azzhats had to stand out in the crowd more than the cool people..




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Alishen wrote:

Wow some of you need a clean diaper .The game is 0 like bloodlines and biting is a non point effect that I doubt will be much of a issue.It is more based on building dark families with points for family tree size and combat that dose not rez anything and is more dark magic.I see a great game about to be released and I will be more then happy to support it!

If you had signed up for the beta testing and read the facebook before you just jumped on people the forums might be a place people use more then a handful of you with 1000s of negative post.

The whole point of asking here is we're not beta testers. All we'll see is anything the game forces on people who aren't playing. In this case, bite requests. But it wouldn't matter if it was unicorn hugs, sparkle explosions or pats on the head. What people are reacting to is getting requests from a game they don't want to play.


It's easy to believe that beta will last forever. It'll always be a small group who won't abuse the system in any way, and anyone who says otherwise is a meanie. That line of thinking isn't good for the future of the game though, because if it gets popular, you will have issues with the system as described. It will be viewed as just like Bloodlines, because it will become its bite requests in the eyes of most people on the grid.


If you don't want the game to be judged that way, the solution is simple. Make everything opt-in, so only players in the game ever get requests. What is guaranteed not to help is to think you can talk your way out of it by dismissing the feedback. Random person on the grid doesn't care about this forum, what it says on the Facebook page, or anything else like that... but they will care if they arrive at a club and get six bite requests.

The game's in beta, so make the most of it. Change what needs to be changed, so it doesn't get a bad reputation or banned.

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Since I'm very much a vampire movie nut in RL, from Bela Lugosi onwards, I'll toss in my thoughts.

I've not been in SL long enough to have seen what Ceka Cianci describes, but I like the sound of it.

I wouldn't touch the bloodlines game with a ten foot cattle prod with a string of garlic on the end. The 'opt-out' thinking is simply an invasion of privacy. I hate it in RL and SL. I strongly object to being interrupted by such things if I'm not in a place where it is specifically allowed like an RP sim. Make it opt-in; the group-joining method might be good but I don't know if it's possible to tell if someone is in a group if they don't have it active. I guess not. Anyway, that's a technicality. Make it opt-in!

Personally I would love to play a slayer, not a vampire. I thought of that within a week of joining SL. The ideas already mentioned in the thread in that regard are great. I would gladly support, financially, a good game where something like that could be done. Hunting each other across sims, slyly insinuating oneself into the opposite society by seduction or whatever in order to score a big kill - wow! It could be so much fun.

It doesn't have to be wholly restricted to RP sims either as long as we only RP with each other and don't really disturb the 'normals'. I've even designed my living accommodation already as a vampire slayer's hang-out! So, something like that would get my money.

RP is the key though, not just a HUD-based, point scoring system. That's just a small part of helping to keep track of things. The technicalities should be there to assist the RP, not vice versa. Shy users? Well, I'm not exactly the most extrovert person myself, quite the opposite (and it's really nothing to do with being 'shy') but it's something that just has to be got over. As someone said somewhere, play a 'not shy' person. I think it would be quite frustrating for an RPer to be 'got' without even a little bit of RP. Frustration of that kind isn't conducive to keeping players. That said, I am one of nature's snipers... (in RL at least, and not RPing)

Since it seems adult content has been mentioned, of course that needs to be part of it. Watch almost every traditional vampire movie ever made! Without that it would be just downright boring and would degenerate into a mindless point-scoring game. That's fine if you just effectively want to play 'assassins' with pointy teeth, but I grew out of things like that many years ago. People do, in general, I think. There needs to be more 'meat' to keep us interested.

 Just my two cents :)

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

one place was like it was right out of lost boys nest..

I was getting the creeps thinking someone was way down in there sleepin and could wake up any minute. hehehe

I miss SL doing that kinda stuff to me .


The very first castle I ever came across in sl, was like this :)

It was amazing, and a very large, at one point, clan of vampires lived there. They didn't mind us exploring their grounds, using it for what we called "field trips" back then(we were bringing over numerous friends from a game that is now defunct, so, we took them places they could enjoy, learn, sit and relax, etc..). As long as we didn't disturb them, when they were there, doing whatever it was they did.

If, however we wandered over to one area of the sim, all bets were off, and we were free game for them...and they made certain we knew it ;) We had many nights of playing hide and seek with them, running all over the place, no tp-ing out or flying permitted. It was awesome.

