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brother Nadezda

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....i have a tenant that wanted to change houses,so to make things easier for her i returned all her objects from the land...as usual these objects were sent to her lost and found folder as multi-object boxes....but there is one of the boxes she is unable to rezz or restore either on my land or in a sandbox...she get the message that the owner of the land does not allow this...i had her install emerald so that she had the option in the right click menu of restoring objects to their original positions but she gets a message saying there are no world positions available....i feel responsible for the problem and would be grateful for any suggestions....thank you -brother nadezda

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Does the coalesced object contain Linden trees? That could be a problem. Maybe this excerpt from the Knowledge Base helps:

Caveats About Coalesced Objects

  • Rezzing a coalesced object near a parcel/region boundary may  result in objects returned to inventory.
  • Private Island owners can rez Linden trees. When using the Click-Drag-Select method for your content, make sure the selection  area does not contain Linden trees unless you are planning to rez the  coalesced object on a region that you own. Similarly, when using  Shift-Select, follow the same conditions.
  • If you have a coalesced object with Linden trees or would like  to learn more, watch this video tutorial:

  • Selecting moving objects could cause those objects to go  offworld when you rez the coalesced object. Either take those objects  into inventory separately, or if you want to turn off all scripts in all  of the selected objects, go to the Tools menu and click Select  Scripts to Not Running in Selection.
  • Rezzing a coalesced object near a parcel/region boundary may  result in objects returned to inventory, or even content loss.
64px-KBcaution.png Important: If your coalesced object contains one or  more no-copy objects and is rezzed across the boundary of a parcel where  building isn't allowed, the content will not return to your inventory.  Rezzing a coalesced object that contains at least one no-copy object  across a no-build parcel will result in content loss.

64px-KBcaution.png Important: There is a limit of 1000 scripts that can  be rezzed at once! If you are creating a coalesced object with many  scripts, try creating objects in sections that contain scripts so that  you will be able to rez those objects again. If you have valuable  content, take those items into inventory before taking or returning your  other items.
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I'm not sure, but perhaps ...

Why are there prim limits on coalesced objects?

To answer this question, a brief overview of object rezzing mechanics is necessary. When an object begins rezzing (appearing inworld), the simulator stops simulating its Region until the object rez is complete. For most objects, this simulator freeze is usually not noticeable. However, the more prims in a complex, coalesced object, the longer the rez time. As of Second Life Server 1.25, there has been a rez timeout of 15 seconds. If the complete object can't be rezzed before that timeout occurs, no portion of the object is rezzed and the rez fails. This timeout has been increased to 30 seconds in Server 1.26 for a landowner rezzing something on their own land.

The rez timeout creates a problem when Residents take complex coalesced objects into their inventory that they then can't rez before the timeout occurs. In order to be able to rez these objects, Residents need to create a Support ticket asking for the object to be broken into a set of smaller objects. The prim limit on coalesced objects is meant to prevent attempts to take objects into a Resident's inventory that will be too complex to rez before the rez timeout.


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