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How to get rid of morons for good?

Nerxual Oh

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I check my other accounts, the griefer group I talked about on forum "Horror stories" still gettting harassed by these idiots on my other accounts as well. Not on Second Life cause I don't have any alts and don't plan to get any soon. I meant on other sites. I contacted one of the admins of that site, that troll of that group, just created his account not too long ago this month. No surprise these people want something from me, not sure what but I wish they die soon. Abuse reports obviously don't do anything, Lindens don't care cause I'm not someone who gives them a lot of money. Is there an easier way to rid of these people? I can't walk into a sim, looking for clothes or avatars without that griefer group harassing me. I can't even upload my images on other sites without that grifer group from Second Life, commenting on my stuff.

This group uses copybot tools, say they are hackers threating to do something to Lindens, harass anyone they see cause they are bored, they basically cause trouble. I want them gone. Lindens can check my chat logs if they want, from last year to this year, they will know some or everything about this group. But Noooo they are too busy with their conference they are setting up soon. Oh wait, my husband is invited to that thing by the Lindens, I can simply ask my husband not to go cause Lindens to me, don't even care for anyone but important people.

I know it's hard work being admins of huge popular virtual world but when I'm sending out A LOT of abuse reports against these low lives griefers, Lindens are ignoring the reports. I met many people this year and last year that have also sent out reports on this group and their dumb leader himself, but nothing is done. I'm mad that Lindens don't even care one bit.

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Nerxual, you've said yourself before on the forum that you automatically AR any child avatar you see. So it is possible that Linden Labs knows your name as someone who files AR's against people who aren't doing anything wrong. It's a case of "crying wolf" and could well be why your ARs now are not doing any good.

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This griefer group has worldwide bad rep with most furs. Child avatars just freak out anyone cause kids are not allowed in mature sims. Most sims ban child avatars in mature and adult sims and yet I see one walking around, not caring about the rules. I understand childhood is important to some but others use child avatars in very wrong messed up way when in mature sim. This griefer group is different topic obviously if you noticed. These people want to make themselves known as biggest immature retarded group ever, thinking they are baddest. The leader has many accounts on other sites. Flickr, ebay, devainART, Fur Affinity, 4chan, youtube and such. He is easy to find, along with tons of fights he started on those sites too. Blocked his account to ever talking to me on same sites I go on of course. It's not crying wolf, this group has serious problems. I won't be surprised if some of members got RL cops called on them somewhere in the world. I know I had to call the cops on this one screwed up guy that use to live near me. It was funny watching the cop read the text chat between my friend and this guy. The cop was laughing at the part where the guy said, "The cops told me I can use my gun on anyone that comes near my home I find dangerous."

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You could kill them I suppose. All sorts of morons in this place. Those grappling for power and prestige can be difficult. All kind of hidden agendas on SL, some like to tag team others and the like, yawn. Some are just mean. Some can mask their true identities and intents for a long time when in fact their just grieves, on the surface they look fine but underneath .......

Few simply just take the next right action and do what it is they do.

Here are a few simple steps to dealing with some of them:

You can abuse report them.

You can mute them.

You can avoid them.

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I been doing all of those 3 (muting, avoiding and AR'ing them) and no I won't fight them I have better things to with in real life than dealing with bunch of childish morons on the internet. So there is no easier way to get them gone? Thank you, Faubio, Clint, Alec, Kain, Ann, and Gary for the mature comments and staying on topic. Rest of others that have not stayed on the topic wanted to create drama being trolls of course, get off the computer to spend relaxing time at home.

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There is only one way to rid teh interwebz of what you call morons. That way is to close teh interwebz.

I.e.; thar be no shortage of well heeled "morons" that have plenty of money and credit cards, do not care who knows who they are IRL because not only do they know where the legal boundaries are, they have lawyers and your basic joe plumber on the internet doesn't.

So even if DNA was required to log in the people you call morons would still be there taking their schadenfreude at will.

