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NSA spying on Second Life

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Oh I see yeah I once thought about that but then wrote it off since the government has more important things to worry about.

Should I be worried that I look at Bestgore, Liveleak, 420chan, various adult furry sites? Well one can only dream that the world reaches a point where the only offense is looking up disgusting pictures on the internet but sadly we have wars and such which is probably what the government is more interested in. Finding terrorists.

So I just thought "Meh" no government official is gonna knock on my door and lecture me about looking up Bulls owning conquistadors, US soldiers dropping some 2,000lb JDAM on a Taliban position, depressed individuals asking for dating advice, or the latest comic by Redrusker.


-future governments, sounds like movies, or fantasy books. 


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I don't have a problem with spying. My complaint is that when it is done publicly, it is no longer spying, it's just tyranny.

A rule of law is that both parties will use discussion and negotiation in an attempt to find resolution. Only after all reasonable efforts have been exhausted, should either party seek a remedy through the courts.

If we look at that rule of law, we should inquire about the conflict or dispute which created the need for a matter to be resolved. What is in question?

The Government doesn't trust the people.



To add insult to injury, the government has no idea why anyone could possibly be upset with anything government does. They are in Higher Offices, they are saintly, they can do no wrong. Those are liberty bombs. Live in freeDom or die.

My favorite recent government quote regarding the health care bail out order, stated that the Citizens who have signed up at the health care$ bill website "shows pent up demand". 

Only a psychopath would believe that the people who comply with what the psychopath is forcing them to do, is pent up demand.




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Finneli Felwitch wrote:

I do admit I find it funny that everyone is getting so worked up over government spying on their own people.
Governments having been spying on their own people for the past 400,000 years
and the governments are still doing it, what makes any of you think that all this complaining is gonna make it stop?

I'd like a reference for which government it was spying on their own people 400,000 years ago. Or even 40,000. 

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Kenbro Utu wrote:
  It matters not what misguided opinion others may have, the creator has the last say in what their product is. 

Pep just called me to point out that this vindicates his belief that he is the most sympathetic, flexible, unassuming, non-confrontational, and honest character that his author has ever created. Thank you for recognising this, Ken.


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Pamela Galli wrote:


I'd like a reference for which government it was spying on their own people 400,000 years ago. Or even 40,000. 

I think the Galactic Republic had every right to be concerned about the activities of both revolutionary and reactionary movements.

And what about those reptiles who built the land bridge between Asia and North America; do you think they were voluntarily laying down their guano? I don't think so! They were obviously oppressed slave labour, being exploited by the "visitors from another place", whose brains were situated closer to their eyes than their *******.


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WOW,   I'm glad this seems to have finally petered out.   I was so worried someone would expose the fact that ONI is spying on the sailing community.   Now I can send a report to the Director that our secret is still safe, and still make my tee time at the Fort Meade Golf Course.

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Lynda Baran wrote:

WOW,   I'm glad this seems to have finally petered out.   I was so worried someone would expose the fact that ONI is spying on the sailing community.   Now I can send a report to the Director that our secret is still safe, and still make my tee time at the Fort Meade Golf Course.


I don't feel petered.

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An avgerage day at the NSA.

What does the NSA find when snooping around the intranets in the U.S.?

Our under cover investigation goes deep into the heart of the beast to see just what the average NSA  employee is finding out about the American public and the intranets..

Lets see if you are as shocked as we were..


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Lunar Core wrote:

Lovely - and guess who appoints the judges on FISA? The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, with no political oversight whatsoever.

You misunderstand me. I think you're letting fear cloud your judgement.

I had no confidence in FISA. I do however have confidence that I can use the democratic process to elect people into Congress that will reform FISA, and reform how NSA oversight works.

In fact, some of that is already underway.

It won't be as fast as I would like - it likely won't be as thourough as I would like. But it will happen and I see no reason for the Bubba types to start waving their guns around.


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You are mistaking your own fear for fear on my part. I have done nothing more than point you in the direction of the world we actually live in.


You may have all of the faith you wish - I will continue to operate within the bounds of reality. That way I am not surprised when someone elected to Congress on the premise of reforming FISA (or any other promise) turns around and proves that no politician ever truly has the general public in mind.

