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A replacement for Wowmeh?


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I've been tossing around the idea of throwing one out for free. Just need to find time to take one of my old models and RIg it or see if I need to make it from scratch again


Eta: why free? Well it'll hurt everyone I've seen just stealing a base mesh and trying to sell it. Aka what wowmeh is probably in trouble for. Same with luck

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Aethelwine wrote:

nahladahl wrote:

Why is Wowmeh off the grid?


But SLINK and Belleza are both coming out with mesh bodies.

I don't think anyone is really sure, but it would seem to be a result of a false DCMA claim made by someone with a grudge.

Exactly. And because its a false claim, why jump off to the next product within days? Thats probably what the person who abused the DCMA process wants: Pushing the store out of the market.

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These things keep getting zapped, how is anyone supposed to make appliers for them if they're fighting so much and knocking each other out of the market...

As far as I know there is only one other 'non-anime / non-furry' fitted mesh body out there... so are we basically accusing that maker of this here?


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


These things keep getting zapped, how is anyone supposed to make appliers for them if they're fighting so much and knocking each other out of the market...

As far as I know there is only one other 'non-anime / non-furry' fitted mesh body out there... so are we basically accusing that maker of this here?


You are the first one saying that.

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For the record the creator had posted this in their group about it:

WowMeh is not available anymore to be purchased.
I understand you all (and your friends more) are really upset about this, but i kindly ask you to stop rumors and to not blaming other creators.

Bottom line is that to the best of my knowledge there has been no statement from any of these Merchants as to why their products have been taken down.  I'll agree DMCA makes a lot of sense but it would still be speculation.

There is another potential source of a DMCA.  Among other things, after the new TOS was issued some third party sites specifically prohibited anything to be used in SL.  A DMCA could come from one of these or another 3rd party provider.

Now that would be a real kicker...the first real consequence of the TOS we would see.

/me loves adding to the rumor mill.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

You and the person above you said it.

I am asking why you two are jumping to that conclusion.


I haven't said that. I have NOT made any assumptions on WHO filled the DMC. I'm not even that into the whole mesh body market to know all the stores that are around, so you can't even claim I knew how many competitors are there (which would be essential to point at any specific person).

I know SL good enough to be aware that it doesn't have to be a direct comeptitor, who filled the claim. Some people probably have enough enemies or simply attract trolls/griefers.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:


These things keep getting zapped, how is anyone supposed to make appliers for them if they're fighting so much and knocking each other out of the market...

As far as I know there is only one other 'non-anime / non-furry' fitted mesh body out there... so are we basically accusing that maker of this here?


G.Inc and Kitties Lair are both mentioned on the Love N Lust blog as being fitted mesh.

Several people have reported seeing the owner of Wowmeh initially announce the cause as being a DMCA in a group notice, but I didn't join the group for a few days and all that was there was the one saying not to speculate about it being another creator. So I only have third hand evidence of that, but it does seem to be the received wisdom that that is the cause.

I personally doubt whoever is behind the grudge DMCA is another creator.

There has been speculation it might be collateral damage from the CK Winx and [banned] going at it on facebook and through DMCAs, but there is no evidence of that and no reason to believe it I am aware of.

It seems more likely it is something to do with a marketplace store that was using Wowmeh images to sell an avatar which was probably just a box in the days preceding wowmeh's disappearance. Their store got taken down, whether as a result of fraud allegations by someone buying nothing or Wowmeh doing a DMCA. Maybe they counter claimed or did a new claim from a different account for griefing purposes and revenge.

But all I can do is read between the lines. There are lots of possibilities and without any more information than this we are all in the dark.

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I know SL good enough to be aware that it doesn't have to be a direct comeptitor, who filled the claim. Some people probably have enough enemies or simply attract trolls/griefers.

Alot of griefing is done for personal or seemingly random reasons, maybe an inadvertant snub or something can soon escalate without the recipient of the grief ever knowing the cause.

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An update for those interested..

My product (WowMeh - and the relative DEMO) has been removed from Marketplace on the 5th June for "IP Infringment" and then removed inworld also.
Since I haven't received any notification in the relative email address, I enquired repeatedly for clarifications to LL, through all available methods; finally, the 11th june the IP Team inboxed me stating that "if I believe I didn't infringe another's copyright I have to fill a counter-notification", and to "be aware that your personal information will be forwarded to the copyright claimant", but there was no DMCA notification attached. So I asked for more detailed infos to the IP Team but, as they don't have obligations to answer, I don't think they will do.

As for now, I have decided not to counterclaim.

I have very good reasons - but this is only my opinion - to believe that the DMCA compiled against WowMeh has been done so with malicious intents. I have absolutely no idea about what kind of copyright owned by whom I have infringed. Because of this and that, of investigations, readings and studies I have made, I really don't want to reveal any of my personal, sensible data to someone which can be not so good-intentioned; I'm afraid I may be harassed in RL too.

Notwithstanding my opinion, I'm fully aware the DMCA has a legal value, and it is possible (it MUST be, according to law) that the claimant has acted in good faith. So, equally in good faith, I decided to fully revise my product, removing whatever part wasn't wholly created by me (the body still remains a remote relative of the SL avatar); not because those parts were not legit, but because they are not my original creations... So I do not want to risk for parts I've purchased, even if hyper-modified.

Surely, stating that my whole product as-is violates someone else's copyright is not true at all. But if you are in good faith, please, before engaging in a DMCA war, contact me. There are more gentle and collaborative ways to settle these kind of disputes, professionally (i.e. mediation and negotiation).

Acting this way still makes me a potential infringer to SL, but protects me in RL.

Anyway, please bear in mind that the NEW Version will be protected with an End User License Agreement and Copyright, and that I will react to malicious attacks according to the USA laws and to the laws of my home country.

I come in peace... Armed.

Posted by Baby Ghosn



Hopefully we will see V3.2 out soon. It is a great product.

A few additional details from Baby Ghosn here:


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Is there any chance of a male version sometime? What i saw of the original was stunning and the best mesh body i have seen. We men have no real sources in that regard. Not lifelike ones anyway. If i wanted to be a larger version of Arnold in his prime with 6 inch neepples I could find that easily.. I want one that looks realistic.

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ZyklonBee wrote:

So with "Wowmeh" off the grid.... What other full mesh avi creators are worth looking at?


Looking specificly for Female Avi

In another forum I have been following Chip Midnight, I think that is the spelling. He has out a mesh avatar now. Look up CMFF.

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I wouldn't be too hasty,

The creator of Wowmwh who I truly beleive is being victimised is bringing out a new and improved product within a few weeks, she has added on her blog


"Anyway, please bear in mind that the NEW Version will be protected with an End User License Agreement and Copyright, and that I will react to malicious attacks according to the USA laws and to the laws of my home country."

So patience, whoever filed this malicious claim hasn't won, a newer and likely better version will be out shortly.

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Never been a fan of the shop, way over priced to the point its disgusting, though I will give credit where credit is due, the breasts are very well formed, however this "demo" you cannot remove any layers via a HUD and no doubt when the real version comes out it will be around 5000L like most of their products.

Then you have the issue of not many creators having appliers for these bodies...


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Aylin Daviau wrote:

Seen Chips...it's ugly, just like the slink one which looks like a 15 year olds body.

Because everyone knows that a true womans body has hips that could give birth to 3 children at once and breasts the size of basketballs. :matte-motes-not-entertained:

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Zinniamaldita wrote:

The Shops is giving for free a great female mesh body.  I was very impressed with the boobs.    .-.   Well  and for men look at Tellac, that store manage a couple last time I did a research. 

Overpriced and not even remotely human looking... more like cromags..

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