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Beware those $L0 Freebie walls, you'll get nailed

Codex Alpha

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong but dont you have to confirm purchases?

The OP did say:

"Its interesting that after you click a few to view what comes in the contents, that you find one that might be of interest for study, and before I could do anything,
my mindless clicking did a nice purchase
for $L99."

Probably clicked "Pay" instead of "Cancel."

I guess you could say this was just another case of an itchy clicky finger...

And even long time users (points at myself) get it occasionally.

New users may be more at risk of an "honest mistake" on this.

I do understand what the OP is talking about with vendor walls.  Whether you want to call the pratice "shady" is up for grabs.  Only some of the items on the wall will be free so if you are not careful, ouch. 

It will only be an 'honest mistake' if the seller replies to me, and the mistake is corrected. Otherwise it is no longer an honest mistake.

And it would be hard pressed to prove how or why a seller would include items in a "FREEBIE" section that are paid when side by side there are $0L priced items.

These aren't stores with freebies littered inside. these are stores advertised as FREEBIE or $L 1 shopping outlets.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

entity0x wrote:

Man, many of you regular posters are just downright nasty.

Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, with most clicks being $L99. IS A TYPO.

The correct statement IS

Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall
with most clicks being $L0.

Sheesh. Its absurd how quick some respondents are in hanging people on this forum. This is not a court of law.


So why don't you edit it and fix the typo? It's been two days.

For some reason I thought I couldn't. I guess I got some forum options mixed up between sites. Usually the OP is locked out after the first reply.

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entity0x wrote:

Thanks Tari -- I had not read carefully enough to understand that the OP was well aware that the wall had a mix of free and non free items on it, before she ever bought the 99L item.

Another example of what is to me a very bizarre outlook on life, wherein people are never responsible for their own mistakes. (And add to that the assumption that everyone in forums, etc., is like one's mother, and cares about every slight or injustice incurred, no matter how trivial.)

You should try not to be so judgemental, and eager to jump down a forum poster's throat, when in the end it was a simple TYPO.

All we know about you is what you reveal in your posts here.  What we have learned is that you make mistakes -- like clicking yes when you meant no, or "getting forum options mixed up", or typing the exact opposite of what you meant to say -- and blame someone else. 


Everyone makes mistakes. But not everyone refuses to take responsibility for his mistakes like an adult. 

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Pamela Galli wrote:

entity0x wrote:

Thanks Tari -- I had not read carefully enough to understand that the OP was well aware that the wall had a mix of free and non free items on it, before she ever bought the 99L item.

Another example of what is to me a very bizarre outlook on life, wherein people are never responsible for their own mistakes. (And add to that the assumption that everyone in forums, etc., is like one's mother, and cares about every slight or injustice incurred, no matter how trivial.)

You should try not to be so judgemental, and eager to jump down a forum poster's throat, when in the end it was a simple TYPO.

All we know about you is what you reveal in your posts here.  What we have learned is that you make mistakes -- like clicking yes when you meant no, or "getting forum options mixed up", or typing the exact opposite of what you meant to say -- and blame someone else. 


Everyone makes mistakes. But not everyone refuses to take responsibility for his mistakes like an adult. 

We? Are you a spokesperson for a group?

This is not about mistakes or blame, this about making a post about something that happens in some in-world stores many times, and warning others about it.

This is not court. I am not on trial. If you have nothing to say about the OP, you should keep your personal attacks to yourself.

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entity0x wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote:

entity0x wrote:

Thanks Tari -- I had not read carefully enough to understand that the OP was well aware that the wall had a mix of free and non free items on it, before she ever bought the 99L item.

Another example of what is to me a very bizarre outlook on life, wherein people are never responsible for their own mistakes. (And add to that the assumption that everyone in forums, etc., is like one's mother, and cares about every slight or injustice incurred, no matter how trivial.)

You should try not to be so judgemental, and eager to jump down a forum poster's throat, when in the end it was a simple TYPO.

All we know about you is what you reveal in your posts here.  What we have learned is that you make mistakes -- like clicking yes when you meant no, or "getting forum options mixed up", or typing the exact opposite of what you meant to say -- and blame someone else. 


Everyone makes mistakes. But not everyone refuses to take responsibility for his mistakes like an adult. 

We? Are you a spokesperson for a group?


YES! you worked it out (claps)

And to be part of the group you must haveat least 1000 posts. You have a long way to go. On the way, you need to put up with a lot of crap and big egos etc., and the easiest path to take is to be very nice and agree with everyone and have no views of your own. Just make small passive posts to show your agreement with the members of the 'Group'.

OK, I'm out of here. Why do I get sucked into these forums? Maybe it's having 2 long weekends in a row.

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entity0x wrote:

Man, many of you regular posters are just downright nasty.

Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, with most clicks being $L99. IS A TYPO.

The correct statement IS

Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall
with most clicks being $L0.

Sheesh. Its absurd how quick some respondents are in hanging people on this forum. This is not a court of law.


1) The script WAS embedded and surrounded by FREEBIE $0L Scripts.

2) The entire wall was advertised as FREE SCRIPTS

3) Whether the merchant intended this to be nefarious or not is unknown. It certainly can be interpreted as such, because I'm sure it's not the first time it's happened. Its also not very honest to leave such a mistake up on a wall for more people to hit. I did contact the creator of the product, and no response has been made on the matter.

In my OP, I admitted that at that point, since I had been clicking on several products to view the contents and CANCELLING many of them, that this was a mindless click.. Unfortunately it was on a script that I was interested in, out of the entire wall, I DIDNT EXPECT THAT IT WAS $99L.

In my mind, that's pretty dirty practice. Whether it is only $0.40 cents or not is irrelevant.

So my statement stands
Beware those $0L Freebie walls, you'll get nailed.


