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Moderate sim ratings.....I JUST DON"T GET IT!!!

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ok please explain this ...here is the ruling on moderate sim


Second Life's Moderate designation accommodates most of the non-adult activities common in Second Life. Dance clubs, bars, stores and malls, galleries, music venues, beaches, parks, and other spaces for socializing, creating, and learning all support a Moderate designation so long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities or content and do not use adult search tags. Groups, events and classifieds that relate to this broad range of activities and themes generally should also be designated as Moderate.

Residents in these spaces should therefore expect to see a variety of themes and content. Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search.

NOW HERE IS THE QUESTION >>>> If linden labs set fourth the ruling on what a moderate sim can do than why are there places as nude beaches.....pole dancing....open sex and the like on these sims??? is this not inforced?? and if not than why i have the ruling? and what if my 16 year old was to join and goes to these places as they are deemed moderate but yet open to everyone?? please please someone explain


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sheena797 Navarita wrote:

ok please explain this ...here is the ruling on moderate sim


Second Life's Moderate designation accommodates most of the non-adult activities common in Second Life. Dance clubs, bars, stores and malls, galleries, music venues, beaches, parks, and other spaces for socializing, creating, and learning all support a Moderate designation so long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities or content and do not use adult search tags. Groups, events and classifieds that relate to this broad range of activities and themes generally should also be designated as Moderate.

Residents in these spaces should therefore expect to see a variety of themes and content. Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search.

NOW HERE IS THE QUESTION >>>> If linden labs set fourth the ruling on what a moderate sim can do than why are there places as nude beaches.....pole dancing....open sex and the like on these sims??? is this not inforced?? and if not than why i have the ruling? and
what if my 16 year old was to join and goes to these places as they are deemed moderate but yet open to everyone??
please please someone explain


Your 16 year old couldn't go to Moderate regions if they put their age in honestly when they registered.

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>> as long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities <<

Moderate effectively allows the same content Adult as long as the content is not promoted or advertized in a business sense.  The Lab didn't clearly define what "private" is, but, all Adult activities are okay in Moderate as long as they're done in "private".  (^_^)

As for enforcing rules, they do.  But they don't 'police' the grid.  If you want to see rules enforced, you have to send Abuse Reports. (^_^)

Also, nudity is not sex. (^_^)y



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In general, moderate is like the real world.  Except with no minors.  YOu can walk down a public street and will likely not be confronted with sex, nudity (usually), etc.  But everyone is free to do as they like within their own residences.  You don't go into peoples houses in RL, unless invited. And the same applies for peeping/camming, both in RL and SL.  Of course, as in RL, there are clubs, businesses, even nude beaches.

General areas are safe for everyone. No public nudity and no sex anywhere, even in your own residence.

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Nudity is not adult activity (you can see kids even at RL nudist beaches). However open sex activities definitely are adult activities.


 Is simple nudity without sex Adult?

Depending on context, nudity may not require an Adult rating. For example all of the following could be rated Moderate:

    A nude beach without sexual activity.
    Skin vendors showing a nude skin to display the product.
    Nude art that is not sexual.
    Strip clubs that do not use adult words in search or host sex furniture.

Depending on the context, exposed genitalia may not be considered Adult. For example:

    Hanging out at a nude beach would be fine.
    Walking around pants-less on the mainland could be inappropriate.

Non-sexualized depictions of nudity are Moderate NOT Adult.


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One thing to note is the moderate rules weren't always that way. In the past, a lot more stuff was allowed in moderate areas (or at least, the rules weren't as clear about what was and wasn't allowed). Which means you can find things left over from that time, which have survived because they're abandoned and no one ever goes there. If no one visits, no one reports them, so they sit there. I'm all for reporting them when you find them, as it helps clear up the mainland.

...just be sure they're actually rule breaking. As others have said, you can be naked and pole dance, as long as it's not connected to sex.

