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         HI GUYS  !          ok  just for fun i thought i would ask a few questions, i hope you will participate.




# 1 .  What is the most you have ever spent on    ONE ITEM    and where you happy or dissapointed (no actual names of stores please, happy or dissapointed  thank you)


#2 .   ALSO what is the most you ever spent on  ...


A = a home

B = a vehicle (car,boat,etc...)

C = hair

D = an item

E = an avatar


Hmmm now i know some times you might spend say 1000L on an avatar maybe,  then like a week later you find a better one for like 200L wow !  i hate that . anyway it does happen all across the board in all catagories, it sucks lol !


Me personally have been on sl for less than a year and so far the most i have spent on anything was an avatar, it was 350L and i was very happy with it, it was an anime type one very cartoony and old school japanese i am happy i got it .


also for hair about 200L  and a home like 250L a vehicle (motorcycle)  like 100L and my item is about 150L they were samarai swords you wear on your back , very fun !





 * BONUS QUESTION =    what was the best thing you ever got that was free or almost free  ...  1L to like 10L .


       i once got an a really great  robot avatar for like 1L  it was really cool  !


                         OK GUYS THANKS ALOT SEE YOU NEXT TIME    =0) 














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  OK  THANKS  SID !  yes mesh is really cool and i am looking foward to all the new mesh ppl are making now, awsome !!!

ok   g 'night guys  bye  plz keep posting   ...      =0)



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1. I've done so many purchases it's hard to remember that, but as far as I can recall it was a store build for 4,500 Linden.

2. A=4,500L

   B= 1,000L

   C= 300L

   D= See 1.

   E= Do you mean a complete premade avatar? Or the different parts seperatedly? I never buy prefab avatars but put the different parts together from different merchants.

Bonus: I got tons of amazing free things in hunts and as a merchant myself I make sure that my own hunt items are top notch quality in return. When I unbox a hunt gift and it's horrible? Makes me believe the rest of that merchants products are just as horrible.

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1-Hmm I think the most I have ever spent on something was, gosh I don't even remember, ok I'll pick the next thing I do remember, $8,000L, and I was satisfied with it, for a while, until, well, it stopped functioning properly :(

I should probably state here that I do NOT shop much, and never have.  I window shop, a LOT, but I do not usually buy much. I know, I'm weird :P


B-$6,000L(it was for a RFL charity event, otherwise I wouldn't spend more than a couple hundred linden) it was a custom truck


D-this is the same as your first question, lol

E-Maybe $200l, or so, that's probably pushing it.

As for the best thing I got that was free or almost free, hmmmm.. Oh I know, this was years ago before a lot of things like it were in sl much... I got this teleporter thing that you sat on and it would rez you to whatever height you wanted and rez out a scene.  Now a days this is a common thing, and lots of people sell them, but when I first got it, the concept was still new, the scenes were awesome(with poses, animations, and romantic places which was awesome for hubby and I at the time) and the fact that it was free blew my mind.  Of course, like I said, that was years ago, lol. By today's standards it would probably be useless to most people.  I have since seen several variations of this thing, sold by numerous people, but none have ever come close to the original, imo, as far as really being innovative, unique, and, for its time, absolutely awesome. As far as I know it's not on the grid anymore. I still have it in my inventory but I don't think I have taken it out since my 2006 av. (it was trans and got moved over with anything trans from that avs inventory when i made this av)

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                   hi syro emerald ... good guess grandma !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol  =0)








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I think this is fun! :matte-motes-big-grin:


1) The most I have ever spent on one item would have to be a kitchen set that I purchased for $6750. I am disappointed with the purchase, because I only used it for 1 week.


My Home = $4845

My Car = $2500

Hair = I can honestly say that I have probably spent over $5000 on hair. I LOVE hair... what girl on here doesn't love a new wig/weave or whatever you want to call it?

Item = Kitchen set that I purchased for $6750

My new avatar skin set cost about $4500.


All in all I have spent WAY too much money on my avatar. SL makes it very easy to spend!

*Hides face in shame*

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1. I paid 10k my photography classes and think that was most expensive one time pruchase and I am really happy with it! Otherwise not sure really... probably thousands of lindens. I got myself a new skin yesterday (had to go check skin fair lol) with all possible appliers and the azz applier is actually darker than the rest of the skin so I am not happy with it. 

Best free thing I got is a drunk AO and I still like to play with it from time to time!

(few days ago I got a new apartment thats worth 6895 - for free wooot)


A = Not sure but I have few homes that were more than 5k each.

B = Once I bought a yacht as a gift to a friend, kill me can't remember the price!


D = like what? These are all items we use

E = its all for my avi

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             WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!    oh man 18,000 L thats so wild hmm but im really glad that you were not dissapointed and you do enjoy it, thats great  !  

  THANKS GUYS  to everyone for participating and plz keep posting, this is kinda fun i hope ...  see ya   =0) 






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# 1 .  What is the most you have ever spent on    ONE ITEM    and where you happy or dissapointed (no actual names of stores please, happy or dissapointed  thank you)


#2 .   ALSO what is the most you ever spent on  ...


A = a home

B = a vehicle (car,boat,etc...)

C = hair

D = an item

E = an avatar



#1 Does land count? Back in the day when land prices were up, I spent upwards of L$30K on individual parcels. That's certainly the most I've ever dropped at one time. If not land, it's likely to have been a pack of skins, something like L$7500. I was quite happy with the land, even after the price eventually dropped. I wore the skins for a while, but I was never all that happy with them. In retrospect, they weren't a good buy.


A - L$1800 for a medieval lodge from 'The Looking Glass'. Worth every penny.

B - A Morgan-style 3-wheeled roadster, probably around L$400.

C - Hair, no more than L$300 at a time, but oh so many times.

D - L$800 for a Musashi Ronin katana. There could have been something more expensive, but that's the memorable one.

E - L$1600 for a quad raccoon avatar. I honestly don't remember it being so expensive, but that's the current MP price. I hardly ever wear it so it wasn't good value for money, although I still use the eyes (see my forum badge) for my default av.

If you added together all the elements of my current av (hair, skin, AO etc.), it'd probably be around L$3000.

Best freebie... a huge pack of skins for L$0 (and direct from the creator, so I know they aren't ripped off).

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