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error message about no mime type for "none/none" and no video?

Cheetah Hammerer

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my inworld video used to work just fine and still does - for everyone but me - anyone want to help change that?

i've been trying to fix this for quite some time, i'll search youtube, via the TV's menu and play a video and the result is sound but no video and the media texture turns gray and stays that way well into 20+ minutes, it also sometimes produces an error saying "no mime type set for the media type none/none"" but not all videos do this, sound works in all videos though for whatever it's worth without the video.

i've been trying process of elimination to figure out what the problem is, but it's quite slowly going nowhere, list of things i've tried so far with the result;

1. uninstalling and reinstalling both quicktime and itunes as well as bonjour - no change.

2. telling quicktime to update itself - no change there either; claims up to date.

3. setting quicktime to all possible defaults via the windows vista "set program defaults" interfance - no change as well (seeing a pattern yet?)

4. uninstalling all codec packs previously installed on the computer - still no change, unless you count windows not being able to play roughly 80% of my hard drive stored videos.

5. replacing previous codec pack a different one in hopes that would help - still no change. (had CCCP codec pack before, also tried k-lite codec pack) (both from free-codecs.com)

6. reinstalling vista entirely and formatting the hard drive (needed it anyway, was almost full and lots of bloat) - it worked for nearly two weeks before reproducing the exact same problem.

7. additionally, i've been trying to do some research on my own to find out if it's a missing protocol or file extension (few leads, set quicktime protocol "RSTP" back to quicktime) - still no change.

8. (inworld attempt) SL menu "advanced" -> media -> "reload MIME types" - no noticable change at all in any way.

the TV works perfectly fine for everyone else, just not me and even then just no video, i'm suspecting it may be a codec pack, but then again even uninstalling them entirely has no effect what so ever and doesn't fix the problem and further breaks local video playback.

i'm honestly at my wits end here with this problem, any help?

reinstalling vista isn't really an option i want to pursue again - unless you have an 8GB or larger USB drive you want to let me borrow, so please don't waste my time and yours suggesting that unless it's to tell me the package is in the mail

also, i doubt anyone at LL will read this, or care, but couldn't we at least have an alternative player to handle this type of stuff?

surely quicktime is the "industry leader" because of iphone but, why not broaden our horizons here anyway?

thanks for the help and replies!!

- Cheetah Hammerer.

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7 answers to this question

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Sorry, I haven't any help your problem.

In the Sl viewer thre is a file "mime_types.xml". SecondLife\skins\default\xui\en-us (and the other languages) \mime_types.xml

Change your viewer's skin?

Reinstall that file?

Probably this is silly idea, but I cannot think another help.

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i haven't been able to glean much useful information or even a fix from that file sadly, uninstalling and reinstalling both itunes/quicktime/bonjour as well as SL viewers themselves do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to further address this issue in any way at all, in fact, the only fix i've attempted that produced ANY result to any degree besides the problem still existing in exactly the way it did before, was sadly enough, completely formating the HD and reinstalling windows from scratch, really looking to avoid that though.

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Hello Cheetah, can you watch the video(s) through the Quicktime programme ? see Test the movie outside of Second Life

Qie Niangao had a suggestion on this similar Question Re: Why is video streaming on one computer, not another

You'll probably end up uninstalling Quicktime altogether andreinstalling it, but one thing you can try first is to empty theQuicktime cache.  You can do that from the Advanced tab of theQuicktime Control Panel, or in the Quicktime Player's "QuicktimePreferences".

Which OS do you have ?

Re: Windows 7 and SL Video                                                       


Ihave the latest version of Quicktime and the latest drivers for myvideo card. I've found out it's my Antivirus. I have Kaspersky InternetSecurity 2010 (version and I found that if I disable it,video works perfectly. But if I leave it on, all I get is a big Q andblue dots running back and forth (the loading/connecting screen).Quicktime works fine for, like, Apple's trailer site. Seems Kasperskyis blocking URL connection for Quicktime video.