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

An avgerage day at the NSA.

What does the NSA find when snooping around the intranets in the U.S.?

Our under cover investigation goes deep into the heart of the beast to see just what the average NSA  employee is finding out about the American public and the intranets..

Lets see if you are as shocked as we were..


That is 60 seconds I'll never get back - Thanks Ceka :P

[Yes - I had the willpower to stop it after 60 seconds]

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Finneli Felwitch wrote:

I do admit I find it funny that everyone is getting so worked up over government spying on their own people.
Governments having been spying on their own people for the past 400,000 years
and the governments are still doing it, what makes any of you think that all this complaining is gonna make it stop?

I'd like a reference for which government it was spying on their own people 400,000 years ago. Or even 40,000. 

Every one, I'd imagine. You think the chief of a tribe of Neandertals didn't know what was going on in the next cave, or wouldn't try to find out if he wasn't sure? There was a book on the history of spying called "The Second Oldest Profession."

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Lunar Core wrote:

You are mistaking your own fear for fear on my part. I have done nothing more than point you in the direction of the world we actually live in.


You may have all of the faith you wish - I will continue to operate within the bounds of reality. That way I am not surprised when someone elected to Congress on the premise of reforming FISA (or any other promise) turns around and proves that no politician ever truly has the general public in mind.

You say your first sentence, and then follow it with paranoia in your second...


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At possibly Page 9, I listed my current profession; Anthropology.

Sometime around 400 kya, our species Homo sapiens appears. The earliest sapiens were called "archaic", or "pre-modern" Homo sapiens (to distinguish them from the "anatomically modern" Homo sapiens sapiens.
Their government  varied from Band societies, Tribes, to Chiefdoms. Like one of the previous posters discussed in this thread, the chief was in charge of the 100 or so inhabitants, it was the Chief's job to know your business. You as a member of the village, had no secrets because the Chief new everything that you did including the exact time that you went to pee.
Now I must admit I am being somewhat light here on the times, since our origins as humans trace back to around 7-6 mya. Though the first tool techniques to ever be used are the Oldowan Tools which has been recorded to have been used begining 2.6 mya, that would be a safe time to say that governments were well established. Since they were making weapons at the time, and there have beeen questions of cannibalism.
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yeah actually we started out in Africa, moved into Asia, then Europe, and then to north america. There are several hypotheses as to how they got over, Land Bridges, vegetation rafts, ice bridges, or just hanging out on the continent till it broke apart and floated into the formation it is today.


During the Mesozoic era (ca. 125 mya), we had the Continent of Pangea which was in the process of breaking up into the northern land mass of Laurasia and the southern land mass of Gondwanaland.

During the Cenozoic era (ca. 65 mya), The land masses were begining to form what we have today. There was North America (which broke off from Eurasia). South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, Madagascar, and India all broke off from their combined Gondwanaland.


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Do you have a theory which can explain why the Pacific and Atlantic plates differ so greatly in age?

The Pacific is estimated to be 1-5 byo and the Atlantic is estimated to be only 200 myo.

Prior to the break up of Pangaea, can you estimate what the shoreline depths may have been? If the average ocean deep is about 2 and 1/2 miles deep and the deepest depth is about 7 miles, what did the shores of Pangaea look like? Were they sloped? If they were sloped, when did that erosion occur?

If I take an apple, and I carve out Pangaea on the apple, how did such and imbalanced body form? If the earth was spun into existence, how was such lopsided planet formed?

If the Rocky mountains are 40 myo, does that mean that there were no Rocky mountains when the dinosaurs roamed the earth? Is this why people said that the world was flat? 

What does the term "the four corners of earth"  mean?

Where did Socrates get the information that he taught to Plato?

Do you have a theory as to how Egypt appears to have had rose from nothingness, starting as a fully developed civilization? Any idea why the 1st pharaoh of the very 1st Egyptian empire is buried in the British Isles?

If knowledge is a cumulative succession, where are the civilizations with a 3-4 letter alphabets?

