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NSA spying on Second Life

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A3123 wrote:

Are you able to form your own thoughts...

I am quite capable of forming my own thoughts.  Sometimes however I see no point in my reinventing the wheel.


A3123 wrote:

..........or must you rely on considerably irrelevant quotes?

"Irrelevant" is your opinion. 




A3123 wrote:

I am amazed at how nothing your post said.

Your opinion again.  Actually my post says tons.



A3123 wrote:

 Short version, what the **** are you saying?

I'll give my short version answer here. 



Arguments based on the premise, "If you aren't doing anything wrong...," are pure unaldulterated cow manure.

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Lastsamurai Vyper wrote:

WOW , Spending $5,000 dollars on a game gets you banned for 30 days on a SL Forum for your 1st Amendment Free Speech Rights. Really LL.  Cats out of the bag now guys.  Let the lawyers rain down from all over the world.



you have no "rights" as this is a privately owned company, they can censor you all they want, they can do what they want, since they own it.  


You can make your own forum and do the same,because why, you own it, you can tell people can not use the word "it" in anything and they would have to follow it or you could ban them.  




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you really need to put more foil on your hat and also stop listening to rush, he's just bad for the brain,  

So the NSA is here. big deal...  I'm not doing anything wrong to make them watch me nor am I going to do that. 


you need to really stop and think too, they have been doing this **bleep** going on 40 something years I think it's been and people are just now getting bent out of shape...  

wow is ALL I can really think if people are just now getting butt hurt...

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Nimh20 Vandeverre wrote:

I'm not one of the idiots with Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Blogs, etc. Throwing my **bleep** out there for everyone to see. So no I don't dare use any of those services because I'm not part of the naive Sheeple community.  I don't search with Google nor Yahoo nor Bing.


PS. You think its worse that companies spy on you then the GOVERNMENT!!!. Have you lost your freaking mind.  HUGE DIFFERENCE THERE MS. LIBTARD. HUGE.  And your naive thinking that the people in D.C. Elected by politically ignorant Americans are going to change anything your dreaming. There ruining everything as we speak elected by T.V. brainwashed Sheeple who either are completely political ignorant or don't vote at all or simply do not care.  WELCOME TO REALITY.


Calling people names is the last resort of people that have nothing intelligent to say to win an argument. 

You should read what I actually wrote.  I never said it was worse that those companies spy on people, I simply stated that they spy more than the government and do it for profit and greed, which is true.  Nor did i say you used them.  I said IF you use them.  A HUGE DIFFERENCE.  Like you I don't use them myself.  You are intellectually bankrupt if you have to put words into peoples mouths to argue a point.

As far as electing effective representatives, It is exactly the attitude of people like you who accept the status quo and wring their hands saying it will never change, who prevent it from changing.

FYI: I am not a liberal or a conservative.  I am independent and actually pay attention and research the facts and then make up my own mind how to vote or think about an issue without relying on some blowhard to tell me what I should think or swallow everything some particular flavor of politics says is right..  As a result, I sometimes vote for what is considered conservative, and sometimes moderate and sometimes liberal. 

Since your tactics are that of a troll, you can vomit back if you'd like but neither I nor anyone of any intelligence will pay the least attention to you.  Free speech is your right, but it is now my right to ignore you. 



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A3123 wrote:

Why is everyone concerned about their online privacy? If you aren't doing anything wrong then why the commotion? Is it because you are doing stuff you know is wrong the reason why some are so upset at being spied on? If someone catches you cheating on your spouse, should you be mad at them for catching you? If someone finds out you hate a certain race of people, is that their fault or yours? If it is found out you plan to bomb a particular place and they stop you, who should be mad? You that they stopped you? I hope everyone is spying on everyone to keep you retards from messing everything up.


Ben Franklin says it best:

"They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

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bigmoe Whitfield wrote:

Lastsamurai Vyper wrote:

WOW , Spending $5,000 dollars on a game gets you banned for 30 days on a SL Forum for your 1st Amendment Free Speech Rights. Really LL.  Cats out of the bag now guys.  Let the lawyers rain down from all over the world.

you have no "rights" as this is a privately owned company, they can censor you all they want, they can do what they want, since they own it.  


You can make your own forum and do the same,because why, you own it, you can tell people can not use the word "it" in anything and they would have to follow it or you could ban them. 



This ^^.  What happened to taking responsibility for your own actions?  Actions such as, oh I don't know, posting things that are contrary to the Community Guidelines on a privately own company's forum.

I also find it amusing that usually the same type of persons that do this are virulent supporters of a private company's rights to do whatever the hell they want... up until it effects them in a manner which they find distasteful.  At which point, it seems as if all of their high ideals about government staying out of the private sector turn to crap.