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ok on these so called nude beaches I have seen public sex just walking down a path (fully clothed mind you) and seen many couples ingaging in sex....now i know that lindens can not police all the regions...and most regions are rented out by real estate companies...so why are they not following the laws? this bugs me as I had a huge argument with a club owner on customers coming into a none sexuasl club on a modererate sim...displaying thier tatas and maryjanes......for all to see than asking for other customers to do the same...to me it's disgusting in a public place if it is not deemed ADULT or in a strip club or sexual enviroment...so bottem line if I want to work in a clean club i have to go to a general sim and my kid who is wanting to play Sl is out of the question...

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We also should not forget this section:


What does "behind closed doors" mean?

Adult activity on Moderate land must be conducted "behind closed doors," meaning that you must make every reasonable effort to ensure that the parcel is private. This means:

  • Allow only a group or specific individuals access to the parcel. If it is group-access only, the group must not be freely open to join.
  • Hide avatars (turn off avatar visibility) for the parcel.
  • Enclose the area behind walls or other visual barriers.


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sheena797 Navarita wrote:

ok on these so called nude beaches I have seen public sex just walking down a path (fully clothed mind you) and seen many couples ingaging in sex....now i know that lindens can not police all the regions...and most regions are rented out by real estate companies...so why are they not following the laws? this bugs me as I had a huge argument with a club owner on customers coming into a none sexuasl club on a modererate sim...displaying thier tatas and maryjanes......for all to see than asking for other customers to do the same...to me it's disgusting in a public place if it is not deemed ADULT or in a strip club or sexual enviroment...so bottem line if I want to work in a clean club i have to go to a general sim and my kid who is wanting to play Sl is out of the question...

If you want you can Abuse Report any place that violates the rules in my previous message.

And as was stated previously, if your kid uses their real age to register then they will automaticaly be restricted to "G" Sims.

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So you may not, as a business, advertise that your sim provides sex or objects for sex on Moderate sims. No escorts, no back rooms, no nothing. 

NUDITY is not SEX. If you are offended by nudity, or concerned about encountering nudity, don't visit Moderate sims. There are no rules stating that avatars may not be nude on those sims, or even preventing them from sending out IM's soliciting sex, as long as sex is not promoted or advertised on those sims. 

There's not even a rule that sex may not OCCUR  on Moderate sims. It just can't be advertised or promoted. If you search for "sex" or related terms, you should not see any Moderate sims pop up. If you do, report, report, report. 

Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done about seeing sex on a Moderate sim unless the sim itself is promoting sex. Having sex furniture or sex poseballs counts as promoting sex, according to the rules, but if one reads literally, there is nothing that says individuals may not have sex there. They just have to bring their own sexual content.

At least, that's as far as I understand it.

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I can't say I've run across a lot of adult stuff on moderate land in recent times. But if I do, a report is the most I do. It's not worth spending more time and energy on it. The owners aren't your problem to solve and you don't need to talk to them... leave that to the Lindens. Then move on to better places.

This has nothing to do with a sixteen-year-old though, as they're on general land, and that's much less likely to have anything rulebreaking. I suspect because there's less general land, and the sort of people who live there are quicker with the reports. (And once someone hits eighteen, there's nothing stopping them visiting adult land... you just have to accept at that point that they're adult and they'll make their own choices.)

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  • 3 years later...

I understand. I worked as a dancer with a younger  girl.   When she said it was  her birthday how  old  would be.  She said 17.  I almost had a heart attack.  

Don't know how she got there, but I knew she was having sex in the club. I had to report the club.   Yes she lied about her age to get it.  But when it was  discovered and reported.  LL didn't do  anything.

A group of us did the only thing we could think of..baby sit.  

The owner of the club should have been at least notified and handled by SL.  No matter, wasnt our responsibility it was LL.

Why the TOS as per above ignored? 




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1 hour ago, pennytrated said:

Don't know how she got there, but I knew she was having sex in the club. I had to report the club. 

The club has nothing to do with that, as they didn't violate the ToS. The person who claimed to be 17 would be the one you needed to report.

Aside from that (and the fact that you dug up a thread from 2014): You act like you found a toddler. Calm down. Its irrational. Because lets face it: 365 days later and you suddenly don't panic anymore...? This is just a breach of the ToS. Most people her age have probably done and seen worse.

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Thank you for the response.   Read above.   She could have used false or borrowed ID.  That  is out of their ability to control.   Not ours 

Kids do worse. ...I feel bad for  the parents.  I don't feel is a responsible solution. More like a shrug and ignore. 