THAT kind of RP, is what I was getting at too. It was totally opt-in, and it was awesome. Anyone who did not want to participate, avoided those areas. THey didn't get bite requests from any of the vamps, if they stayed out of those areas, but could enjoy the rest of the sim in peace, even among the vamps who were not currently participating in the rp games. It was the perfect balance of fun, with a few rules tossed in to keep it on point when needed. Thye could have just as easily spammed us with multiple bite requests, or even just not allowed us to be on their sim at all,b ut they chose not to be like that.

For the OP...

I think it's wonderful you have your beta testers coming here to your rescue, however, I can imagine they didn't actually read the thread at all, or anythign you said. People here responded based on the information you gave. We are not in your beta test group, we do not know the specifics. We only know the information you give us, and that is what people are going to comment on. If you, or your group, do not like it, then try giving more information from the word go. If you want commentary based on the entire system, then describe the entire system and not just a portion of it. People are not likely to want to go go your fb(assuming the responders here even use fb) to go find out about your system. You might think it's lazy on their part, while they might think it's lazy on your part to not want to describe your game in better detail.

Regardless, what you described here, in the forums, is not "nothing like bloodlines", you described the portion of your game that is just like bloodlines. So that's why it was compared to it. If you want us, people in general, to see your game for something else, then you need to present it as such. It's foolish to think, after all these years of people dealing with, well, one can only surmise to be a totally crappy vamp rp system(bloodlines), seeing another one pop up with described similarities, is going to be thought of as anything different. As another posted said, you're in beta now, so now's the time, if changes are to be made, to do so. It's the perfect time, actually. If your game is more about building families, your emphasis should be on that, not the bites. Your posts put emphasis on the bite aspect, and nothing more. You can't fault people for using what you put here, to comment on, lol.

I wish you the best regardless. But, if your game is really that much different than what we've already seen, you need to put much, much more emphasis on that fact. Make certain people know the differences. Don't make them go to your fb page or even any external page, to get this information. I know a lot of people use blogs for their products, and that is't all so bad, but not nearly as many people use fb, nor will they. So give them all of the information they need upfront, to make a decision. You will be much better received when you don't make people hunt down the information themselves. Your posts put absolutely no emphasis on any of the other aspects of your game, and that's why it was received the way it was. It's not the posters here that are at fault, and I imagine at least some of your testers who are enjoying your game, very much, will be able to see that. They'll probably also wonder why your posts put any emphasis on the bite at all, if that is truly just a teeny tiny part of your game.

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Tari Landar wrote:

For the OP...

I think it's wonderful you have your beta testers coming here to your rescue, however, I can imagine they didn't actually read the thread at all, or anythign you said. People here responded based on the information you gave. 

Precisely.  This is what the OP asked:

TheG0t wrote:

Now I am working on the bite system, I know many  hate the word after other games had some bad spammy result's the way it worked.

Any input would be a help.

Thank you


The OP got exactly what he asked for, what people thought about a bite system, and the OP was the first one to bring up the "spam" factor.  


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What is so hard to understand about "don't ask people for bites who haven't given prior permission to be involved in the game"?

If you have that permission, granted a priori without anybody having to ask for it, then it's cool. Otherwise nothing else about the "game" matters to civilians: we're gonna hate it, just as we hate Bloodlines and all the other spammy scammy scum that's come since.

Again, you all may like playing vampires, or vampire victims, or whatever, and that's perfectly fine. Others of us, however, find the whole blood-slurping mythos utterly laughable, excrable, or offensive. Please cut us a break here and limit the roleplay to other pre-enrolled players.

Or ignore our opinions -- but let's not hear how our opinions are too tough on your delicate sensibilities. You asked, after all.

And let's not hear about how it's "0 like Bloodlines but vampires bite." If it adopts the exact same scummy form of coercive "bite" marketing, it's garbage, and absolutely nothing else about it matters.

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That sounds even better,having to be in the game to even get bit..that would save a lot of interrupting someone who is already doing their own kind of SL.

I do remember being home in my own sim and nobody else around and someone IMing me to bite me..

I was like,how the hell did you get in my sim?

He wasn't in my sim,he was just some random vamp that was picking up on some bite that i didn't even know i had before him asking..


a lot of people are already getting immersed into their own thing in world,someone else's immersion interrupting their immersion is probably not such a good thing..

i'm curious why games like this need people that don't play them,to be successful?

Isn't there a way to make them where they can grow without spaming outsiders for bites?


as someone said earlier,not everyone has FB,i never wanted one of those pages and i don't play vamp games..

I just think the sims and old school vamps stuff are cool..



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