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Rod Humble leaving Linden Lab

Jo Yardley

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

(hung my reply off yours, Heart .. but this is a general response meant for all)

Second Life is a complex, deep, intricate, vast, amazing platform. It has literally thousands of nooks and crannies for people to explore, exploit, examine and enjoy. Even those of us with a few years on our Avi know that there is way more here than we could ever hope to comprehend or even encounter in a single human lifetime.

The new CEO should be communicating with us in a manner that exemplifies his/her understanding of that depth and complexity. Twitter is good for firing off 140 character or smaller brain-f*rts but is not in any way capable of demonstrating that one is aware of how deep and involved this Virtual World is .. and should be.

Too many people floating near the top of the Linden Lab Org Chart grant SL enough brain time to allow them grasp of one facet: Game play, role play, community, merchandising, etc. etc. But none of them ever seem willing or able to accept the truth that SL is a giant real-world example of Infinity.

Honest Ebbe, you don't need to count every atom in the Metaverse to comprehend its size or complexity. But you DO need to approach it with your eyes open, your arms open .. and embracing the larger audience from the very first day.

Lol.  There you go again, Darrius. 

I'm sorry you didn't get the position.  But I am also glad I didn't have a vote.

PS I read he is a match play golfer.  He has already satisfied all (which is really the only one) expectation of a CEO that I had. 

As Teddy would say: bully for him!

ETA But I really did like the "Honest Ebbe" I lol'ed.


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I'm not at all sure LL's CEO needs to have an understanding of the depth and complexity of SL, so much as an understanding that SL is a whole panoply of different virtual worlds, created by users according to their interests.    I want a CEO who doesn't try to impose a particular vision on SL, as did M when he tried to hide Adult SL because he thought it was scaring off his target markets, business and education.  

Rather, I want someone who can get results with things like grid stability and rezzing times, as did Rodvik, and oversee general improvements to things like group chat and search.    At a strategic level, I very much hope he can grow new income streams to move LL away from its overdependence on SL tier for its income.   


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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

In my book that is a better sign than no communication at all.

I would rather he communicate here first, after all this IS the second life forums, to me, communicating on twitter tells me more then no communication at all.

I just want to point out that the guy hasn't even started working at LL yet (he said he starts Monday) and seemed to suggest, on Twitter, that he has yet to receive a Second Life name, which I'm pretty sure he'd want to use when posting here.  I suggest we all give the guy some time before we jump all over him because he isn't doing things exactly the way we want him to... there's plenty of time to crucify him later.


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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

In my book that is a better sign than no communication at all.

I would rather he communicate here first, after all this IS the second life forums, to me, communicating on twitter tells me more then no communication at all.

People have been tweeting him, congratulating him on getting the job and welcoming him to SL.   He's been thanking them and saying stuff like how much he's looking forward to it.    What's he supposed to do  -- ignore all the messages till he's introduced himself here first?


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

In my book that is a better sign than no communication at all.

I would rather he communicate here first, after all this IS the second life forums, to me, communicating on twitter tells me more then no communication at all.

I just want to point out that the guy hasn't even started working at LL yet (he said he starts Monday) and seemed to suggest, on Twitter, that he has yet to receive a Second Life name, which I'm pretty sure he'd want to use when posting here.  I suggest we all give the guy some time before we jump all over him because he isn't doing things exactly the way we want him to... there's plenty of time to crucify him later.


I have read his tweets and yes I posted this BEFORE I knew he hadn't received his Linden name, so I will give me credit for responding on twitter and he does indeed sound as if he MIGHT be approachable here, so I will wait and see

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

I'm not at all sure LL's CEO needs to have an understanding of the depth and complexity of SL, so much as an understanding that SL is a whole panoply of different virtual worlds, created by users according to their interests.    I want a CEO who doesn't try to impose a particular vision on SL, as did M when he tried to hide Adult SL because he thought it was scaring off his target markets, business and education.  

Rather, I want someone who can get results with things like grid stability and rezzing times, as did Rodvik, and oversee general improvements to things like group chat and search.    At a strategic level, I very much hope he can grow new income streams to move LL away from its overdependence on SL tier for its income.   


Personally, I want a CEO with the whole package. I really don't understand how some1 that only knows coding, or only knows marketing, or whatever, gets a CEO jobs without starting the company themself. IMHO, I don't think it is much to ask that they understand all, or the majority of the technical areas that is SL, or any game for that matter. I'm not saying any1 should no every group, or combat system, just all the technical areas of SL. When I bid for say a 3d animation video production job, I'm expected to know every single part of the process and produce it at a professional level. Now, I don't know how much every1 knows about creating 3d video animation, but it is no easy task, and when you throw in special affects, it get downright crazy what you need to know. Ok, yeah, most of these jobs are done by a team, but it is amazing how many people understand it all enough to produce quality. My point is, that is the level of understanding that I expect.

