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I am building a game games_Facebook based on vampires.

I have always wanted to as I am a huge vampire fan and feel my sls/PHP skills  are up to  the task.


Most the game built using less them  1% resource use and only 6 scripts , the web rank server handles the laggy stuff.

Now I am working on the bite system, I know many  hate the word after other games had some bad spammy result's the way it worked.

I hate the idea of a drop down message asking if the bite is ok, my thoughts where a 1 time private message from the HUD asking the user if a bit is ok , if so simply say in general chat "yes or no" .

The system will set a timer ,  if the av dose not reply the vampire is told  to either ask them in a private message in person or leave them alone.

I really struggled with even this!   In my opinion a game involves  skill , I have always looked at a vampire as a skilled hunter able to use his or her words alone to get victims .

Part of me says if you do not have some kind of system to ask it could become a brick wall to shy users who will never feel they can gain the points to make it fun to play.

Any input would be a help.

Thank you


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The only acceptable approach is for the victim of the bite to have already enrolled in the game, voluntarily, without any prompting of any kind, before a bite can be offered.

Anything else is spam. Granted, for purely commercial reasons Linden Lab has long elected to allow such spam, but it's still extraordinarily offensive to some SL users.

You may like vampires and all, but you need to keep in mind that some folks find the prospect of a vampire bite on a par with being used as a human toilet. Just don't do that to those folks.

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I Myself am a bloodlines player. At least I have the hud and some items but no time to play because I like building more. :) The amulet keeps me from having to stalk people for their precious liquids so I'm fine...

About the bite requests...

I think this type of game inherently encourages it's players to 'spam' other residents. Whether it's with a bite request, an im saying 'hi, can I send you a bite request' or chatiing you up for 15mins only to find out they just want to bite you and leave. And when, like bloodlines, you are required to bite people to stay alive and you get awarded points for 'first bite' this only encourages spammy behaviour even more.

Two at least partial solutions to reduce this behaviour could be


A) An opt in system where the humans opt in to receive bite request via a wearable item or registration system.

B) A system where you rez an item on a sim or parcel that the hud need to be present to be able to send bite requests. This would create a game friendly zone where bite requests are allowed and expected. A landowner can decide to support your game and rez the item. You could in turn provide a list of game friendly land (like the BL haunt system).


This approach might not give you the fastest growth of your game but you'll be less likely to gain a bad reputation for creating an annoying spammy game...

Good luck with your game, I will keep an eye out for it!

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Honest opinion? It sounds like you're trying to recreate your own version of Bloodlines. 

Bloodlines already exists. It's existed for so long that many sims now have it included in their rules: NO BLOODLINES. The reason for that is because it's spam. Period.

I don't know if a HUD can be set to IM other users. It might be able to "speak" in local, but then you're back at spamming random people. Even if it does, how is it different from a drop down message? You either get a blue box asking if it's okay and press yes or no, or you get message asking if it's oaky and you type yes or  no. For myself, I'd rather have the drop down box, frankly.

Either join Bloodlines, or roleplay without a HUD. 

Now, not saying you can't create a vampire game. Just maybe think of another type of game. You could create a pure roleplay group. You could create your HUD, and offer it to the people in your roleplay group, even. Make your own sim, or find one without many people in it, and host "events" there. Advertise them/ 

Just, why create a game that's already out there?

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Just to add to one of the points Christhiana made, its interesting that one of the other grids recently debated having an 'RP allowed' beacon system whereby a land owner could rez an object that an RP system could check to see if it was accepted in that particulr area. The questions about the whole tiresome bite spam side could be mitigated somewhat by using such a beacon, for want of a better term.

Part of the dislike of previous systems I think stems from the fact that unsolicited messages could crop up anywhere. By adding functionality so that the system only operated (on those not actually already involved)  where land owners had made a decision to opt in could alleviate a lot of negative reaction - after all, if I go to a combat/designated role play area I can expect to at least be exposed to it, even if under an 'observer' status. And if I know that I am likely to attract an invite to participate I can at least be forewarned.