My teacher claims to want to teach us how to learn, but only ask that we repeat after the teacher. Independent thought is discouraged, it is tightly confined in schools to maintain the mainstream.

Our solid Earth rings like a bell for more than 1 hour and 45 minutes after an Earthquake.

Molten metal is Non-magnetic.


These are just a few of the comments that the people who empower the NSA would prefer that we not discuss. The Informational Age is proprietary. Seeing as the only abundace we can create is shortage, we must covet knowledge in order to be able to sell it to children. Then we take that money and buy the things we cannot fix.

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I am not your mother, go ask your local history teacher, I don't have time to give you a complete break down of the human origins. Please refer to Dragon Bone Hill: An Ice-Age Saga of Homo erectus ISBN 0195152913, Introduction to Physical Anthropology, 2013-2014 Edition ISBN-13: 978-1-285-06197-9


Also as you have have noticed, written text can contain bias and therefore you should also combine the documents with physical evidence (fossil remains), using Relative Dating or Chronometric Dating to find the age of an artifact(s). 

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Knowl Paine wrote:

Do you have a theory which can explain why the Pacific and Atlantic plates differ so greatly in age?

The Pacific is estimated to be 1-5 byo and the Atlantic is estimated to be only 200 myo.

The Earth is a large ball of molten rock with the crust being a skin on it, similar to how a skin forms on a pot of hot milk. If you tear away part of the skin on a pot of milk and the milk's still simmering a new skin will form that's younger than the skin on the rest of the milk.

Prior to the break up of Pangaea, can you estimate what the shoreline depths may have been? If the average ocean deep is about 2 and 1/2 miles deep and the deepest depth is about 7 miles, what did the shores of Pangaea look like? Were they sloped? If they were sloped, when did that erosion occur?

If I take an apple, and I carve out Pangaea on the apple, how did such and imbalanced body form? If the earth was spun into existence, how was such lopsided planet formed?

When you take into account the size of the earth, the variations between the highest and lowest parts of it are comparatively tiny. Kansas is literally FAR flatter than a pancake scaled up to the size of Kansas. The differences in height are no more than you'd expect from random events.

If the Rocky mountains are 40 myo, does that mean that there were no Rocky mountains when the dinosaurs roamed the earth?
Is this why people said that the world was flat? 
No. "The earth is flat' was meant as the opposite of, "The earth is round,' not, 'The earth has mountains."

What does the term "the four corners of earth"  mean?
Mistranslation from Hebrew; referring to points or landmarks that were at the limits of the area they were familiar with.

Where did Socrates get the information that he taught to Plato?
Some was probably common knowledge or known to people he talked with, some were his own conclusions and some were Plato's conclusions that he said were Socrates' because they carried more weight that way.

Do you have a theory as to how Egypt appears to have had rose from nothingness, starting as a fully developed civilization? Any idea why the 1st pharaoh of the very 1st Egyptian empire is buried in the British Isles?
Who in the what now? Where did you get the idea that Egypt appeared from nothingness? Know you not of Sumer? There were civilized groups all over the area.

If knowledge is a cumulative succession, where are the civilizations with a 3-4 letter alphabets?
Languages started as spoken things with a variety of sounds - writing came into being after the languages developed. If you're creating a visual representation of a system with a number of sounds you'd logically want a representation of each sound, and even animals use more than 3 or 4 sounds to communicate.

My teacher claims to want to teach us how to learn, but only ask that we repeat after the teacher. Independent thought is discouraged, it is tightly confined in schools to maintain the mainstream.
Apparently your teacher hasn't told you how to do research - these things ain't hard.

Our solid Earth rings like a bell for more than 1 hour and 45 minutes after an Earthquake.
It's not solid. If you bop the pan of hot milk I described earlier with a spoon it will jiggle like nobody's business.

Molten metal is Non-magnetic.
But it creates a magnetic field when it's flowing and there are currents in the molten metal core of the Earth.


These are just a few of the comments that the people who empower the NSA would prefer that we not discuss. The Informational Age is proprietary. Seeing as the only abundace we can create is shortage, we must covet knowledge in order to be able to sell it to children. Then we take that money and buy the things we cannot fix.
Or we could use a search engine.



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