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XieNzEn Rage

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Do you have creations that you know would make our residents crave for? Ever tired of giving out LM's just to get almost NO customers?


Sky Manor resort, since Februray of 2013, has just opened their shopping district and they want YOU! Sell your creations like dresses, furnitures, accessories, role play products, and more here at Sky Manor's Shopping District at Longfin and you'll get your customers from all over our sims.


Pay us a visit @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Longfin/38/136/36

Or contact me inworld <xienzen.rage> and I will show you around. :)




I'll see you around!

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"our 90000sqm sim"

There isn't a sim in Second Life that is 90,000m2.   Sims are 256m x 256m, you can't increase the physical size of a simulator just because of group land!

I'm not referring to how much land is group owned, the claim was a 90,000 square metre sim.  There isn't one.  Done. :)

90,000 square metres of group owned land is NOT a 90,000 square metre sim.  Understand the difference now?

Please find me a simulator in any of these tables, a single simulator that is > 65536 square metres:-


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You obviously do not. Mainland is not bound by the same rules that make up a private region as mainland as a whole is a sim. On mainland, if someone wanted to, they could have over 100,000m2 but it'd be really pricy and it'd be counted as ONE sim. Any Linden or mainland real esate agent will tell you this.

Now, for private regions like say, Tiger Valley(which is owned by a friend of mine who owns most of the fur valleys), yes. You can only have a max land of 65,556m2 with 15,000 prims if it's a full sim, 3100 prims if it's a homesim or 900 prims if its a open space sim per sim, because again, mainland and private regions have different rules.

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Rubbish.  All simulator regions are 256x256 which equals 65536.

It's not hard really.  You're confusing group owned land or an estate or something but they are only made up of simulators which are maximum of 65536 as per the wiki I posted from Linden Lab.

Oh and that's 3750 prims for a homestead not 3100.

You're not understanding at all *sighs*

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Ni, you obviously feel you're 100% right and I'm 100% wrong, but if you'd take the time and contact a Linden or a mainland real estate agent, you'd find that I'm 100% right. I'm walking away because the intension was not to hijack the OPs thread, but rather correct and share my knowledge of how mainland is ran(because OPs region is indeed, mainland).

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Thank you for pointing that out my friends. It was my mistake to not see this erroneous information but rest assured it is corrected. Again, thank you for making that correction.


I still hope you can come visit Sky Manor Resort. :D

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Laufiair Hexicola wrote:

Ni, you obviously feel you're 100% right and I'm 100% wrong, but if you'd take the time and contact a Linden or a mainland real estate agent, you'd find that I'm 100% right. I'm walking away because the intension was not to hijack the OPs thread, but rather correct and share my knowledge of how mainland is ran(because OPs region is indeed, mainland).

I am 100% right and that's all there is to it.  Find me a sim, any single sim (because that's what a sim IS) that is more than 65536 square metres, that's all I ask.  Not group owned land in total across multiple sims but A SINGLE SIM that is more than 65536.  Pop the region name here and i'll happily go and take a screen snapshot of the region info.

I don't need to contact a Linden or an estate agent lol.  Open the map, see the nice big squares, they're a simulator, they're all squares and the same size, size being 256 x 256.

Do it... (that was almost fun!)

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Wow, good way to keep the argument up. I say I'm going to drop it and back out and you throw it back in my face, and looking at your post history, it's clearly what you do. You edge people to the point of either blowing up and looking like a fool or reporting you for your behavior. I'm saying it once before I do report you, drop it.

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Report... yes do that (that's funny!) but please also find me that sim with more than 65536 square metres.  I'm still waiting on that one.

I've laid out the right answer and yet you'd prefer to tell me to "go ask a Linden or estate manager" without offering a single counter piece of detail, such as a sim, any sim, any single sim with more than 65536m^2.

When you say "you'll drop it" but in the same sentence tell me i'm wrong (which i'm not as proven) then sure, i'll keep going.  Still waiting on the counter evidence other than "ask someone" which really isn't it.

Find me a sim... not group owned land across multiple regions but a single sim > 65536m^2, you won't find it!


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Done. Reported. Bay City as a whole. Mainland as a whole. As I've explained several times, Mainland works differently and plays by different rules then Private Estates. You have to have group to rent land on mainland(Don't believe me? Good, I don't care. Experince states otherwise) so if your group has 90,000m2 that's whats counted.

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Laufiair Hexicola wrote:

if your group has 90,000m2 that's whats counted.

Sounds like you're confusing Group Tier Allowance with simulator/region size. You don't need a group to own land on Mainland.

Sassy is talking about the physical constraints of the space available within one simulator, which is operated by one physical server. This is hard-coded to 256x256m across the 2D axis. A region/simulator also has a specific name, such as Daboom, Halfway, Brown or Pooley. Bay City is made from multiple sims, all their names start with the prefix 'Bay City - '

I've worked with mainland and private rentals for years, both directly and indirectly, and including large estates. Owned multiple spots on mainland, both on my own (without a group) and via group.

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Bay City is NOT a single region or sim  Bay City area is a group of regions, take a look on the map, wait, let me link a pic, that will help:-


Each of those regions is 65536m^2, that's the region size, no more, no less.

