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The only place, so far, that I have been to in second life in which one can speak freely, expressing his opinion without a fear of reprisal, engaging in a multitude of various topics, cracking a silly joke without a fear of being ejected for a stupid sense of humor in a company of the most smart and intelligent and funny people in second life.


I was wrong, seeing only the flowers and failing to spot the serpents under it.

The place rinks of group think, political correctness, and mob-rule, the stupid owner and her deficent knaves dicatating the order of the day, ejecting anybody who dares to make a rude joke, go against public opinion, or question existing notions.



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This sim is the new way of discussion in second life. Intelligent, mindful conversation with a chill owner and general atmosphere. They dont bite at all. A variety of conversation from religion, gender, culture, etc.

I strongly reccomend this sim for really great conversation. 

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You speak about freedom of speech, yet when I make a sarcastic joke based on female children actually being drowned in rural areas of china, since the male children are more valued as agricultural workers - I am ejected and silenced


You speak about lack of political correctness, yet when I speak about using children for slave labor, reffering to the sad fact that they are used for it in developed contries - I am silenced and ejected.


You speak about free speech, yet when things I say manage to offend people - I am silenced and rejected.


That place is not a one of a free speech, tyrany of the majority rules the day there.

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I LOVE this place!!! the people are some of the best in the whole of secondlife and I love that regardless of your beliefs you can usually find a place in this parcel, as long as you're up for some healthy debate :)

on top of that Auntie Starr, and TriteStatic are the greatest room owners ever, not too politically correct and amazing at not letting their power go to their head. the admins are wonderful as well. overall its pretty much the best place on secondlife to hang out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the above post is nasty, but I can totally understand why somebody would feel in that way - I have seen people ejected from that place for making jokes pertaining to drowning of children in china, shedding light, although in a sarcastic manner, on so many important problems in the world.

Yet, for some reason, probably the stupidity of the masses, the ignorance of the owners of that place, or the total and complete lack of ability to use any sense of logic or reasoning, the person who was saying those things have been ejected and labeled as a troll, in spite of the fact that infanticide and child labor are serious probles in the world.

Anybody who goes against the grain and the opinions held dear by the popular majority of that place is labeled as a troll and ejected - it's not a place of discussion; it's a private virtual kingdom, it's not a place of new ideas; it's a place of group think, it's not a place of free speech; it's a place where the tyranny of the majority rules the day.

The meeting of the politically correct minds will be the correct term to call that place.

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Your gift analogy is completely irrelevant and shows that you lack any critical thinking skills what so ever, lacking logic, lacking reason, lacking common sense - that place is a public venue with TIP JARS around.

How often do you give gifts to people and expect them to pay you back in cash?

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How does having formal debates solve the problem of that place being a den of snakes who would jump at any oportunity to sting anybody who does not agree with their opinion?

How does having formal debates solve the problem of no free speech in that place, a really opressive place, a problem such as going against the majority's opinion getting you banned?

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  • 4 months later...

I've been a lecturer at MOM for the past few weeks, and we've touched upon feminism, education, and the recent Ebola outbreak.  I consider myself a nonconformist, and I DO go against the grain of much popular "hive mind" collective thinking - preferring to do my own research and think on my own as opposed to following popular opinion.

I've had a fairly good turnout of people who come for the lecture, then stay for the discussions.  To me, it is truly a meeting of the minds, in that I've had many people disagree - they share what they are thinking, question my own line of thinking, and we ALL walk away learning more. In other words, it's been an incredibly insightful and transformative experience to lecture at MOMs, and I plan on continuing because I get to interact with a LOT of brilliant people there from all walks of life and backgrounds who aren't afraid to share and speak their minds.  It's refreshing! (And I do this for free, by the way, because I do love the interactions I get with people there.)

Now, one thing Starr and her team do is maintain an atmosphere of respect for everyone.  We can differ in opinion, and in fact, most of us do.  HOWEVER, we can also express our differences and thoughts in ways that do not slam, judge nor disrespect the opinions of others.  I fully believe that this is a safe space to do so. 

Unfortunately,  there are people that come in with strong opinions who want to WIN an argument and shut down people instead of listening, learning and discussing.  In these cases, it doesn't benefit anybody.  Not only that, it disrespects the opinions of others.  We can talk and disagree without the degradation and humiliation of others who think differently.  However, we can't learn HOW to talk in these ways without actually...talking.  MOMs is a place where that talk is welcomed.  Talk is messy, though...especially about important topics that are controvercial and aren't really talked about anywhere else.  

If you're a jerk about expressing what you want to say, you WILL be ejected, or that experience will be unpleasant for you - NOT because of what you are thinking, but it's because of HOW you're expressing it.  If people are civil and respectful about expressing their opinions, MOMS is a great place to listen and learn, AND PEOPLE WILL LISTEN.  However, no one likes whiners, complainers, people who get on their soap box to lecture without intellectual justification, or people who put down other people.  Hence, Starr and her crew try and make it a good, safe place to discuss and talk for everyone.  

It's not a perfect system (because it shouldn't be anyways), and I'm sure some people will get their feathers ruffled, as we've seen in this thread.  Also, I admit, I'm not there on the porch often, and I speak from my times when I've been able to lecture and share with others.  Those have been very positive for me, and I've made a LOT of great friends through this venue.  There's over 500 people who are members to MOMS.  You can't make everyone happy.

I also know that MOMs is looking for guest speakers and lecturers who are willing to commit time to professionally present to the group.  They HUNGER for good information!!!!  That said, if someone DOES want to speak up and be heard, there are opportunities for that, as long as it's done in a way that respects others.  

My impression is that Starr and her staff work very hard to create opportunities for people to meet and share information.  To me, they're doing a wonderful job of doing that!!!



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