Yes, because even after a post has been edited, we're supposed to know that was a typo. SHEESH, god forbid some of us act like humans too and not have the ability to read minds. You really can't get angry at people when your own typo is exactly what caused the reactions you got, lol. If your post hadn't been edited before I replied, I might have thought the $99l thing was a typo. How about not hanging everyone else on the forums too. That is a two-way street, you know.

You need to quit being so sensitive and realize that, like some of us have said, what happened can happen to pretty much anyone and everyone. No need to rake a merchant over the coals anymore than you should be raked over the coals.  Whether the merchant put that there on purpose at $99l or not, or whether you clicked carelessly or not, doesn't really much matter. Lots, if not all, of us have done it. It happens, and if nothing else, it teaches you to be a little more aware when you go around clicking.  Don't be surprised if it happens again though, because it just might, lol.

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entity0x wrote:

Thanks Tari -- I had not read carefully enough to understand that the OP was well aware that the wall had a mix of free and non free items on it, before she ever bought the 99L item.

Another example of what is to me a very bizarre outlook on life, wherein people are never responsible for their own mistakes. (And add to that the assumption that everyone in forums, etc., is like one's mother, and cares about every slight or injustice incurred, no matter how trivial.)

You should try not to be so judgemental, and eager to jump down a forum poster's throat, when in the end it was a simple TYPO.

You should provide mroe information. YOU edited your OP, yet still had not changed the $99l "typo". Don't get pissy with people for your mistakes, fix them, and move on. People can't discuss topics that you fail to post (like the wall actually being full of $0l items, not $99l items). We only have what you put out there to go on.  

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entity0x wrote:

For some reason I thought I couldn't. I guess I got some forum options mixed up between sites. Usually the OP is locked out after the first reply.

You had edited your OP not too long after you originally made it, lol. Clearly you knew they could be edited. That was the only reason I replied about the $99l part to begin with. I had thought perhaps a typo, until I had seen you'd already edited your OP once. So, you know they can be edited.

Sigh.. stupid topic.

Just be careful where you click. That's really all that needed to be said, if you were actually worried about this topic.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Sigh.. stupid topic.

Just be careful where you click. That's really all that needed to be said
, if you were actually worried about this topic.

Exactly. This is not about some grand conspiracy of merchants with Freebie walls to "nail" people into not paying attention to where they click ("tactics like this can be interpreted as pretty shady"). 


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entity0x wrote:

-- UPDATE ---- BEWARE, its like playing
out there!



My bad, I guess I need a reminder every so often as I mindlessly look through several freebie stores to see what I can pick up for cheap props to use in the background, or machinima, today I was in a free script shop.

Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, with most clicks being $L99.

Wall is advertised as a 'free script' wall, (in a freebie store) with most clicks being $L0.

Its interesting that after you click a few to view what comes in the contents, that you find one that might be of interest for study, and before I could do anything, my mindless clicking did a nice purchase for $L99.

As if inworld stores don't have a challenge to get and keep people coming to their stores, tactics like this can be interpreted as pretty shady; it hasn't been the first time a paying item is embedded in a see of FREEBIE clicks. I'm sure in my noobie days in SL I've given away several hundred Lindens, not realizing that 'cash sound' actually took out cash that time.


My bad. I got soft. Thanks for the reminder.

Everyone else, beware those mindless clicks on in-world merchandise. Things like this keep people dealing on the marketplace, where it's safe and has almost too many 'really buy?" windows.


First question, I went inworld and found a freebies store that has a wall all most exactly like the one in you image just it din't have the green $L0 Free over each box.   Did you add that or did I find the wrong store?   If the green prices were added  then it's not clear to people looking at you image how hard the prices are to see.  With out the green prices I can see were that could be confusing some were free and other not,  but neither did a see a sign saying they were free, and you still have to confirm.

second question why post this in the merchant forms? No need to warn real merchants about freebies.  Most of us would never touch a freebies as a building component, as many freebies are stolen, many of the old free scripts are out of date or truly free as in straight out of the LSL wiki, actually many of the simple scripts some people sell for are straight out of the LSL wiki or library.

If your trying to warn freebies hunters then the general forum would be better.  As merchants were running businesses in SL and not here  to set up freebies areas to give things away to lure people into accident buying some thing.  To make sure people don't mix up free and non free items at my shop I simply don't have any freebies, and I only sell on the makerplace.  From time to time, I do give free items to my repeat customers, but not to people just looking for free items.

Freebies help out new residents and that's good, but after that I think they are actually bad for user retention in SL.   It's easy to walk away from an account with a free inventory, much harder to walk away from an account with a payed for inventory, that and I think there's more value in some thing you want to buy, and some thing you randomly find grabbing every free thing you can find.  One of the largest hunt group in SL has lost over 3000 members (well over half) I think that says a lot about the value of free.   An other down side of freebies is that many of the freebie areas are just collection of free items people have collects and are not the original creator, so there's no customer service for them if there are issues.  Not saying that all free item's are bad but a lot are. 




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Calamari wrote:

First question, I went inworld and found a freebies store that has a wall all most exactly like the one in you image just it din't have the green $L0 Free over each box.   Did you add that or did I find the wrong store?   If the green prices were added  then it's not clear to people looking at you image how
hard the prices are to see. 
With out the green prices I can see were that could be confusing some were free and other not,  but neither did a see a sign saying they were free, and you still have to confirm.

The picture reflects a real world experience, in which the prices reflected in the image are ACTUAL. Photoshop skills were used to enhance the image to document this fact to communicate the idea more accurately.

Calamari wrote:

second question why post this in the merchant forms? No need to warn real merchants about

Thanks for the tip, I'll pick my forums more carefully when I post next time.

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