The rest of Mainland (of which Bay City or any other estate) is a group of regions, each of which is 65536m^2




A named 256m x 256m (65,536 m²) area hosted by a single simulator process (sim).

Nor do you have to group rent land on mainland, I've done it plenty of times as an individual *sighs*

Again and probably not finally, a group owning 90,000m^2 of land cannot have that land on a single sim, can't, not possible, won't happen.

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Ni, each of those regions are not 65,556m2. Because their mainland, they operate as one, and that qute you found on the wiki about Regions are for Private Esates.I do indeed rent mainland, I have a parcel on Buff currently. I know what I know because of OpenSim, and further confirmed with a Linden that the server structure in how assets and regions are logged and set up are the same. How do you think Mainland came about? You think they randomly aligned sims together? I think not, they used megaregion scripting server side to string them all together so they operate as one, instead of seperately.

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Please see here: Bay City, SL Maps

It is made up from the following sims:

Bay City - Truro, Bay City - Sandwich, Bay City - Mashpee, Bay City - Barnstable, Bay City - Dennis, Bay City - Harwich, Bay City - Brewster, Bay City - Orleans, Bay City - Sconset, Bay City - Tisbury, Bay City - Edgartown, Bay City - Maddequet

There are no sims in SL that are anything except 256x256m. OpenSim has nothing to do with this subject. :)

Post links to evidence, this talking about imaginary conversations with Linden's and 'experience' is silly.


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Actually Freia the server structure of OpenSim is the same as the server structure for Second Life, it was confirmed by a Linden that works with the servers out of Dallas, thus the reason I pointed it out. I dare anyone to own 90,000m2 on mainland and then attempt to own it on a PRivate Region. You can't, it's not possible. That's been my point all along.

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What do you mean by 'as one unit'?

Parcels are determined on the region (256m x 256m) level. Objects, physics, vehicles are all determined on the region (256m x 256m) level.

The view from one sim to another (across straight sides) exists by talking to other sims, hosted by other servers - this does not make the functionality cross sim boundaries.

This can be proven in two seconds - when you walk across a sim boundary anywhere (mainland or private sim, please give it a try) - the region name will change and a 'handover' of your assets will occur. Scripts that you're wearing will trigger the change event for CHANGED_REGION status.

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Not interested in whatever you believe about OpenSim. It's not relevant to this conversation regardless of how many people you've spoken to about it.

OpenSim is not run from the LL server farm in Dallas. o_o

Owning 90,000m in one continuous parcel is impossible in SL, regardless of where you do it (mainland, private). You may own two (or more) parcels that connect to each other, across a region boundary, to reach beyond the 65536m^2 maximum for a simulator/region/server.

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Laufiair Hexicola wrote:

Ni, each of those regions are not 65,556m2. Because their mainland, they operate as one, and that qute you found on the wiki about Regions are for Private Esates.I do indeed rent mainland, I have a parcel on Buff currently. I know what I know because of OpenSim, and further confirmed with a Linden that the server structure in how assets and regions are logged and set up are the same. How do you think Mainland came about? You think they randomly aligned sims together? I think not, they used megaregion scripting server side to string them all together so they operate as one, instead of seperately.

Did you open the wiki page I pasted and actually look at it?  Big picture at the top:-


The important part here is "either in a private estate or mainland".  How they are set up remains irrelevant, a region IS 65536m^2, no more, no less.  Adjacent regions are just that, another blob of 65536m^2 nextdoor.  They each operate independently, really they do.  When you cross a sim, your data and assets are handed off from one region to the next, it's still a maximum of 65536m^2 and still its own process.

SL doesn't support megaregions by the way, Opensim does, Second Life - no.  It has been asked for, here's the JIRA for you https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7583

Until then, crossing from one region to another invokes a hand off, teleport, region crossing - call it what you like.  Megaregions DO alleviate this but Second Life doesn't have them.

Do we continue? :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:


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On a Private REgion that holds true, however, on mainland, you can have more then 65,556m2 where 256x256 no longer comes into play. Mainland as a whole is what is known as a Mega Region. Their regions have have code that link them together so they operate as one instead of seperately. It's now you're able to own lots of land on mainland, but not on a Private Region. Most don't because owning more then 65,556m2 on mainland is quite pricy.


EDIT: You people really have no idea what you're talking about. In fact, as soon as my friend Adam comes online, I'll have him set up 90,000m2 as  a single parcel and let all come see.

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You're either mistaken, or you're making it up.

You have yet to elaborate on what 'Code that links' means - if you mean that movement between two adjacent sims is possible, then yes. If you think calculations or scripts are shared by multiple servers or sims, you are wrong.

Post links, like Sassy and I have done. Saying words and talking of conversations doesn't mean anything.

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I doubt I'm doing either, but since neither of you have confirmed anything with a Linden and I have, I'm in the right. Ya know, I have tried to back off this conversation but a certin person has kept it going. If she hadn't kept it going, it wouldn't be where it is right now. I've asked her to back off. In fact, I suggest this thread be locked before it gets any further out of hand.

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