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Temporary cheat. Does it cause lag?

Rick Fairlady

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Ok so.... a "temporary" object does not add to the total prims a person has on their land. I found a scipt that works like this: put the script into a prim, put a "temporary" object (lets say a 200 prim house) into the prim, then the script will rezz the object(house) every 60 seconds, just before the previous rezzed object vanishes. So you have a 200 prim house on your land that only counts as 1 prim (the prim that the house and script are in). This works great, but my question is... does this cause lag?



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Yes. Rezzing a prim causes a little lag. Rezzing 200 prims causes lotsa lag. Doing it every 60 seconds causes lotsa lag often. You can try it and I'm sure you'll notice the difference. You can open the Statistics Bar and see the Physics FPS taking dives and go up again.

Smart of you to check before you used it

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Temp rezzers are also frowned upon by LL and will likely be returned to you if they need to look at your sim for any reason, or somebody complains (more so on mainland, but private sims probably won't appreciate it for the same reasons).

Keep in mind that you're not creating an additional prim allowance out of thin air as some of the folks selling these devices would have you believe, but rather borrowing from the temp prim resources intentionally set aside for each sim. As soon as that causes somebody else a problem, then they shine a light on your sim and you're busted.

Clever use of prims, sculpts and textures in a build to keep the prim count down is probably the better way to go if you can.

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Temp rezzers don't automatically deserve an AR; they are quite legitimate for small, temporary, objects such as example displays in vendors.  Using them to fake permanence by constantly re-rezzing is a problem though, especially with something consisting of hundreds of prims so, yes, I'd expect something like that to get ARd sooner rather than later.

Incidentally, temp-rezzing a house or furniture usually isn't worth it anyway because every time a new one is rezzed all the settings will revert - doors, windows, etc. won't open/close as you want, you'll be forced to stand from sitting, etc.

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I'd like to add that I've been taught you can only have 15k in prims on a class five no matter how many you temp rez, so that means, if you are temp rezzing a thousand prims, you are actually *using* someone else's prims. I've never pushed a sim to see if that were true or not by consuming every single prim, but, I have been in sims where I knew that hundreds of plants were being temp rezzed by it's owner. The lag was pretty bad.

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There is a seperate 'temprez' allowance in sims.  Temprezing wont cause you to not be able to rez to your standard prim allowance.  But it is realy bad on sim performance.  Each creation of an object has to happen in one simulation frame, and if you are rezzing large objects every 45 seconds you will get pauses in the sim.

Temp-rezzers are generally bad and should be avoided if possible.  And yes you can be AR'd for using them to cheat your prim allowance.


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In addition to what others already said (causing rez/physics lag):

My own tests seem to indicate that phantom objects are a fair bit easier on the sim, but still causes a hit on sim performance. Though, as a conclusion _I_ would say to never, EVER rez non-phantom objects "temp".

Plus there's a bug: If the rezzed object contains a mono script, the sim takes a disproportionate hit. I've read that's about to get fixed, but right now it's apparently still true.

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So what you are saying is that something too good to be true is...... oh, never mind.

Thankyou everyone for your responses. They are the most I've ever gotten for a question. Hahahaha

Anyway, the structure has been replaced by a permanent one, so no more cheating.

So my dream of unlimited prims is gone, to be replaced by the reality of SL.... wait, what am I saying? The "reality of SL"? OMG I've been online WAY to much!!!!

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I recommend NOT using a temp rezzer. It will cause sim lag, and you can't really use the temp rezzed stuff, just look at it. I know of at least one good furniture rezzer on www.xstreetsl.com that allows you to put stuff into a box and rez it only when you need it. It could be useful if you had decorations or things you didn't need out all the time, but wanted to be able to set out and take down with a click of a button...

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After Havok 4 the amount of prims a sim could handle went way up and the lindens changed their stance on them from "not at all" to "ok, if used sparingly". You can use them, just don't go nuts with the amount of them you have or the objects you try to rez with them. Myself, I almost always have one on my land...I find them the most practical for things that are kinda optional and more for show than anything (statues and fountains). If you use them there are "brands" of temp rezzers that shut off when you aren't in the area, which makes it less likely you'l bother your neighbors with them.

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I can tell you from recent experience that it does cause terrible lag over the whole region it is used in. If you were to use it on a 200 prim house you wouldn't be able to do much of anything. I had a renter using between 32 & 74 Temp-On-Rez prims and it shut down my neighbours dance club due to lag and music stream malfunction.  We have had to add a proviso in our rental policy banning their use in our skyboxes.

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Sorry Faubio, that is incorrect. Temp objects do not count against a parcels prim allowance. Try it, check the number of prims on a parcel, rez a box, set to temp, and quickly look at your prims again. You will see it has not changed.

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Temp objects can be useful, for example rezzing parts of a vehicle so it can be seen before you sit on it and wear the high prim piece.  (But please do not leave the vehicle sitting out rezzing the pieces over and over.) Bullets, arrows, things like that are set to temp so they don't litter the landscape. But the way they work makes them really only useful for certain items for several reasons.

