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What did Santa Forget?


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Keli Kyrie wrote:

Now that a new year has started are you starting it with everything you wanted? I was really hoping for this this holiday season.... but it never arrived.... what did you want that you did not get?

Nice Thread!  I got all that I want.  It is not material things either.  My wife.  My Home, and my health.  Have a blessed year everyone!




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valerie Inshan wrote:

I agree with Hippie, nice thread, Keli! Actually, Santa's been incredibly good to me... I got more than I wanted, even in my wildest dreams! Got a partnership offer from the man I love on Christmas eve!


I am so so so happy for you Val, love you!

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For Christmas 2012 I got a really horrible gift. For the first time in my life I truly hated something, I truly hated a "gift" I was given. The gift I was given was bad news. I was told I wouldn't be here for Christmas 2013. I would be lucky to see June 2013, and that was really pushing it.

For Christmas 2013 I got the best gift of all, a failed gift. That is, to say, 2012's gift, did not pan out as they'd expected it woud. Because of a life saving surgery I had in 2013, I got to see ALL of 2013-and thus far, all of 2014 :D

I can't imagine any better gift than life, to be honest. Nothing beats it.

I have my children, I have my love, I have my family, and thanks to the surgery, I have my health(ok, most of it, hehe). I think I'm doing a-ok at life. Nothing tangible could ever top the gifts I've received this year. I got the one and only thing I wanted this year-being able to be here, with my family. At one time I didn't even care the state of my health, I just wanted more time. I wanted one more Christmas, especially with my children and my love. I got that, and so, so much more.

I never wish for tangible things. I learned a very long time ago that they truly do not matter. At least, for me. I won't judge what things mean to others, that is their choice. For me, and mine, tangible gifts while wonderful in their own right, hold absolutely no candle to the intangible gifts we've received.

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Tari, I'm so glad your 2012 gift broke, and I agree completely with your sentiments. By the time I was ten or so, my family stopped putting presents under the tree and switched to doing things together. I can remember only a few of the presents I got in my childhood, but I have vivid and lovely memories of things we did together over the holiday season, some of which made it into the local news.

And as for the gift of time with loved ones being "intangible"... are you sure?

intangible: unable to be touched

I can still remember Mom's arms around me as Dad pushed our bed down the frozen river in the annual bed race.




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Tari Landar wrote:

For Christmas 2012 I got a really horrible gift. For the first time in my life I truly hated something, I truly hated a "gift" I was given. The gift I was given was bad news. I was told I wouldn't be here for Christmas 2013. I would be lucky to see June 2013, and that was really pushing it.

For Christmas 2013 I got the best gift of all, a failed gift. That is, to say, 2012's gift, did not pan out as they'd expected it woud. Because of a life saving surgery I had in 2013, I got to see ALL of 2013-and thus far, all of 2014

I can't imagine any better gift than life, to be honest. Nothing beats it.

I have my children, I have my love, I have my family, and thanks to the surgery, I have my health(ok, most of it, hehe). I think I'm doing a-ok at life. Nothing tangible could ever top the gifts I've received this year. I got the one and only thing I wanted this year-being able to be here, with my family. At one time I didn't even care the state of my health, I just wanted more time. I wanted one more Christmas, especially with my children and my love. I got that, and so, so much more.

I never wish for tangible things. I learned a very long time ago that they truly do not matter. At least, for me. I won't judge what things mean to others, that is their choice. For me, and mine, tangible gifts while wonderful in their own right, hold absolutely no candle to the intangible gifts we've received.

What a wonderful story I am so happy that you have the gift of Life and you are here in SL to share your spirit with all of us. Bless you and my you have a very happy new year!

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Yasmine Melodie wrote:

Ok, the responses thus far have been all warm n fuzzy but in the spirit of xmas consumerism I must point out that Santa not only forgot the Dyson I so badly wished for but he left booty shorts under the tree... Wha? Who are these for? Surely not!

Well I always... well maybe not always.... I sometimes say if you can't have it in Real Life get it in Second Life!

Dyson Hoover Vacuam clean up second life !


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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I got a badly sprained ankle, lacerated shin, cellulitus and a week in the hospital. Thanks Santa. Stupid icey steps.

Ouch! I hope you're feeling better soon.

I'm a klutz when it comes to generally walking, lol, on ice, just forget about it. I have had that same present one too many times over the years. Definitely not fun.

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Yasmine Melodie wrote:

Ok, the responses thus far have been all warm n fuzzy but in the spirit of xmas consumerism I must point out that Santa not only forgot the Dyson I so badly wished for but he left booty shorts under the tree... Wha? Who are these for? Surely not!

Oooh, a dyson. That would be lovely, and we definitely need a new vacuum. I hate having carpeted floors-for that very reason, lol.


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Storm Clarence wrote:

I left for Santa a Havana and a bottle of Makers's on the table next to my chimney. 

Christmas morning I noticed half the bottle was drank and half the cigar was smoked.  



Santa left me a wonderful thank-you note -- which is all I really wanted. 


I am so happy you got all you really wanted.... ahem... just one question, what did this santa look like?


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Hippie Bowman wrote:




Ok, the responses thus far have been all warm n fuzzy but in the spirit of xmas consumerism I must point out that Santa not only forgot the Dyson I so badly wished for but he left booty shorts under the tree... Wha? Who are these for? Surely not!
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marwaremas wrote:

Hippie Bowman wrote:




Ok, the responses thus far have been all warm n fuzzy but in the spirit of xmas consumerism I must point out that Santa not only forgot the Dyson I so badly wished for but he left booty shorts under the tree... Wha? Who are these for? Surely not!

I RIC'ed your other post to this thread.  Imo, that was a nasty 'trick' you attempted by embedding arabic hot links within Tara's comment.  You are a spammer.  The scum of the earth. 


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