Added benefit of course is that landowners could use it as a draw.

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And furthermore you could add a personal beacon as well, like the BL garlic necklace. Then a resident could still visit a game friendly sim and choose to opt out of bite requests... Honestly this way should be more fun to play as well. At least now the people you sent a bite request are more likely to rp with you instead of telling you to go bite yourself...

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Is it possible to make computer controlled NPC's that walk around sims now? The whole game could be built on biting the NPC's. After getting bitten and dying, they respawn at random areas as new victims. People would want to hang out at the sims as long as possible in order to harvest all the NPC blood and the vampires can fight each other over biting right. Then you could offer a hud where people can actually play as regular humans and have to run around like an NPC and avoid getting bit. You could pay people if they stay alive for a long time.

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Bree Giffen wrote:

Is it possible to make computer controlled NPC's that walk around sims now? The whole game could be built on biting the NPC's. After getting bitten and dying, they respawn at random areas as new victims. People would want to hang out at the sims as long as possible in order to harvest all the NPC blood and the vampires can fight each other over biting right. Then you could offer a hud where people can actually play as regular humans and have to run around like an NPC and avoid getting bit. You could pay people if they stay alive for a long time.

If they offer the role of slayer, count me in.

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The opt in systems for either players or areas are a better idea. But on the original question, you haven't thought it through. For Bloodlines, you get a dropdown box and click it to get rid of it. Annoying for sure. But instead, you're proposing a system that forces people to reply in chat, and then encourages the biter to hassle them in IM if they don't reply. Typing out an answer is more time consuming than clicking a button, and if everyone did it in a crowded area, there'd be the constant spam of endless no no no no no. That's how to make a bite system even more annoying than Bloodlines.

Even for opt in systems though, in my opinion, there should be ways to score points that don't require bites. It shouldn't lead to them dying or losing their points if they don't bite people. Making bites the most important thing means players will harass others to opt in, which is going to get your system and players banned just as quickly as bite request boxes. A vampire game that de-emphasises biting would bring something new. As examples, vampires could gain points by hunting NPC thingies that sim owners put out, or finding new hunting grounds (exploring) or winning skill games against other vampires.

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Definitely require any victims to opt in to the game somehow before the bite question can even be asked.  Of better yet allow people to sign up who are willing to RP with the vamps in return for some L's or a reward of some kind. 

People object to vampire rolepay because they don't want to participate or even be asked to, and because most non players think requests are spam, or a combination of the two.  That's why vamps are banned from so many places.

Personally I think all roleplay should only be allowed on sims designated for the roleplay and when the player leaves the sim, they should cease the RP or at least confine their roleplay to words on in IMs with another roleplayer so non roleplayers around them are not aware of it.

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thank you for your  ideas, the fact is my game is 0 like bloodlines but vampires bite.

There is no dieing if you go dry in my game and it is more of family building and combat that lets you take the blood of others if you win.

My best idea was to remove any reward with biting and add the ability to simply suck a little physic energy out of people with out them even knowing or having to take part if they lack the skills to talk a person into sharing blood.

Also I will make a demo version of the game HUD that will let user play the game for 48 hours free at that time they can not stop players from biting them.Basically they blood in the water if they want a free demo.

I agree there should be no bothering any one that has not taken part of the game

I did find humor in one snarky person post , after I reviewed their market place my reply is "Why buy re-seller full perms  mesh clothing outfits...there already 3000000 version of the same outfit out there..."

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You asked opinions and I am going to give you a straight forward one. After reading your last reply here, I can tell you're not actually taking the opinions you get seriously, but I'll answer anyway.

Yes, your game IS like bloodlines, whether you like it or not. It is not "0" like bloodlines. If your game requires players to ask others if they want to be bitten, that right there is a similarity. Yes, it's not exactly like it, because yours requires someone typing in chat, it is still similar. Similar does not mean identical.