It worries me that we now have a CEO that knows almost nothing about game engines, and even less about 3d creation. He will have to rely on the managers. The problem with this is, that we constantly hear that this or that is too complicated, or too time consuming, and then some1 like Qarl wips that very code out in a couple weeks. We don't even have more than a couple coders at LL that know anything about 3d creation, hence why we don't even have custom bones yet. I think if it is going to work out with Ebbe, he's going to have to stay engaged with us.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Innula Zenovka wrote:

I'm not at all sure LL's CEO needs to have an understanding of the depth and complexity of SL, so much as an understanding that SL is a whole panoply of different virtual worlds, created by users according to their interests.    I want a CEO who doesn't try to impose a particular vision on SL, as did M when he tried to hide Adult SL because he thought it was scaring off his target markets, business and education.  

Rather, I want someone who can get results with things like grid stability and rezzing times, as did Rodvik, and oversee general improvements to things like group chat and search.    At a strategic level, I very much hope he can grow new income streams to move LL away from its overdependence on SL tier for its income.   


Personally, I want a CEO with the whole package. I really don't understand how some1 that only knows coding, or only knows marketing, or whatever, gets a CEO jobs without starting the company themself. IMHO, I don't think it is much to ask that they understand all, or the majority of the technical areas that is SL, or any game for that matter. I'm not saying any1 should no every group, or combat system, just all the technical areas of SL. When I bid for say a 3d animation video production job, I'm expected to know every single part of the process and produce it at a professional level. Now, I don't know how much every1 knows about creating 3d video animation, but it is no easy task, and when you throw in special affects, it get downright crazy what you need to know. Ok, yeah, most of these jobs are done by a team, but it is amazing how many people understand it all enough to produce quality. My point is, that is the level of understanding that I expect.

It worries me that we now have a CEO that knows almost nothing about game engines, and even less about 3d creation. He will have to rely on the managers. The problem with this is, that we constantly hear that this or that is too complicated, or too time consuming, and then some1 like Qarl wips that very code out in a couple weeks. We don't even have more than a couple coders at LL that know anything about 3d creation, hence why we don't even have custom bones yet. I think if it is going to work out with Ebbe, he's going to have to stay engaged with us.

I would rather have a CEO who knows absolutely nothing about game engines or 3d creation, but who actually knows how to interact with the SL user base and provide the sort of customer service which has been sorely lacking for ages.  LL can make all the improvements in code and usability they want, it's the customer service that truly counts and, until they get that right, no other improvements will ever really matter.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

It worries me that we now have a CEO that knows almost nothing about game engines, and even less about 3d creation. He will have to rely on the managers. The problem with this is, that we constantly hear that this or that is too complicated, or too time consuming, and then some1 like Qarl wips that very code out in a couple weeks. We don't even have more than a couple coders at LL that know anything about 3d creation, hence why we don't even have custom bones yet. I think if it is going to work out with Ebbe, he's going to have to stay engaged with us.

I would rather have a CEO who knows absolutely nothing about game engines or 3d creation, but who actually knows how to interact with the SL user base and provide the sort of customer service which has been sorely lacking for ages.  LL can make all the improvements in code and usability they want, it's the customer service that truly counts and, until they get that right, no other improvements will ever really matter.


When Oz announced that they were now 'officially' working on Mesh & Bones, etc, he made a comment to the effect of, "Don't get your hopes up too high, this is not as simple as it looks," I really had to wonder.  If InWorlds has it working, what's so hard about it for SL? 

I do agree with Dres that customer service is the number one thing that needs improved.  We could point to specific issues but they have been rehashed here so often it has gotten to be a joke.

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Id say  get and do something to boost the inworld building system and cut the stagnation thats crept in.... we aren't all computer whizzes and we dont all want to use mesh software which we cant use in world, which requires the brain of sheldon cooper to work out and whose end products cost us extra to import without being able to see the end results

Lets see some new features on the building menu please...

And then of course tiers need a dramatic revision and I dont mean just price cuts although they are long overdue...we should all be able to pay through pay pal in our own currency...prices can then be used to reflect local 'changes' like v.a.t.

An increase in payment points on the land charges would be good too...some of us may want more than half or three quarters of a region but may not want to jump all the way to the next level. Why not allow members to obtain land at an extra 1024 sq m a time ??

Some useful recognition of loyalty ( i.e paying for lindens 'services' for a long term period) would be much appreciated and is again long overdue...512 sq m of free land is useless to a long time sl user who got the 'building bug' - up it to 1024 at the very minimum and increase it again for each year that a premium member has been in sl - you can keep your free baubles I can obtain those easily enough if I want to and they dont impress me at all.


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Get Mesh Studio, it allows you to turn anything you can build inworld to mesh in seconds.

I would like to suggest LL incorporates something like this into the regular building tools.