Why be so upset? Why arent you? Im going to make sure my teenager hangs out in a safe place.  Ignoring she could be having sex and in some places  3 or more partners.  

Im thinking hell take that position why not  put them on a street  corner..at least she would  get paid.




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52 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

yeah she even PM'd me some mini  rant but I am still completely clueless as to who it is and certainly not going to get into a forum drama  *sprinkles fairy dust*

She said you are my high school buddy, Cindy! :x

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3 minutes ago, Syo Emerald said:

She said you are my high school buddy, Cindy! :x

haha  delusional    9_9she was on about something she says I need to drop from 3 years ago.  I guess since I have no clue who's alt it is;  I already dropped it a long time ago

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3 hours ago, pennytrated said:

I understand. I worked as a dancer with a younger  girl.   When she said it was  her birthday how  old  would be.  She said 17.  I almost had a heart attack.  

Don't know how she got there, but I knew she was having sex in the club. I had to report the club.   Yes she lied about her age to get it.  But when it was  discovered and reported.  LL didn't do  anything.

A group of us did the only thing we could think of..baby sit.  

The owner of the club should have been at least notified and handled by SL.  No matter, wasnt our responsibility it was LL.

Why the TOS as per above ignored? 




Mkay so let me see if I have this straight: You found someone working in a club in SL that was underage for that access level (Moderate) and you also suspect said person was engaging in text/animation based sexual play elsewhere in the club.

Let's put aside the fact that outside of public chat and cam following there isn't a snowball's chance in Hades for you to know what said person was up to beyond their dancing and focus on the important bit here: You reported the club itself to Linden Lab and expected them to do ... What exactly?

Here's how it works: You find someone below eighteen in any area outside of General, you send in an Abuse Report concerning that specific individual and then move right on. If they so happen to be employed at a club you follow the exact same procedure.

If the user account still exists after a week at most then the most likely explanation is that you were trolled. Move right on.

Linden Lab (not Second Life, that is the software) has no obligation to notify the club owner of anything pertaining to any user visiting or employed at the club.

Once again, the report that should have been filed should have had the user's name as the person being reported and once the report was filed that should have been the end of it.

1 hour ago, pennytrated said:

Thank you for the response.   Read above.   She could have used false or borrowed ID.  That  is out of their ability to control.   Not ours 

Kids do worse. ...I feel bad for  the parents.  I don't feel is a responsible solution. More like a shrug and ignore. 

Why be so upset? Why arent you? Im going to make sure my teenager hangs out in a safe place.  Ignoring she could be having sex and in some places  3 or more partners.  

Im thinking hell take that position why not  put them on a street  corner..at least she would  get paid.




Talk about an overreaction and being utterly out of touch ...

The only thing here I will address is the notion of a safe space for teenagers: Even if you attempt to control every aspect of your teen's life (down to micromanaging levels) they will still find a way around you. You can make the attempt but in all reality there really isn't any such thing as a truly safe space for them in either the real world or within Second Life. Doubly so for real life when you consider the fact that what you may consider to be a safe space may not be what another parent considers to be safe.

Do try and relax a bit.

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7 minutes ago, anna2358 said:

Wouldn't it be nice if we could mute and derender people on the forums?

Yeah, but I can't help it.  I am curious who I must have had an issue with 3 years ago. (even if I was in hospital 3 years ago and SL drama was the furthest thing from my mind)

Edited by Cindy Evanier
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14 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Yeah, but I can't help it.  I am curious who I must have had an issue with 3 years ago. (even if I was in hospital 3 years ago and SL drama was the furthest thing from my mind)

My theory is, that this person has so much drama going on in their SL, that she assumes everyone, who says anything slightly negative (or just something that she doesn't want to hear), must be someone from one of her inworld drama.

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1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

If the user account still exists after a week at most then the most likely explanation is that you were trolled.

One might even enlist an alt to pretend to be RL underage when interacting with only those most charming of SL residents, luring them to send mistaken ARs and thereby forever discount any future ARs they might hope to file.

Not encouraging anyone to do that, certainly. Perish the thought! Jus' sayin' "one might."

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