No, I do not like the idea of your game being allowed all over the grid. Why? Because it's obnoxious enough to be spammed by people with a drop down box. Being asked to then type into local chat a yes or a no, with a promise that I will likely be Imd should I decide to simply not answer, is even more obnoxious. Now, that is, of course, if the game is allowed to gbe played all over the grid. If it is restricted to certain sims, or parcels, I'm fine with it. Why? Because it's not spam when you choose to visit sims where these things take place, for me. If, however, I am out on some other sim, enjoying some other activity, and I get spammed with a bite request...I do not care what form it comes in, I will consider it spam, am very likely to ignore you, and if I get IMd about it, as I can see could easily happen with your game since your game actually tells the players to IM people they want to bite...I will AR it. My AR won't be enough to do any damage, but you get a few more folks who also AR with every IM or bite request, and you will soon find your game is as unwelcome across the grid as bloodlines is.

I assume that is not the direction you want to go. I assume you want your game to be seen as "different", "better", "more unique", even if it may share some similarities to what already exists. If that is the case, you need to start taking the opinions you've been given seriously. Do NOT under any circumstances assume that everyone on the grid is going to like your idea, or see it as something different from bloodlines. As, from the outside looking in, it is not different enough. I also want to stress that you should *always* make rp opt-in, not opt-out. This is where bloodlines first went wrong, and kept going wrong all these years. Bloodlines was never opt-in, from the word go. Yes they have the garlic necklace, now, but it should never be seen as something you *should suggest to new people in order for them to avoid an rp they don't want to participate in.  RP should always be opt-in. In other words, if people want to play your game, want to be bitten, want to bite, wantyto do whatever...they should need to either have or purchase equipment that suggests such. They should have to opt in to play. It should not be done the same way bloodlines does, or even remotely similar, where people can simply say no to a bite request. In fact, the bite request shouldn't even be able to be sent, unless the person receiving is already part of the game. That can easily be achieved through a HUD, heck, even a group. You should not leave the masses, that is, the general sl public, as a "free for all unless they say no" status. That, and that alone, is where bloodlines began to go wrong(they've done more wrong since, but that is, was and will always be their biggest downfall).

Now you can feel free to judge me as a merchant or creator all you like, because you don't like my answers, I'm a big girl, I can take it. But what you don't realize is that in doing so, and knocking down each and every opinion you actually asked for, you're already setting your own game up for failure. You should never ask for advice you're not really willing to hear, or listen to. I know it's not easy to put yourself on a plate, so to speak, ready for judgment. But that is exactly what you did. If you want your game ot be seen as anything other thana  bloodlines copycat, which I am sorry to say, it will be seen as, then you need to go in a completely different direction than they did. Make enough differences that the similarities(because there will be some, no matter what) won't make much of a difference. Give people a reason to think your game will be different, and better. Give peop0le a reason to think your game will be more fun, and less intrusive on the general public. As it stands, the system that exists now, is very intrusive on the general public, and that is why it, and most rps that come even remotely close to it, are banned from the majority of sims in sl. You don't want to start out a game that gets banned form most of sl right off the bat, if you want a grid-wide game that is, that would be silly. You want a game that's going to be seen as something different. Which means you NEED to be much less intrusive on the rest of the grid. In order to do that, you need to absolutely make your RP game an opt-in game, and not an opt-out game. You need to start it off, get it going, and keep it going, with willing participants, not unsuspecting people. Yes I know, vampires bite, and they don't always bite the willing, I get it. There are lots of people in sl that would be willing to play that unsuspecting person too...but you need to quit assuming the grid is and should be your guinea pig and that all are open and ready for your brand of rp. That's not the case, and you're not going to make vampire RP anymore welcome on the grid with your system as you have it set up, currently. You will be looked down on, dismissed and disliked, as much as bloodlines is by the majority. Sims will ban you, people will AR you and your system will not even be as popular as what we have now, if you go with it the way you have it now. You might not want to hear that, but it's the truth.

I'm not saying it to be mean, or rude. I am saying it to be truthful, honest and open with someone who, I would hope, genuinely cares about the product he/she is creating, and wants it to succeed. So instead of being insulted by the truth, I would recommend taking it to heart and realizing that there are a LOT of people who would enjoy seeing a grid-wide vamp RP that actually does the RP justice and isn't looked down upon. You just need to find a better way to execute it.

