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Can I recover an item that I "poofed" off my sim?

lushVelvet Nightfire

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I was building a custom, scripted item for a friend on my land. I was repositioning it and was typing the coordinates into the Object tab of the Edit screen. I meant to type 60.000 into the Y coordinate - but think I must have accidentally typed 600.00 and the item disappeared (hardly surprising!).

My sim doesn't have a Y coordinate of 600.00 (the maximum Y value on the sim is 250.00).

I've checked my Lost & Found folder and searched my inventory rigorously. The item has not been returned to me

I guess my question is... if you give an item a coordinate that doesn't exist - where does the item go?

The item contained an expensive, no-copy script set *sighs*... is there ANY way I can recover it?

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions

lushvelvet "who should be more careful when typing in coordinates" Nightfire

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21 answers to this question

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Hi Irene

I wasn't sure which board (General/ Inventory) was most appropriate for my question so posted on both - is this not allowed? I can't see any way to delete one of the posts

Thank you for your reply... I've submitted a ticket but hope someone may still come up with a genius answer as to how I can recover this item!


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Hi Irene

Yes - I saw your previous post and your answer on the other thread. In response to your answer I have submitted a ticket on the matter. However, a lost inventory item from a basic account holder isn't going to be a priority for the Support Team. Also, it is possible that someone else may see this question and know the answer

If I could delete one of the threads I would do so, but there doesn't seem to be a mechanism enabling me to do so - sorry.

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Check for your object at 600m in the sky.  If the root prim of the object was rotated, your Y coordinate could be vertical.  And if for some reason you might have typed 6000, look for the object at 4000m.  That is the upper limit of where you can build.  I've sent many an object to 4000m from sloppy typing


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Hi Cinnamon and thanks for taking the time to reply.

I'm pretty sure the root prim wasn't rotated, but tried your suggestion just in case! I've been up to 600m, 4000m and 6000m (you never know!) - but my item's not there :-(

I've had a reply from LL Support - which tells me to check my inventory and my lost & found *rolls eyes* - so I think I may just have to accept that it's gone and buy another (very expensive!) script set :-(
Thanks again for trying to help - much appreciated
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I'm going to guess you checked at 60m too.  Depends on the land height where you were working.  If it was above 60m you could have buried the object.  In either case, here's a fairly good tutorial on finding lost objects that might help.  You may want to look at getting an object scanner given that the object is of value to you.  I tried rezzing a box on my property and setting the Y coordinate to 600 and the edit box refused to accept the entry.  I thought it was because I was running the V2 beta, so I tried it with the standard 1.23 viewer and got the same results



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Object scanner is a scripted device designed to find objects based on their name or parts of their name.  If you go to Xstreet and search for object scanner you will find numerous ones available.   I had thought that someone mentioned to me that the Emerald viewer has some form of object scanner built in, but not certain about that one.


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I did the same thing one thing that did help was using up the top About Land go to objects then click on show all abjects will have a white edge so anything in the ground will show up or the shape of ur object will show if in another prim etc. One thing I did learn was with the amount of prims I have used on my parcel now if I play around with prims and scripts I am not sure about I go to a sandbox that way they wil be returned either way.

Good Luck

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Lushvelvet.Nightfire wrote:

I've had a reply from LL Support - which tells me to check my inventory and my lost & found *rolls eyes* - so I think I may just have to accept that it's gone and buy another (very expensive!) script set :-(

Maybe you should answer to Support that you have checked your inventory and your item isn't there.

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Any items that go off-world are supposed to go to lost and found as if they were swept by autoreturn. There is a remote possibility your item is still rezed. (check the corners ^.^) Since it is a scripted object it should be easier to find if it is still rezed in sim.


The following requires that you be either the owner of the sim or that you have estate access.

  • Go to your estate tools
  • Find the Debug tab and click it.
  • Click on "Get top Scripts"

This should open up a search window in which you can try and use to find your item. With this tool you can put a becon on the object or even return it to your lost and found folder. Depending on lag you may have to hit refresh a time or two.


If all else fails you can always request a rollback if the item has been out for a long time but.... that costs quite a bit of money too. ^.^

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Thanks for the additional information on what an object scanner is

I've looked at these on SLX but they can only scan up to 1 x sim. As I've checked my entire sim by highlighting my objects, highlighting transparent objects, physically searching, script beacon searching etc. I'm pretty sure the item isn't on the sim - it's poofed into the ether somewhere!

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Just to let you know that my sim owner (who is now... officially... my very favourite person in SL *g*) found my item using the Estate Script Debug feature. I am SO relieved - yayyyyy!

It appears that the item poofed to a completely arbitrary location, within another object on my land, which is why I couldn't see it visually, or when my items were highlighted. So Onix's answer was correct and it was worth talking to my sim owner :-) Cinnamon's answer was also correct, because if I'd had an object scanner I could probably have found it myself without bothering my sim owner.

Thank you all SO much for your help!

lushvelvet *I'm a very happy girl today* Nightfire

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