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How do I clear the Mute List?

kyttyn Utherwurldly

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I acidentally muted a vendor..and apparently the entire store..(i thought mute just reduced sound, audio level)..not set up a permanent block against everything and every vendor connected with the shop. How do I unmute..remove from the mute list..all the vendors I have appear to have set up a permanent block against. I would at least like to be able to get the instructions for the things I have purchased.

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Ok, the "Mute List" should look something like this:


When there are names in that list, you can select a name and the "Unmute" button becomes available.  If that's not the case, maybe there's something different on your particular veiewer/version of the SL client.

Another way to unmute is to find that resident/object in person, right-click their avatar and choose unmute if it was a person.... if it was an object, you need to search through the pie-menu for the mute/unmute choices.

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This is ridiculous to not have an unmute button. Never mind the crazy answers like "Why would you want to unmute someone you muted" when that does not address the issue at all. There is room to have an unmute button right next to the mute one on the list instaed of having to do a song and dance to search someone or some object to unmute them/it. Sometimes muting is used temporarily and the oportunity to "unmute" passes and it cannot be undone if the object disappears or the avatar. I muted a person and went to unmute after and the option on thier profile to unmute does not exist or right clicking the object does not give option to unmute. To send a message "hi" to unmute the avatar when you may not even know them is dumb and how do you say hi to an object? It certainly could be a lot easier than the way it is set up currently.

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Never mind the crazy answers like "Why would you want to unmute someone you muted" when that does not address the issue at all.

Wish we could be perfect but alas and heavy sigh we're social and at times curious.  Strange beast this Questions and Answers forum, it's not a one way street.

It certainly could be a lot easier than the way it is set up currently.

On mine which is a standard SL Viewer, I bring up my mute list, click a name or object, then select unmute... that qualifies as easy.  If say a third party viewer isn't as easy I suppose thats the pitfall of using a third party viewer.  Be it a SL or third party viewer look for a feedback button and suggest a better way.

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I have the official SL v1.23.5 and it does not exist. I removed this version and installed an older one v1.22.4 where the option is present to clear my list and then upgraded to the lastest version after doing so. It was a lot quicker and easier than trying to run down other ways to clear all the mute listings.

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Yayyyy Anita! DId you get that kyttyn Utherwurldy:  hehe  .... you were absolutely correct! It indeed was hidden underneath. I am soooo glad they didnt remove that feature! I dont know why it was hidden though as the other version did not hide it under the taskbar but I am delighted for your help!  Thank you soooo much!

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