A big fat "mesh it" button will bring creation of amazing stuff back to the masses.

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Hey Jo heres a wild idea how about lindens actually providing us with  mesh studio or something like it that enable us to build in sl and not just with the same set of basic prims or building techniques??


In my book Im paying for Lindens to be providing the stuff to build in sl and the instruction to use it.... theres a little to much sitting back and not help sl users on the part of lindens...

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

In my book that is a better sign than no communication at all.

I would rather he communicate here first, after all this IS the second life forums, to me, communicating on twitter tells me more then no communication at all.

I agree, Heart.  I'm personally fed up with LL CEOs communicating everywhere but on the company's official site.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Jo Yardley wrote:

In my book that is a better sign than no communication at all.

I would rather he communicate here first, after all this IS the second life forums, to me, communicating on twitter tells me more then no communication at all.

I agree, Heart.  I'm personally fed up with LL CEOs communicating everywhere but on the company's official site.

It's almost like we, as residents, are second class citizens. I mean I understand that he hasn't gotten his "Linden name" yet but for crying out loud, at least wait until you are officially here. I did welcome him on twitter but also ask him not to forget the forums, since more SL residents read here before they tweet. I just want some acknowledgment that he knows we exist lol. Does that makes sense? It's late and I've had a long day so I don't know if this is even coherent.

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But it was announced on the Lindenlab.com site.  He hasn't started his job yet, and i realize you're talking about his communicating elsewhere but you said not on the official site, and I'm not at all sure that this IS the official site.  Wouldn't that be lindenlab.com, where the announcement was made?  This is Second Life's official site but they have a lot more going on than Second Life.  Are the members of Desura or Patterns complaining for the same reason?  


I did find it odd, and kinda interesting, that on that site, SL is #4 on the list of things LL does, you have to click through to find it, low on the list of priorities, so we are here getting all butthurt, and obviously SL isn't all that high on the list anyway.   We are acting like he should be jumping front and center here, when SL doesn't even rate a front page showing on the Lab's website.


In other words, it obviously isn't all about us in Second Life.

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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

But it was announced on the Lindenlab.com site.  He hasn't started his job yet, and i realize you're talking about his communicating elsewhere but you said not on the official site, and I'm not at all sure that this IS the official site.  Wouldn't that be lindenlab.com, where the announcement was made?  This is Second Life's official site but they have a lot more going on than Second Life.  Are the members of Desura or Patterns complaining for the same reason?  


I did find it odd, and kinda interesting, that on that site, SL is #4 on the list of things LL does, you have to click through to find it, low on the list of priorities, so we are here getting all butthurt, and obviously SL isn't all that high on the list anyway.   We are acting like he should be jumping front and center here, when SL doesn't even rate a front page showing on the Lab's website.


In other words, it obviously isn't all about us in Second Life.

And that is really sad...

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

since more SL residents read here before they tweet. 

I think people way overestimate the number of SL users who frequent the forums.  SL twitter has over 37,000 followers.  I don't know how many total users the forums have, but I don't believe it is anywhere close to that.  Not to say they shouldn't give us the courtesy of reporting here, it is their forum after all, but not for the reason of reaching the numbers.  

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

since more SL residents read here before they tweet. 

I think people way overestimate the number of SL users who frequent the forums.  SL twitter has over 37,000 followers.  I don't know how many total users the forums have, but I don't believe it is anywhere close to that.  Not to say they shouldn't give us the courtesy of reporting here, it is their forum after all, but not for the reason of reaching the numbers.  

All I'm saying is NOT everyone tweets or facebooks or instagrams. This IS Second Life that he will be working on, as I'm sure among other things and I don't care how many people tweet, do you know the percentage of Second Lifers that tweet? I just think he needs to make his presence known here and not some other social media site, just my 2L's worth..

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Kenbro Utu wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

since more SL residents read here before they tweet. 

I think people way overestimate the number of SL users who frequent the forums.  SL twitter has over 37,000 followers.  I don't know how many total users the forums have, but I don't believe it is anywhere close to that.  Not to say they shouldn't give us the courtesy of reporting here, it is their forum after all, but not for the reason of reaching the numbers.  

All I'm saying is NOT everyone tweets or facebooks or instagrams. This IS Second Life that he will be working on, as I'm sure among other things and I don't care how many people tweet, do you know the percentage of Second Lifers that tweet? I just think he needs to make his presence known here and not some other social media site, just my 2L's worth..

I have no doubt he will introduce himself, either in these forums or in a blog post, at some point.   

However, to my mind there's a difference between, on the one hand, his responding to congratulations about his new job on twitter, or even posting on a widely-read independent forum devoted to virtual worlds in general and SL in particular, like SLU, and, on the other, the CEO posting something on the company's own website and forums.  

The last of those is far more official than the other two, and it makes sense he'd want to wait until he's actually in post, at least.


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