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Randomly Moving Issue: Video Example.


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Here just to showcase an example of what's been going on with me since about X-mas that is ruining SL for me.... and for some others who know me.


Sorry for the Audio Issue in the video, but, it's mostly there for reference.


This has been happening on and off for so long and I've tried so many things to try to fix it but nothing has seemed to work... It could be jitter, the small packet loss, or just my ISP just being complete crap for 2 straight months. 

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Sometimes when communication isn't ideal between your viewer and SL packets are not lost but delayed. Under some circumstances the viewer will ask for the delayed information again, but in the meantime the delayed packet finally arrives so your viewer gets the information twice. This commonly causes things like your typing something into chat once and it echoes in your viewer two or more times when others only see it once. It's particularly an issue with wireless communication.

I'm wondering if your problem has something to do with position updates (the blue squares shooting off of your avatar) arriving out of order or otherwise being delayed, but not necessarily being lost.

Try going to the "Develop" menu and then under "Network" turn off "Velocity Interpolate Objects." When this setting is on (the default), your viewer guesses your position from your previous direction of travel when it doesn't get an update it's expecting. With it off your avatar stops dead until the next update. See if you frequently pause when you're walking/flying when it's turned off, and then start moving when you think you should be stopped.


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It's really helpful that Show Updates was enabled because you can really see how many position updates are coming in after you (try to) stop moving. So if all those packets are arriving that late, that would be some pretty funky network.

I guess, just to rule out an alternative explanation, pushes from an attached script, I might check whether the same thing happens using one of the test avatars. 

ETA: If this is caused by network, you should get similar erratic behaviour from other constantly-updated moving things, including other avatars and objects in keyframed motion (e.g., the "rock monsters" in Linden Realms). Or anything else that sends a constant stream of object updates for other attributes, too, not just positions (e.g., dimmers). (It would not appear for continuous change that doesn't use object updates, so it won't happen with smooth llTargetOmega rotation, texture animation, nor particle systems.)

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Would assume that it's a jitter related issue? That seems to be the problem that I've been having with my internet recently. Just connections jumping all over the place but not necesiarly loosing any packets to the pinged servers.


It's actually been much better recently than it has been in the past, but still has it's moments of awfulness and when I'm viewing other avatars or objects and they are mostly moving fine. I'll have to look at like what one suggested, to a place with monsters that constantly move around.

Just today actually, I was doing fine when all of a sudden, Firestorm reported over 200 packets were lossed in about 5 minutes, and I went over 100k packets without it "loosing" a single one.

I just find it strange that everyone else also sees me with the same moving issues, at first I thought it was just me with my viewer, but my friend is always telling me how I'm randomly being pushed all over.


Edit: I turned off velocity interlopate objects: Yup. I'm freezing as I'm moving and I see other people freezing as well when they move. However, it then teleports me forward as I'm moving, and my friend told me she sees me still moving forward, even when I'm in this frozen state. 

 It seemed to fix being randomly pushed, I think.... but I'm thinking since I keep getting "frozen" at random, it might be an issue with unstable jitter... which has been the problem for me since christmas or so :/

Doing a ping to secondlife.com, lowest =  81ms, highest = 149 ms. Average = 117 ms.  (I live on the East Coast) 

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Metalsnake27 wrote:

I just find it strange that everyone else also sees me with the same moving issues, at first I thought it was just me with my viewer, but my friend is always telling me how I'm randomly being pushed all over.

Oh, so that's what you meant earlier with "and for some others".

Now that I understand that, it's even stranger. The belated "nudges" your avatar gets aren't delays in the downstream network, but something delaying upstream control inputs. Yeah, that could be network jitter, but it seem awfully asymmetrical ("when I'm viewing other avatars or objects and they are mostly moving fine"), and I'm starting to wonder if it might be local to your machine or your LAN. (Other apps don't suffer similar glitches in control inputs, do they??)

I know there used to be sites one could use to test network jitter, but I haven't had to do that in ages, so I'm not sure what to use nor what results to expect.

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  • 9 months later...

this is happening to me too, ive notice after doing alot of building or being subjected to high lag in a sim i was playing a concert in i get pushed when i quit running or in the air flying, if i clear my cache and relog it seems to stop. please let me know if you ever find out the cause of this, Thanks "kusowsk"

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  • 11 months later...
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