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So far as I can see Nerxual, YOU are the troll on these forums, every post of yours I have sen is some complaint about something you dont like but is permitted on SL, Maybe these people arte harassiing you becuase you have been harassing them with useless Abuse reports for doinf or being what is perfectly permissible.  You have admitted that you AR people for various reasons, most of whicg have been spurious, you flame anyone that disagrees with you, call them Morons, Childish, and yet the one I see acting like a child is you . . . Just try a little live and let live, RL courts have a name for people like you, The call them Vexatious Litigants, look it up, it fits you perfectrly, If you spent less tiome bitching and abuse reporting peole for no reason, maybe, just maybe they may begin to leave you alone, tyr it, it may work, other than that , Stp hamging with ppl who are freinds with those who harass you, or set up and alt and try to behave in a more mature fashion.


This is not a dig at you, just pointing out that your own behavious is bringing this grief on yourself, just ignore them and get on with your RL and SL

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I'm not into religion at all but If God was real, he would love everyone no matter what. Everyone has their opinions, even stupid ones like some of these people posted. But that is why it's best to ignore the morons. I just got back onto Second Life my long week and half break from it. I can not wait until my sister has learn the hard way again now She still works at that weird sim's club sadly.

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humans are creative beings.  that creative force we have is more than just a gift or talent, it is quite literally able to mold the reality around us, and is far more powerful than some realize.  reality is born as a thought, that is the seed of it, and you plant that seed by expressing that thought, you nourish and fertilize it by continuing to express supporting thoughts and it grows into the reality that the thought was the picture of.  if your thought is of a world in which everyone is out to get you, and your expressions all support it, that is the reality you will create around yourself.  to change the reality in which you live, begin with the thoughts you think, change them, think the reality you desire and express it, nurture it, it will grow into existence, and stop nurturing the one that needs to fade.

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You are wrong about SL being a "game". As has been said numerous times before in other posts, SL is not classed as a game because there is no clearly defined goal for everyone to work towards. There are no points awarded. There are no levels to be completed. In short, there are no elements of a game in SL. Now I will admit that there are games within SL, but SL itself is not a game. SL is a virtual world/metaverse.

AS for getting rid of the morons, I wish I had an answer for the OPer...I have a moron I have had trouble with in the past and I couldn't get rid of him...

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First of all

AR's do work... within 24 hours to be exact. In my whole SL AR's have been dealth with always and 100% ( to my experience ), and in the last year within a day thanks to the RESI team of SL,


Second: Harassers and griefers are attention seekers, so:

Keep your head cool, ignore them and mute them. And... they can't do anything when you sit somewhere on the ground or on an object. Ban them from your parcel of course. But mostly, just ignore them.

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Well.. since you mentioned morons, specifically, I'm sure that Darwinism will eventually take over and weed them out.

Okay.. honestly, I'm with one other person and wondering.  How can people just "know where you are" so they can harass you?  Even if there are 200 members, the chances of them finding the precise location and time you travel is pretty low.

I'm no vigilante.  If Linden Labs doesn't take care of it, it's their reputation and 'system' at stake - whatever the issue, troublesome person, etc.

All I can suggest - if you need/want a proper response - is to make sure you have proper proof of their activities, so LL can act.  (not insinuating that you didn't, but I have no real clue of your situation excepting this post)

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Lindens finally listened to all of the cries of everyone that have reported this griefer group. They probably looked at the chat logs and screenshots. The leader of this griefer group is IP banned!


One less freak to cause trouble. His sim is also going away too and no one can do anything.


*Quoting my other post, editing it*

"Thank you, Faubio, Clint, Alec, Kain, Ann, Eternus, Larryk, Linda, Braden and Gary for the mature comments and staying on topic.

Rest of others that have not stayed on the topic wanted to create drama being trolls of course, get off the computer to spend relaxing time at home. It does help get off the stress."


Any other post I won't be able to response back to since this post was already answered while ago. Got a real life to take care. It's almost valentines day! <3

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The best way to get rid of morons is Not to hang around them, anymore, just keep your account, dont visit the places you usually visit, change your scenery, change the people you talk to, every once in a while, everyone needs a change, and a change is as good as a holiday,


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In Second Life anyway, I find the mute button an extremely helpful tool.  I also have a private piece of land that I can ban anyone from should I choose to.  A refuge if you may.  I know this is not always an option, but I would change who you talk to, and where you spend your time.  Ignore them as well.  They seek attention, and like a 2 year old thowing a temper tantrum, if you ignore them, they should stop.  Just some hopeful suggestions.

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