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A weapon sandbox test area

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i know now, what is the problem in the sanbox weapon test area server, and i know why this people in this area attack with a real ip and attacks with personal informations and they use lots of weapons attacks with a stealers perms etc,

i know now why this persons are in second life for long time and the reports do now works, thats is simple i make my investigations and some players say to me in this area are a lindens involved and protect to this unscrupulous evils person.

i dont want believe this, but if some linden are involved with a this griefers and bad persons thats is to bad, i hope thats is not true, but my recomendation is the the senior management of second life should investigate everybody in this area and find out, as I bet that they will fall many people who are that are crash off servers illegally and attacking the forums and make all violations in a second life they want and much more:matte-motes-angry:

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Why do you hang out in a weapon test sandbox?  Maybe you need to keep better company. 

The weapon test area is not a simple server from there is where all evil bad persons from  second life, and it is there where people who want to destroy the second life and make all violations and affect the others server in to much case:matte-motes-angry:

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IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

Kenbro Utu wrote:

Why do you hang out in a weapon test sandbox?  Maybe you need to keep better company. 

The weapon test area is not a simple server from there is where all evil bad persons from  second life, and it is there where people who want to destroy the second life and make all violations and affect the others server in to much case:matte-motes-angry:

That doesn't make sense.  If true, that's a reason to AVOID the area not hang out htere.


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thats is  Linden sanbox area, and have a full permision, scripts, prims and all, and the name is weapon test area,and if it makes perfect sense, given the case which is public and controlled by linden, there are other public servers, but none at all the grid is as famous than this, they should thoroughly investigate

 I bet all that if the senior management of linden labs investigates will find many obscure cases here.:matte-motes-angry:

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IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

i know now, what is the problem in the sanbox weapon test area server, and i know why this people in this area attack with a real ip and attacks with personal informations and they use lots of weapons attacks with a stealers perms etc,

i know now why this persons are in second life for long time and the reports do now works, thats is simple i make my investigations and some players say to me in this area are a lindens involved and protect to this unscrupulous evils person.

i dont want believe this, but if some linden are involved with a this griefers and bad persons thats is to bad, i hope thats is not true, but my recomendation is the the senior management of second life should investigate everybody in this area and find out, as I bet that they will fall many people who are that are crash off servers illegally and attacking the forums and make all violations in a second life they want and much more:matte-motes-angry:

Maybe it is actually one of the Senior Management who has this Alt account and just for fun does these things to annoy people. Maybe it is one of the Board of Directors children doing this and he is protecting them.  After all, you are claiming that they can do things no one else seems to be able to do. 

Then what will you do?

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Perrie Juran wrote:

IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

i know now, what is the problem in the sanbox weapon test area server, and i know why this people in this area attack with a real ip and attacks with personal informations and they use lots of weapons attacks with a stealers perms etc,

i know now why this persons are in second life for long time and the reports do now works, thats is simple i make my investigations and some players say to me in this area are a lindens involved and protect to this unscrupulous evils person.

i dont want believe this, but if some linden are involved with a this griefers and bad persons thats is to bad, i hope thats is not true, but my recomendation is the the senior management of second life should investigate everybody in this area and find out, as I bet that they will fall many people who are that are crash off servers illegally and attacking the forums and make all violations in a second life they want and much more:matte-motes-angry:

Maybe it is actually one of the Senior Management who has this Alt account and just for fun does these things to annoy people. Maybe it is one of the Board of Directors children doing this and he is protecting them.  After all, you are claiming that they can do things no one else seems to be able to do. 

Then what will you do?

Maybe they are providing the OP with the kind of entertainmen he craves - griefer drama that he loves so much that he seeks it out.