See also this Question Windows 7 and Quicktime

Have you checked for any network connection issues, see  How do I check for packet loss (network lag)? and Make sure you have enough bandwidth

Have you tried completely uninstalling the Second Life Viewer, saving chat logs if you wish. How do I fully uninstall and reinstall Second Life?

Make sure the Second Life Cache, User Settings and content of any Windows Temporary folders are also deleted.

Uninstall the Quicktime programme and reboot your computer.

Download and install the latest version of Quicktine for your OS. Reboot your computer again.

Then download the latest Viewer Second Life Version Number: 1.23.5 (136262) Oct 14 2009 12:08:26 (Second Life Release) from here Second Life® Installer, save the programme to your Desktop and install.

Hope some of these suggestions and links help

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1. haven't tried watching videos outside of secondlife via quicktime, will try that and see if it does anything at all and report the results here

2. i used to have windows vista, installed windows 7 not too long ago, worked perfectly on vista and i did an upgrade install from that, so i doubt it, i really do, it sounds like it was a firewall configuration in that instance anyway, which i'm positive it's not in mine

3. bandwidth/packet loss issue:

my connection is quoted at 20 megabits a second and 4 megabits a second upload, so i'm actually quite happy to see that i fluctuate above 4MBPS in this result sometimes


and for packet loss

this set of results is actually fairly more interesting honestly, test servers in california provide very good results, while tests to at least one test server in washington net fairly bad results though, i'm going to risk erring on the side of confidence though and say that it be might a remote server problem producing these results, but it's hard to say for sure without doing considerably more retesting with random servers


problematic(?) server results in washington test server:


and a long distance one to a west coast server just for shits and giggles:


4. i've tried a full reinstall of snowglobe, various versions of KL's shadowdraft client as well as emerald, all produce identical results, i admit i can't say for positive i've tried "SL pure vanilla" though, i'll post results here shortly

5/6. already done, as mentioned in the first post. no change whatsoever.

7. see #4

Ellla.McMahon wrote:


Hello Cheetah, can you watch the video(s) through the Quicktime programme ? see Test the movie outside of Second Life

Qie Niangao had a suggestion on this similar Question Re: Why is video streaming on one computer, not another

You'll probably end up uninstalling Quicktime altogether and reinstalling it, but one thing you can try first is to empty the Quicktime cache.  You can do that from the Advanced tab of the Quicktime Control Panel, or in the Quicktime Player's "Quicktime Preferences".

Which OS do you have ?

Re: Windows 7 and SL Video                                                        


I have the latest version of Quicktime and the latest drivers for my video card. I've found out it's my Antivirus. I have Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 (version and I found that if I disable it, video works perfectly. But if I leave it on, all I get is a big Q and blue dots running back and forth (the loading/connecting screen). Quicktime works fine for, like, Apple's trailer site. Seems Kaspersky is blocking URL connection for Quicktime video.

See also this Question Windows 7 and Quicktime

Have you checked for any network connection issues, see  How do I check for packet loss (network lag)? and Make sure you have enough bandwidth

Have you tried completely uninstalling the Second Life Viewer, saving chat logs if you wish. How do I fully uninstall and reinstall Second Life?

Make sure the Second Life Cache, User Settings and content of any Windows Temporary folders are also deleted.

Uninstall the Quicktime programme and reboot your computer.

Download and install the latest version of Quicktine for your OS. Reboot your computer again.

Then download the latest Viewer Second Life Version Number: 1.23.5 (136262) Oct 14 2009 12:08:26 (Second Life Release) from here Second Life® Installer, save the programme to your Desktop and install.

Hope some of these suggestions and links help

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YouTube has recently changed their code again, resulting in a large string that doesn't fit into the Parcel Media string.

In other words, the parcel media is restricted to a limit of characters of an URL and YouTube's code had been made beyond that recently.

Try another viewer like Snowglobe or 3rd party viewers... i guess the result will be the same... It's YouTube's updated protective coding

What i do is use the program 'URLSnooper2', download the URL, then upload it to my private server with a shorter name, and voile

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