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spam from 3rd-party L$ exchange mmook.com

Anya Ristow

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Submitting a thread with a useful title on the off chance that LL will see it... We are getting spammed for a 3rd party L$ exchange called mmook.com. This has been going on for a long time. The perp uses a different account each time, so there's no sense blocking them. LL, fix this. They haven't made any attempt to disguise their spam, yet you haven't stopped it.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Anya Ristow wrote:

If I have to stop receiving messages through email then my participation in Second Life is essentially done.

You could set your e mail filters to dump anything with 'mmook' in it. 

I'm not jumping through hoops for each damned spammer. If LL isn't running SL anymore then I'm done with it.


Just pull the damned plug already.

Stick a fork in it.

It's dead, Jim.


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Anya Ristow wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Anya Ristow wrote:

If I have to stop receiving messages through email then my participation in Second Life is essentially done.

You could set your e mail filters to dump anything with 'mmook' in it. 

I'm not jumping through hoops for each damned spammer. If LL isn't running SL anymore then I'm done with it.


Just pull the damned plug already.

Stick a fork in it.

It's dead, Jim.


Can We Has Your Stuffs?

Linden Lab did open up a can of worms when they moved a lot of things to Web based.  It can be a pain in the hootch.  But that is kind of how the Internet works.  I don't like it but I use the tools that I have available.  That's always our individual choice.

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In the last two weeks I've racked up over fifty of these messages in my Second Life inbox. All say the same thing:


Hello ! Welcome to: www.mmook.com Buy Cheapest Linden Dollars . 5K Linden Dollars = 12.57 USD.Wish you happy every day in Second Life !"


At the speed the site is currently running, I reckon it'll take me about a day to delete them all because there's no bulk delete feature on the SL website, like you get with a normal email provider. Of course I don;t expect the Lindens to do anything but it still sucks.

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Although LL simply can't be bothered to do anything about it, it doesn't mean that we are powerless to do something instead.

For some reason, some but not all the emails have been forwarded to my email account.  So what I did was sign up for a free SpamCop Account  Then as each email comes in, I copy and paste the email with full headers into the reporting window on the Spamcop website.  Press the process button and wait a few seconds.

You will then be given the option of Sending the Spam Report, to abuse@steadfast.net, abuse@sendgrid.com and abuse@softlayer.com. However, and this is important, because the emails actually come from LL's server make sure to un-check both abuse@steadfast.net and abuse@sendgrid.com. Make sure that only the abuse@softlayer.com box is checked otherwise LL could potentially be added to email blacklists, although it will probably definitely make LL wake up and listen, it isn't what we really want.

If enough people get these emails and report mmook.com for spamming, softlayer.com who hosts mmook.com will have to take action or risk being blacklisted.



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You can stop spam posts from reaching your Second Life web profile Feed and Inbox by locking those down. Set it so only friends can send messages to your Inbox.

Log into  http://my.secondlife.com  then select Settings, then click on the Privacy tab, then scroll down to find    Post on your Feed     and      Send you messages     then set those for    Friends     

Doing that stopped it for me.

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Anya Ristow wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Anya Ristow wrote:

If I have to stop receiving messages through email then my participation in Second Life is essentially done.

You could set your e mail filters to dump anything with 'mmook' in it. 

I'm not jumping through hoops for each damned spammer. If LL isn't running SL anymore then I'm done with it.


Just pull the damned plug already.

Stick a fork in it.

It's dead, Jim.


If you can't be bothered to spend a minute dealing with it, why should anyone else be bothered on your behalf?

I hope that you enjoyed SL while you used it. Bye.

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Phil, you're still bad at math.

With the 1990's-era tools I have to deal with this, it will take a couple hours just to delete the messages I've already received. I, and everyone who has received these, will have to spend that time.

That's multiple lifetimes of uncompensated time to deal with one God damned spammer.

This is very basic stuff.

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As the creator of a popular megaprims collection, I often receive requests from people for things I did not build. They want to find something they see in world, or they've bought something and need help with it.

Also, in the past, I've sold some fairly expensive scripted items. I'd like to provide lifetime support for those, for as long as LL doesn't do anything that breaks them.

My choice now is to not allow these people to contact me, or to receive spam.

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Anya Ristow wrote:

As the creator of a popular megaprims collection, I often receive requests from people for things I did not build. They want to find something they see in world, or they've bought something and need help with it.


Also, in the past, I've sold some fairly expensive scripted items. I'd like to provide lifetime support for those, for as long as LL doesn't do anything that breaks them.


My choice now is to not allow these people to contact me, or to receive spam.



No,  your choice is just to use other methods for people to contact you instead such as in world IMs (that can be set to go to your email), note cards, an email address you set up specifically for your business clients/potential customers, comments on your blog (if you have one), etc.  There *are* merchants who don't use the feeds and do quite well so that is not a "must have" method.