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That bad habit has some people in the forums, when criticized negative things that happen in second life, always appear the CHAPULINS COLORADOS to ridicule the criticisms so that they do not get anything, almost always are the same


mad.jpgThis is the chapulin colorado people in the forums th.jpg

and it is as if they have a booklet

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

i know now, what is the problem in the sanbox weapon test area server, and i know why this people in this area attack with a real ip and attacks with personal informations and they use lots of weapons attacks with a stealers perms etc,

i know now why this persons are in second life for long time and the reports do now works, thats is simple i make my investigations and some players say to me in this area are a lindens involved and protect to this unscrupulous evils person.

i dont want believe this, but if some linden are involved with a this griefers and bad persons thats is to bad, i hope thats is not true, but my recomendation is the the senior management of second life should investigate everybody in this area and find out, as I bet that they will fall many people who are that are crash off servers illegally and attacking the forums and make all violations in a second life they want and much more:matte-motes-angry:

Maybe it is actually one of the Senior Management who has this Alt account and just for fun does these things to annoy people. Maybe it is one of the Board of Directors children doing this and he is protecting them.  After all, you are claiming that they can do things no one else seems to be able to do. 

Then what will you do?

Maybe they are providing the OP with the kind of entertainmen he craves - griefer drama that he loves so much that he seeks it out.



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IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

That bad habit has some people in the forums, when criticized negative things that happen in second life, always appear the CHAPULINS COLORADOS to ridicule the criticisms so that they do not get anything, almost always are the same



This is the chapulin colorado people in the forums

and it is as if they have a booklet

I too criticise things at times.

But I don't go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about them.

Would I rather that there were no Griefers in SL?  Yes.

Would I rather Linden Lab did a better job of dealing with them?  Absolutely.

I've lived on the Mainland for over five years.  Do you know how many times my SIM has been attacked by Griefers?  One.

Would I rather it had never happenned?  Yes.

But I haven't made it the center of My Second Life.

As far as we can see is that all that your Second Life consists of is your never ending quest to vanquish Griefers from the face of Second Life.  It's your choice if that is the Second Life you want to live.

You keep trying to assign to the Griefers the power of gods in SL.  Maybe this Griefer is being protected by a Linden Lab employee.  I've heard claims like that about people ever since I started.  The problem is that when you assign to someone the power of a god you then give them control over your life. 

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English translation: Mr. Ivan, stop worrying about the griefers.

Spanish translation: El Sr. Ivan, deja de preocuparte por el greifers.

(For those like I, who are not capapble of conversing in Spanish, an explanation. I pasted my first sentence into one online translator which gave me a couple of Spanish results; I then pasted my Spanish results into a different online translator which gave me back almost the identical English sentence. I am confident that the sentence is bilingual in both words and meaning.)

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In conclusion , i hate a abusse to others people and the indicriminations attacks to a servers and forums , i hate the sims crashers peoples, and is not good policy steal a persmisions to others players and steal the real ip and real information abouts accounts for make a menace when they do not like some person or something in a total violation to EULA, and second life TOS.

Weapon Sanbox Testing Area has become a nest of people who use this server for make all kinds of evils in all second life, and I am going to denounce as I can.

and this no longer has to do with simple griefers problems,  i also I'm not speculating, I've many years in second life and I learned to know its forms of as people want to exploit their resources in total violation of our world, as second life is for all people in the best possible peace in this wonderful beautiful world and i know thats do not can completely eradicate.

I know many of them but I can not say names, and I apologize for anyone who feels offended :matte-motes-angry:

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IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

In conclusion , i hate a abusse to others people and the indicriminations attacks to a servers and forums , i hate the sims crashers peoples, and is not good policy steal a persmisions to others players and steal the real ip and real information abouts accounts for make a menace when they do not like some person or something in a total violation to EULA, and second life TOS.

Weapon Sanbox Testing Area has become a nest of people who use this server for make all kinds of evils in all second life, and I am going to denounce as I can.

and this no longer has to do with simple griefers problems,  i also I'm not speculating, I've many years in second life and I learned to know its forms of as people want to exploit their resources in total violation of our world, as second life is for all people in the best possible peace in this wonderful beautiful world and i know thats do not can completely eradicate.

