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Oh no! I've been ignored by a drama mongering troll!


Oh wait, said drama mongering troll has used the time honored tactic of actually saying they have used the ignore feature in a forum post and therefore has not, in fact, used the ignore feature whatsoever.


Instead, said drama mongering troll cannot take the fact that he is being made to do his own legwork or that someone is capable of dishing out far more than he is capable of receiving.


Carry on then troll.

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And here we have the exact proof that the ignore feature was not used, as well as a showcase for the user's inability to comprehend the difference between actually being part of the labor force and being "marginally attached".


Further we see his inability to comprehend the fact that "economic reasons" are not a valid excuse for being unable to find a part time job. Note the use of foul language and the fact that "economic reasons" were never used as criteria for full time job unemployment.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Paratrex wrote:

Oh my. You don't' need politics to see people's Health Insurance cancelled
because of the biggest presidental lie of our time, or a
13.2% Unemployment rate
.  You can go to most reputable sites and find that.

At a guess... That one.

According to
page... it never peaked above 10%.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (as reputable a site as any?), you must decide what you mean by "unemployment" before you can pluck a number out of the database.

Personally, I don't think U-3 is quite right. Demoralization is a societal cost, though I don't know the right way to quantify it. For that reason, it's helpful to see U-4/5/6, particularly over time.

ETA: I see this furrow has already been plowed. 

I just figured if they could pull a random number out of their butt so could i. How is a part time employee unemployed?


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Paratrex wrote:

LOL you forefingers are too funny.  There are 6 measurements of Unemployment in the U.S. The one they feed you on the brainwashing box is U-3.  13.2% is the true rate aka U-6.  So if you really that interested here is direct statistics from the horses mouth.

Here is the statistic site directly from the U.S. Government.


How do you people type being blind in both eyes?



here, try my link.it  works.

 Alternative Measures of Labor Underutilization for States, Fourth Quarter of 2012 through Third Quarter of 2013 Averages

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You obviously haven't watched it. No conspiracy about Americans suffering under a Marxist. No conspiracy that more Americans are on Food Stamps then anytime in history. No conspiracy that millions of people's health care is being cancelled because of O**bleep**to Care. www.mycancellation.com is just the people who posted their letters. And again there is no conspiracy with an unemployment figure that's right in front of your face.  We are at 13.2% and most likely even higher. Stop worry about us and worry about your own country until we stop sending Foreign Aid to your country of course.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

I just figured if they could pull a random number out of their butt so could i. How is a part time employee unemployed?

A part time employee may well be under-employed. I have friends who are not able to find full time jobs because employers avoid mandatory benefits for full time workers by avoiding full time workers. A local supermarket closed here several years ago, reformed itself legally, free of previous contracts. They then re-opened in the same building under a new name. The previous staff had been nearly all full-time, receiving health insurance and retirement benefits. The new staff is almost entirely part-time, no health insurance, no retirement benefits.

This may be the new normal, and economics may necessitate it, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to understand what it means.

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basically the 6.whatever percent it is right now is based on those on unemployment benefits.


so if someone gets off of benefits and is only working part time rather than full time like they were before they were on benefits..

they still help that certain measuring of unemployment in the same way..


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Kid, I live in the US. Your figure of 13.2 percent unemployment is nothing more than a fluffed up figure.


Your lovely little web page concerning terminated health care plans is not the focus of this conversation and is quite irrelevant. I have no sympathy for those whose "coverage" amounted to nothing more than catastrophic coverage.


Your opinion of the current President's political leanings is just that - your opinion.


Zero Hedge - the site I stated had a "manifesto" which reads as conspiracy theorist level nutty - must resort to the use of emotionally charged buzz words to draw in readers.


Then we have you: Incapable of actually following even a basic conversation.

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This no at you.

If a person is out of work trying to find work they should be helped, if a person is out of work and is not, then that there choice, if they change then they should be help. Being unemployed is not a stigma that some put on them, things change fast those that mock maybe become the mocked.



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steph Arnott wrote:

It means more profit and no responsibilities.

ADDED: A old man i know here in UK say when he work on the docks the formen threw tags, those strong enough fought for them to do a days work.

I'm a believer in Locke's "the highest perfection of intellectual nature lies in a careful and constant pursuit of true and solid happiness". The US founding fathers may have agreed, they scribbled "Life, Liberty, and the Purfuit of Happinefs" into the Declaration of Independence. Notwithstanding their terrible spelling, I think they were pretty smart people.

I suppose we forget that the Declaration says we have a inalienable right to pursue happiness, not a right to catch it. We do have to put in some effort ourselves. And therein lies the human potential for disagreement over human potential.

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steph Arnott wrote:

I not really understand that, I was just saying do we go back to the days of the brutal win to work and the unfortunates starve, maybe I translate it wrong.

I certainly don't want to go back to those days, which is why I think happiness should be part of the equation, and that may argue against using U-3 to gauge unemployment in the US. If someone wants more work than they have, we should acknowledge that.

Around the world, if the trend isn't towards increased happiness, I think we're doing something wrong.


And if happiness is the thing we're pursuing, I think we have to understand why we feel it...

... and that because happiness is comparative, it's hard to understand why someone else is happy. This may explain why few Americans would want to live in the (currently) happiest country on Earth... Guatamala (eta, or Norway!).

(Yes, one could argue that this "happiest country" ranking is fluff, but I think there is enough truth in these ways of looking at it to warrant consideration.)

If there's a point to what I'm saying, I can't find it.

I'm just waiting for one coat of varnish to dry so I can apply another.


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Lovely little web page.  You mean the page were people with terminally ill people in their family have been canceled? Really!! It's not relevant!! You better get on your knees and pray yours doesn't get cancelled and that you are lucky enough to have a healthy family.  It's 1/5 of our economy ahole.

Prove to me with your wonderful secret sources that 13.2% is fluffed. You won't be able too.  Your living under a rock.  ACA is a total catastrophe and I bet your one of Libs who believed "If you like your plan and you doctor you can keep them".  A grown man/woman who can't tell when someone lies to them then lies over top of lies. I love it. In such incredible denial it makes an alcoholic in denial seem like a mere inconvenience.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Paratrex wrote:

No wonder 35,000 people stopped logging into this stupid game. Concurrent users use to reach upwards up 80,000 now it's lucky to have 55,000.  Ahh, but you have include in that number all the ALTS and BOTS.  Do you all keep up with Tyche Shepherd's Twitter.
?  Would you like a visual of what I'm talking about.

Here is the lasted batch of regions going bye bye.

ya it used to be around 30k  regions at it's peak if i remember right..

now at a little more than 26k regions?

that doesn't sound like too hard of a hit since then really..


down 4k in regions over all?


Unless you compare SL to the world it inhabits, which has grown ~15% since the SL concurrency peak...

Online Gaming 2003-2012.gif

Median Daily SL Concurrency.png


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