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In my personal opinion, unless your game operates SOLELY on a sim dedicated to it, you will be bothering people. Not you, yourself, but you run the high risk of people using your HUD to randomly spam people with bite requests, therefore making it EXACTLY like Bloodlines in the one respect that people care the most about. No one not interested in vampire RP would care about Bloodlines one way or another, except for the bite requests. My largest concern about the game you're planning, the one bit that makes it sound the most like Bloodlines, is the biting. 

Unless you have a dedicated sim, or dedicated events, I think you'll end up just. Like. Bloodlines. 

And that already exists, so again, there's no need to create another. 

But honestly, you can do what you want. I can do what I used to do with Bloodlines bite requests before I got a Garlic Necklace - Ignore, Mute, and Move On. 

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TheG0t wrote:

thank you for your  ideas, the fact is my game is 0 like bloodlines but vampires bite.

There is no dieing if you go dry in my game and it is more of family building and combat that lets you take the blood of others if you win.

My best idea was to remove any reward with biting and add the ability to simply suck a little physic energy out of people with out them even knowing or having to take part if they lack the skills to talk a person into sharing blood.

Also I will make a demo version of the game HUD that will let user play the game for 48 hours free at that time they can not stop players from biting them.Basically they blood in the water if they want a free demo.

I agree there should be no bothering any one that has not taken part of the game

I did find humor in one snarky person post , 
after I reviewed their market place my reply is "Why buy re-
seller full perms 
 mesh clothing outfits...there already 3000000 version of the same outfit out there..."


You suggest a 'game' like the one you have suggested and have the nerve to call someone out for snark? You're lucky you didn't get flamed to a state past well done. For every one thousand SL avatars, you might find one (and I'm being very generous) that thinks your plan is a good idea.

It might be something that you could attract visitors for if, as has been suggested, it was carefully contained to a sim or sims. I'm sure there are probably lots of people who might enjoy taking their chances either as vamp or victim from time to time. Release it among the general population and be prepared to be called out for the spammer you would be.

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TheG0t wrote:

My best idea was to remove any reward with biting and add the ability
to simply suck a little physic energy out of people
with out them even knowing or having to take part if they lack the skills to talk a person into sharing blood.

So your "best idea" would only work on a platform other than SL.

Might be a good idea, at that.

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TheG0t wrote:

thank you for your  ideas, the fact is my game is 0 like bloodlines but vampires bite.

There is no dieing if you go dry in my game and it is more of family building and combat that lets you take the blood of others if you win.

My best idea was to remove any reward with biting and add the ability to simply suck a little physic energy out of people with out them even knowing or having to take part if they lack the skills to talk a person into sharing blood.

Also I will make a demo version of the game HUD that will let user play the game for 48 hours free at that time they can not stop players from biting them.Basically they blood in the water if they want a free demo.

I agree there should be no bothering any one that has not taken part of the game

I did find humor in one snarky person post , 
after I reviewed their market place my reply is "Why buy re-
seller full perms 
 mesh clothing outfits...there already 3000000 version of the same outfit out there..."

You want an honest opinion? You got it, bub.

You are a small minded individual who seems to think they are the best thing since sliced bread.  Your bold new game idea is 99% exactly like Bloodlines and if made i hope they sue the hell out of you.

You views on creation in SL are simplified and childish.

"If you use any type of pre made kit to create you are not a "designer"  you are still learning..a nicer way of saying "noob"."

Perhaps you don't know this, but any pre-made kit still has to be textured and shaded properly before it can be sold. That takes a lot of skill. What praytell have you created? Can't seem to find a store anywhere with your name on it, just a half-assed idea that rips from one of the worst ideas in SL.

Why do you need a HUD to RP as a vampire? Just change your av and RP. Get a hug/kiss HUD for free and RP the bite. "Let's make a HUD that does the RP for you."