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You think I give a rats a** about this company and their precious community guidelines.  I have never ever met such socially inept , lost, soulless, and ignorant people in my life as the people in this game. These people have socially trolled my real life job, my parents and the list goes on.  Second Life is the most evil , sadistic, hedonistic game in the world, not to mention the most overpriced game in history.  Your arguments are null and void since I've seen this company f*** people over for 10 years with their lack of customer service , their total disregard for copyright, engineers who either smoke to much pot or simply don't give a s***.  A staff that has been shuffled around so much that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is going.  Extremely poorly managed that makes a small business owner just laugh their a** off that a company with 200 + employees just can't seem to get it right. So enjoy your game and what's left of it.

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It has been almost 12 months since I last read a news paper, 7 months since I watched the news on television or views the news on the internet. What news I have gotten are all from various complaints by random people.

So this NSA thing? First I laughed hard when people got the NSA confused with NASA. Second, what do you have to hide?

really lets see, the NSA is spying on me...

ok Finneli Felwitch is an unemployed college student studying to be an Anthropologist. She is a furry. Right um.... yeah... so anyone happen to have some bleach that I can wash my eyes out with - An NSA spy agent


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Paratrex wrote:

You think I give a rats a** about this company and their precious community guidelines.  I have never ever met such socially inept , lost, soulless, and ignorant people in my life as the people in this game. These people have socially trolled my real life job, my parents and the list goes on.  Second Life is the most evil , sadistic, hedonistic game in the world, not to mention the most overpriced game in history.  Your arguments are null and void since I've seen this company f*** people over for 10 years with their lack of customer service , their total disregard for copyright, engineers who either smoke to much pot or simply don't give a s***.  A staff that has been shuffled around so much that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is going.  Extremely poorly managed that makes a small business owner just laugh their ass off that a company with 200 + employees just can't seem to get it right. So enjoy your game and what's left of it.

Your points about LL are, though rather over-reactionary, pretty spot on.  What I find saddening is your contempt for people in SL in general.  I think it's understandable to want to lash out as such, when you've been hurt, but, there has to come a point in your life where you must realize that holding on to such negative energy hurts no one but yourself.


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Finneli Felwitch wrote:

It has been almost 12 months since I last read a news paper, 7 months since I watched the news on television or views the news on the internet. What news I have gotten are all from various complaints by random people.

So this NSA thing? First I laughed hard when people got the NSA confused with NASA. Second, what do you have to hide?

really lets see, the NSA is spying on me...

ok Finneli Felwitch is an unemployed college student studying to be an Anthropologist. She is a furry. Right um.... yeah... so anyone happen to have some bleach that I can wash my eyes out with - An NSA spy agent


Thank you for pre-establishing your ignorance of current events... it puts the remainder of your statement into perfect perspective.


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You are very welcome Dres, oh I forgot to mention I actually do look at news online, if you consider all the lovely videos of civilians getting blown apart on Liveleak.  War is so silly

I watched a video of the Free Syrian Army training small children to fight on the front lines. That kids oh my, the machine gun was longer then he was. Oh do they blow up so young these days.

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I've been against the NSA every since hearing they have a backdoor to everyone's operating system since Windows 95 (even Mac and some linux distros). On the topic of spying on WoW Xbox and SL, I think I know what they're REALLY doing. They're being paid to waste time raiding dungeons or reading chat logs of people cybering / yiffing. Heck they're probably participating, those pervs... Any time I picture the NSA or the CIA in my mind, I'll forever think about Stan Smith's and his CIA co-workers on the TV show American Dad. They're childish goons who enjoy flaunting about how they know where everyone lives and what they're doing because it gives them a power high. As if a terrorist would use SL to talk about plans... Sheesh. If they are its over voice no doubt, which from what we all know is not monitored by LL and is in fact not in their control anyway (Vivox's servers). If they spy on what I do in SL they're going to hear a lot of independant party hippyish rantings and LSL commands being typed. I'm against the NSA yes, but what can we do about it? How do we fight back? Who will listen? Will they care? These are questions I've been asking for years. Nobody has an answer unless its "call your senators", but it's the senators who agreed to all of this in the first place. I don't see them lifting a finger, as long as they're sitting back cozy living the high life. They don't care about us. They never have. It doesn't matter which wing says what because all polititions are liars. I don't trust any of them. We pay them to lie to our faces. And for those with the mindset "If you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to be afraid of", enjoy the corporate police state you're allowing to happen by not caring...

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Here's reality for you: Each and every country in the world which has the technology to spy on internet transmissions is doing just that, they simply have not been caught doing it. Each and every single country that is on record as protesting the actions of the NSA is doing so because it puts their programs at risk or because they wish they had the technology to run similar programs.


The NSA and all other spy organizations have been around for a very long time. They will continue to be around for a very long time. Each and every time you have a central government of any kind and on any scale, an agency like the NSA will be created and it will quickly progress to this point again.


That is reality. Live with it.

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I see nothing concerning war to be the least bit silly.  Stupid would be a better term, but that would mainly apply to most entity's reasoning for getting into one in the first place.  I'd rather read the news to be informed, then, in order to take my mind off of what I know, watch videos such as this...



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