1.  Many of the scripts do not work very well. They let the timer for temp objects remove them and just keep rezzing new ones. That timer does not operate on a set time, it is approximately 1.5 min., so, often you will have more than one of the objects rezzed. A good temp rez system requires you to place a script in the object so that it can be killed just before the new one is rezzed. Now you have added a listener and you are removing and adding the object to your sim on a set timer. It works better for viewing, but definately causes lag.

2.  You can not use them for anything you interact with because when the object dies and is rerezzed, the sim sees it as gone and the interaction ends. So, if you are sitting on it, you will unsit. If you use it for a house, you will fall through the floor on a regular basis. If you have a physical object setting on the temp object, like a bridge, it will fall through it or shoot off in some random direction when the object rerezzes.

3.  No matter how good the script is, from time to time the object will flicker.

4.  They cause a lot of lag when used with high prim objects. If you just have to use one for your big decoration, at least try to find one that only works when you are on your parcel and doesn't lag everyone else all the time you are not there.

If it is for something like a high prim statue, think about one of the 3d statues that use a particle system or a scuplted low prim version. For a large high prim tree, replace the tree with a newer sculpted low prim version or remove something else.

They are great for things like temp rezzing parts of a vehicle so it can be seen before you sit on it and where the high prim piece, but please do not leave the vehicle sitting out rezzing the pieces over and over.

Bottom line, temp rezzing objects can be useful, but please do not do it to get around prim limits, it will, in the end, come back to haunt you.

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Temp rezzors are very popular with vendors. I know many that use them, I use them as well. Many have them set up so when you click an object the product rezzes out for a set amount of time then goes away. I have a very simple system that I made that is triggered when an avatar comes within a certain distance of the trigger. When it gets triggered it turns on the temp rezzors and all my product gets rezzed. It stays out until no one is in my store anymore. Then all of them die out. So I have no inventory in my store until you walk in. You walk in it all rezzes out and repeats until you leave.

From what I understand what kills a sims performance is temp rezzors that have poorly written scripts and people that rezz lots of objects repeatedly at a higher rate than they need to. Like say a temp object lasts for one minute, they have the re rez set to 20 or 30 seconds. This means if you are temp rezzing 100 objects you are actually going to end up with 2 or 3 hundred at any given time because the new ones re rez before the old ones die. I have also been told by many scripters and some people that trouble shoot privately for LL that the quality of a script is far more important than the number of them. You could have 2,000 well written scripts low script time and the sim will run fine. 1 or 2 poorly written scripts can really wreak havoc on a sim though. And from what I understand some of the comercial temp rezz system are sim killers.

For example, we have another store on our sim that temp rezzes cars when you click a sign. For some reason when this thing rezzes a car it hits hard, it slows you down like your walking in mud. I believe the cars it rezzes are around 300 prims. We have another vendor that does a similar thing with a different brand of car, no such lag. And when my shop rezzes out It rezzes well over 500 prims. No lag is noticed and there is no large drop in the performance of the sim if you look at the numbers. And mine rez out every 50 seconds until someone leaves the shop.

Sim and land owners tend to not like them because some of them can cause lag. Not to mention on an rp sim with weapons if you have too many temp objects rezzed the bullets in your gun or arrows in your bow won't work because there are no prims left to rez them. This is what they were originally intended for I think.

LL doesn't like them because you can cheat on your prim usage. You can buy a 512 lot that has a prim count of 117 prims and end up rezzing many more prims. I am sure they would rather have you buy more land to increase your prim count. I guess land owners that rent would feel the same way. They would rather you buy the extra prims. On our sims we don't so much mind as long what your using is not hurting the sim. As in the one I mentioned with the cars, we are not to concerned with it since it only does when someone actually clicks the display. And it doesn't always do it. Now if it was repeatedly rezzing out and dragging the sim down it would have to go.

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You do realize that streams have zero connection to Sim performance? You could blow the sim up with a nuke, and the stream wouldn't be affected. As for the prim issue... it pretty much depends on WHAT they rez.

If they rez anything that has scripts in it, it'll hit the sim because scripts require initializing.

If they use prims that are NOT phantom, it'll hit the sim because the physics engine has to take them into account.

If it's non-scripted phantom prims - For an art project I have at one point rezzed a few thousand temp prims (on a private sim) and it had very little impact on the sim. The visitors to the sim had more impact than the temp prims by a long shot.

As with most things in SL... its not a cut-and-dry issue.

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Good points

#1 especially... good and sound advice.

#2: Minor correction: you can sit on temp rez objects without them booting you off. They simply won't disappear as long as you sit on them.

IMO, the whole prim limit thing is a bit silly. The number of prims on a sim is largely only relevant for the Havok physics engine as far as I can see. Client-side, the number of triangles is much more relevant, along with texture count/size.

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