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can turn the whole vampire thing upside down. Make the vampire the victims

sell a HUD that lets the slayers hunt the vampires across the grid and stake them. Like the vampire HUD broadcast where they are on teh grid. Whoever stakes the most number of vampires wins

any vampire what takes off their HUD to avoid a staking gets turned into a chikken on the Kill a Vampire website

but vampire dont have to be totally helpless. If a slayer appears then the vampire can attack them. Like bite their throat out but  the vampire has to wait until the slayer makes the first move. Like the HUD tells the vampire when the slayer pulls their stake out. Then is game on. like a combat


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Can I ask what your purpose is for making this game?

Make L$ selling stuff for your game?

Start a new roleplay community?

or maybe you just like making stuff?

Knowing your goal would help a lot with giving you a good opinion. Also I'm saying this because it is a good thing to ask yourself. I spend a great deal of time learning to build and script a little so I could build me a club to run only to find it was actually the building I liked and not having a club. So as soon as it was about finished it packed it up in a box and started building something new but with a more thought through purpose this time.

I would also suggest getting beta testers involved as soon as you can and listen to their feedback.

One final piece of advice. If you're in it for the money then trying to cash in on a saturated market with an already established big player, such as bloodlines, is not going to work. You'll need to come up with something that's unique and something that people really want or need. Then be the first, the best and the biggest player in that field.


Good luck!

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irihapeti wrote:

can turn the whole vampire thing upside down. Make the vampire the victims

sell a HUD that lets the slayers hunt the vampires across the grid and stake them. Like the vampire HUD broadcast where they are on teh grid. Whoever stakes the most number of vampires wins

any vampire what takes off their HUD to avoid a staking gets turned into a chikken on the Kill a Vampire website

but vampire dont have to be totally helpless. If a slayer appears then the vampire can attack them. Like bite their throat out but  the vampire has to wait until the slayer makes the first move. Like the HUD tells the vampire when the slayer pulls their stake out. Then is game on. like a combat



Because of the somewhat minimal road system in SL and the way the sky settings can vary from sim to sim, I'd have to think the "...at a crossroads at midnight..." could be waived: a stake through the heart should count anywhere/anytime.  On the other hand, there's no reason a person who nailed the time and location shouldn't be awarded a big bonus.

That might even be good for business. People might start hanging out at crossroads, most of which (at least where I live) have a lot of shops nearby.

I'm starting to like this.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

can turn the whole vampire thing upside down. Make the vampire the victims

sell a HUD that lets the slayers hunt the vampires across the grid and stake them. Like the vampire HUD broadcast where they are on teh grid. Whoever stakes the most number of vampires wins

any vampire what takes off their HUD to avoid a staking gets turned into a chikken on the Kill a Vampire website

but vampire dont have to be totally helpless. If a slayer appears then the vampire can attack them. Like bite their throat out but  the vampire has to wait until the slayer makes the first move. Like the HUD tells the vampire when the slayer pulls their stake out. Then is game on. like a combat



Because of the somewhat minimal road system in SL and the way the sky settings can vary from sim to sim, I'd have to think the "...at a crossroads at midnight..." could be waived: a stake through the heart should count anywhere/anytime.  On the other hand, there's no reason a person who nailed the time and location shouldn't be awarded a big bonus.

That might even be good for business. People might start hanging out at crossroads, most of which (at least where I live) have a lot of shops nearby.

I'm starting to like this.

I'm liking this too!

Would we get extra points for slaying a vampire with a flaming stake? Or a flaming steak? I can do either.

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I love it and sign up for the beta testing!

I do not see anything in this game like bloodlines .Bloodlines dont have dark children or combat with dark energy. I noticed many of the mean replies are blind anger as you can tell they never looked at what was posted on the Facebook about the game .It looks more like some people just do not like these games and they are not even listening or looking into the facts.I spent the day with the beta group and had great time Saturday .  I am shocked as new  player the assault on this man for simply wanting to make a game .The people with critical replies might what to remember we can look at past post you made and from what I can see the main ones crying  have a large list of  negative cry baby replies post.I will be honest it has kept me from speaking here as I feel I might be yelled at by people with 4,000 post and a anger issue.


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