I know many of them but I can not say names, and I apologize for anyone who feels offended :matte-motes-angry:

I don't doubt there are griefers in SL at all because I have seen the results of thier work.  I've also kicked a few of their butts when they messed with sims that I manage.  However, I don't seek them out or go places where I know they hang out and don't go on missions to wipe them out.  As a result  in the almost eight years I've been in SL I've never been personally bothered by any of them. 

Your contstant trials and tribulations with griefers would end if you just leave them alone and avoid the places they hang out.

People grief for the attention and your constant diabtribes about them give it to them.  If they don't get it they get bored and move on.  Its like the old joke of the patient who complains to his doctor that 'It hurts when I do this, so what can I do doc?" and the doctor replies "well just don't do that"



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i want say the problems ,I will always say these problems when necessary, no matter if the people say here if I have obsession, that if I have grieferfobia or whatever, where i see the evil i want it denounce it , and no matter how many speeches here against what I say.

and it is not regular attack as they want to see some commentators here, i do not mean aboout are normal attacks that second life receives all days all times, I'm talking about sanbox weapon area and the mafia that is there, i know we can play in the area with weapons, but just is for fun only and thats is with a permission of others, thats is not for destroy the second life securiry in extreme abusse and exploid the ressources .:matte-motes-angry:

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IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

i want say the problems ,I will always say these problems when necessary, no matter if the people say here if I have obsession, that if I have grieferfobia or whatever, where i see the evil i want it denounce it , and no matter how many speeches here against what I say.

and it is not regular attack as they want to see some commentators here, i do not mean aboout are normal attacks that second life receives all days all times, I'm talking about sanbox weapon area and the mafia that is there, i know we can play in the area with weapons, but just is for fun only and thats is with a permission of others, thats is not for destroy the second life securiry in extreme abusse and exploid the ressources .:matte-motes-angry:

It may well be that the Lab tolerates a certain amount of lawlessness in the Weapons Testing Sandbox so they can identify serious system weaknesses before they go grid-wide. And if a certain Don Quixote keeps getting shot off Rocinante over and over and over and over again because he insists in riding through there with a target on his back, they Just. Don't. Care.

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Over the past couple of years I have helped people deal with Griefers.  And there are many of us here who have done the same.  One thing I have seen over and over again is that anyone who has tried to take on the Griefers directly has lost the battle.  None of us really have the tools to deal directly with them.

So the advise we give is report and ignore.

I agree and say on a regular basis that I think Linden Lab could do a better job of dealing with them.  I don't think anyone here including me will disagree with you on this.

What some people fail to see is that by trying to deal directly with the Griefers is that they become part of the problem.  They give the Griefers the thing they thrive on, a person they can harrass and attack.

That does not mean what the Griefers do is OK.  But we need to stop feeding them.  Stop feeding them and they die.

I've been reading your posts for a long time now.  It's my personal opinion based on what I have read that by the way you respond to them that you are feeding them.  Maybe my opinion here is wrong but that is what I see.  All many of us have really been saying all along is, "Stop feeding them."

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speaks clearly, you're not with so much else, tell that clearly
do not to feed the troll,
But  i will say all those who scoff at me, all those who come with sarcasm, , I'm gathering lots of information, I have to do a deep research on weapon sandbox testing area and I will reveal many things and names, places, information of the exploids that are using, but I won't do in a report.
I will send these documents directly to the offices of senior management because make a report thats is a lost of time and thats works only for banned maybe a inoncent peoples, and than those who discuss it and see if I'm crazy or not, or is  i am stupid insiginficant player here :matte-motes-angry:

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...

Hopefuly he has been causing drama alot   :matte-motes-stress: from weapones test   Saying That i'm a grifer i have Not Done anything to him He's also making fake storeires for other's   and he just want them to feel bad everyone is trying to be nice the sad thing is he harss them cause drama and he makes fake stores:matte-motes-crying:  and we were all playing where not trying to grifer him he just want's drama to hurt people's feelings  :matte-motes-stress: 

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