Edit: Clarification

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Anya Ristow wrote:

As the creator of a popular megaprims collection, I often receive requests from people for things I did not build. They want to find something they see in world, or they've bought something and need help with it.


Also, in the past, I've sold some fairly expensive scripted items. I'd like to provide lifetime support for those, for as long as LL doesn't do anything that breaks them.


My choice now is to not allow these people to contact me, or to receive spam.



No,  your choice is just to use other methods for people to contact you instead such as in world IMs (that can be set to go to your email), note cards, an email address you set up specifically for your business clients/potential customers, comments on your blog (if you have one), etc.  There *are* merchants who don't use the feeds and do quite well so that is not a "must have" method.

Edit: Clarification


The web profile messaging option is the least useful one, it seems to me. For one thing the Feed is buggy as can be: lots of times it won't open or is offline, messages get lost, message notification counts are notoriously scrambled. Also, anyone who starts an SL account can post to the Feed (meaning fake accounts created just for that purpose).

Using inworld IM's to email or notecards at least guarantees (or as close to a guarantee as is possible) that you will see the message and that the sender was someone who was actually inworld.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

The web profile messaging option is the least useful one, it seems to me. For one thing the Feed is buggy as can be: lots of times it won't open or is offline, messages get lost, message notification counts are notoriously scrambled. Also, anyone who starts an SL account can post to the Feed (meaning fake accounts created just for that purpose).

Using inworld IM's to email or notecards at least guarantees (or as close to a guarantee as is possible) that you will see the message and that the sender was someone who was actually inworld.

I don't particularly like web profile messaging, but customers can and do contact me that way. So setting it to only allow friends to contact me is not an option as most of the messages I receive are questions from potential customers about my products prior to purchase.

Personally I think that LL should just remove web profile message functionality completely for all the reasons you list, but if they insist on keeping them, then they need to make them work properly!


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Anya Ristow wrote:

Phil, you're still bad at math.

With the 1990's-era tools I have to deal with this, it will take a couple hours just to delete the messages I've already received. I, and everyone who has received these, will have to spend that time.

That's multiple lifetimes of uncompensated time to deal with one God damned spammer.

This is very basic stuff.

My maths has always been good.

If it will take you a couple of hours to delete the Feed spam that you've already received, then you look at your feed very rarely, I know that because I also get the spam on several of my alts and I know how infrequently each account receives one. So your Feed is not something that you use and, therefore, something you won't miss not being active. If your feed is turned off, customers won't be able to contact you on it and they can happily contact you via IMs or notecards - just like customers contact other merchants. Easy, init? :)

You can deal with the spam very quickly and very easily so it's pointless making it a 'fix it LL or I'll quit' drama. I thought you'd already quit, anyway.

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Poking around in-world I see that quite a few people have disabled private messages from strangers. One-step thinkers will consider this the solution.

Problem is, now that LL has demonstrated that they'll accept spamming, there is nothing stopping someone from writing the spam bot to work in-world, doing the same thing with IMs that this spammer did with private messages.

You going to block those, too?

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Phil Deakins wrote:

If it will take you a couple of hours to delete the Feed spam that you've already received, then you look at your feed very rarely

Correct. I rarely sign in at all. I handle responses to questions via email, which is why I'd be upset if I could no longer be contacted that way.

Both my main and my RL-name alt had exactly 20 of these spams to delete. Is 20 a cap?

I haven't looked at my other alts. I guess I'll be visiting the settings page for each. I probably won't bother deleting the messages, as that has to be done one at a time. Ugh.


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Anya Ristow wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

If it will take you a couple of hours to delete the Feed spam that you've already received, then you look at your feed very rarely

Correct. I rarely sign in at all. I handle responses to questions via email, which is why I'd be upset if I could no longer be contacted that way.

Both my main and my RL-name alt had exactly 20 of these spams to delete. Is 20 a cap?

I haven't looked at my other alts. I guess I'll be visiting the settings page for each. I probably won't bother deleting the messages, as that has to be done one at a time. Ugh.


Two things:-

1. If it will take you 2 hours to delete 40 feed messages (20 messages x 2 alts), you really need to find something different to do because computer stuff isn't for you.

2. What I said in my post that you replied to still stands. If customers and potential customers can't contact you via your feed, they'll do it via the more usual way - IMs and notecards. If your IMs are set to go to email when you're not logged in, it's perfect for you, and you can reply via email too. You'll also get email notifications of notecards.

Conclusion: You can solve your problem very quickly and very easily. Alternatively, you can find great fault with LL and leave because they didn't fix it for you, as you said you would do. It's entirely up to you.

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