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Your top 5 wishlist for SL

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List your top 5 wishes for a better SL!  It can be new features, bug fixes, changes, whatever.  PLEASE - just add your list, don't comment on other people's posts, and don't be too wordy.

Here's mine:


  1. Instant Cash-out for established businesses
  2. Bake terrain for a single parcel, not just the whole sim
  3. Deformer for mesh clothing
  4. Ability to animate mesh for pets & non-player characters
  5. Ability to use system layers on mesh avatars
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Here's mine:

   1. An easy to use parcel contents mover. [Allow a parcel owner to easily move their existing builds and rezzed objects [friends objects as well] to another parcel of the same general shape] ** Permission to move granted because it's on your parcel. Region Owner's objects are excluded.
   2. New anti-griefer tools that make eliminating them and their objects easier.
   3. Optional background chat using musical notes on each end of the text to identify the artist/music being played.
   4. 3 levels of undo [Ctrl-Z] per parcel when using the Terrain Tools.
   5. Faster PayPal cashout process.

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Because these are personal wish lists and your opinion on what others want is irrelavent.  I'm hoping that if we keep it lean the Lindens may read it and become aware of what their customers want.  I really don't want this thread to become an argument over what we should and shouldn't want.  There are plenty of forums for discussion, please just keep this one for posting your own top 5 wishlist for SL.

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I don't want to change the platform at all.  None of these require any development or testing.  Unfortunately they need management :-(

1. LL providing customer support
2. LL taking action against griefers
3. LL taking action against IP theft
4. LL not committing IP theft
5. Torley (or SOMEONE) to talk to us every now and again!

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  1. Improve sim crossings so we can actually use the roads without crashing all the time.
  2. Larger sims for dogfights and stuff
  3. Change the TOS so it doesn't read like you want to own us
  4. Improve the default avatar mesh to get rid of those ugly angles
  5. Improve customer communication
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1.   Bring back the Greeter Island sims that were used on a trial basis in 2011 (and have Linden people there fielding all the enquiries).

2.   Welcome areas inworld/infohubs and suchlike to have undercover Linden people ready to blast into oblivion griefers the moment they start their antics.

3.   The banning of Tiny Empires players who abuse the game by using their avatars/alts to fake traffic by making an area look more populated than it really is.

4.   Naked Wednesdays (they're avatars people, you're not really naked - are you?!

5.   Take your pet to work day (couldn't think of anything else to put on the list, except anything else I want would mean turning back the clock by about four years)

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  1. A wee bit more interaction.
  2. A wee bit more interaction with the users.
  3. A wee bit more interaction with the users before you sell us off.
  4. A wee bit more interaction with the users before you sell us off explaining exactly what it's all about.
  5. A wee bit more interaction with the users before you sell us off explaining exactly what it's all about so we could understand how this might benefit SL in the long run (in your view) so that we, the users, might at least have a bit of input on the matter.
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PeterCanessa Oh wrote:

I don't want to change the platform at all.  None of these require any development or testing.  Unfortunately they need management :-(

1. LL providing customer support

2. LL taking action against griefers

3. LL taking action against IP theft

4. LL not committing IP theft

5. Torley (or SOMEONE) to talk to us every now and again!

Same here. 

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  1. A TOS that doesn't hijack creators IP rights
  2. Cash outs within 24 hours or less
  3. A LL that actually cares about SL and its customers and communicates with them regularly using SL sites.
  4. For LL to fix bugs and issues that have persisted for years and improve existing things before introducing new shinys
  5. Better in world creation tools

@ the OP, if you post you can't dictate the rules for replying.  People are free to say what they want to as long as its within the community guidelines.


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LepreKhaun wrote:

  1. A wee bit more interaction.
  2. A wee bit more interaction with the users.
  3. A wee bit more interaction with the users before you sell us off.
  4. A wee bit more interaction with the users before you sell us off explaining exactly what it's all about.
  5. A wee bit more interaction with the users before you sell us off explaining exactly what it's all about so we could understand how this
    benefit SL in the long run (in your view) so that we, the users, might at least have a bit of input on the matter.

This plus:

*Lower jumps between tier levels on land

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1 - Improvement to existing avatar mesh to give smoother joint articulation and to make it solid so that hair / clothes don't    disappear into skin.  Also can I add '1a'?  That would be to have an adjustable sheen to avatars and system clothes, that is dependent on light source.  Then you could have a nice natural sheen to your skin, or a wet look, or even go for a fully polished chrome effect if you want!

2 - Flexible prims that can have a fixed link at both ends.

3 - 1024 sq m of tier-free land to all premium members - that shouldn't be too difficult now there's huge tracts of land that have been abandoned to the Governor.

4 - A built-in, or 'system' method of land rental, perhaps whereby you 'sell' a parcel of land to a tenant for a limited time, after which it reverts to you.  There could be options to set length of rental period and tenants would have the option of automatic renewal.  If you cease to own the land by defaulting on tier or leaving SL, the tenants could still have security until their rental period expires, but the rent would go to LL.

5 - An option for setting royalties (maximum 25%) on items you create and then sell with copy / transfer.  Only original creators would get royalties.  

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Premium members get a bigger piece of land and a minimum of 500 prims to use there.

Avatar 2.0 with snoother mesh and all the proper bones set up for rigging. 

Mesh implemented properly with deformer.

The Marketplace is watched better, scammers kept out and a better search engine. And kick out those who abuse the search function. Overall a modern, easy to navigate Marketplace. This will hurt because old contents that don't sell would have to go. I can imagine the cries...

Better default windlight settings, and terrain tools for small parcels.



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1. New professionally made avatar mesh by an expert who 'knows their stuff'.
2. More facial expressions and nice default subtle animations for them to make the avatars more lively.
3. Mesh deformer and materials also on system clothing.
4. A lot more regular communication by Linden Lab with residents. Don't hide yourselves!
5. A lot better new user experience and guidance is needed.

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Imagin Illyar wrote:

Because these are personal wish lists and your opinion on what others want is irrelavent.  I'm hoping that if we keep it lean
the Lindens may read it
and become aware of what their customers want.  I really don't want this thread to become an argument over what we should and shouldn't want.  There are plenty of forums for discussion, please just keep this one for posting your own top 5 wishlist for SL.

You must be kidding me.

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1. Fix the old billing system like it once was so people can add a USD Balance to their account instead of having to cash out to obtain USD balance Fix it on a $300 - 500$ limit. (Add Faster Cashing out for people who verify Real Life information or make (X) amount of transactions with no problem of course there has to be cash out limits.)

2. Stop screwing over the people who create our content with you're TOS.

http://unitedcontentcreatorsofsl.wordpress.com/ There are many of them.

3. Add better account security it is pathetic that a person's account can get hacked at any time while it maybe through any compromised TPV, or fault of their own their entire inventory maybe erased or worse and Linden Lab can't undo this. Yet World OF Warcraft a game that costs $16.95 a month has better security than Second Life, and so does other games like GuildWars 2.

4. Get rid of Griefers/CopyBot, Yes including those people who design systems that scan players through their media without asking consent to do such or permission or other exploits it drives players away from Second Life.

5. Add, and make improvements to Second Life such as Simulator improvements like.

. Bake terrain for single parcel.

. The bug that keeps me from actually being able to raise my land on my sim when its next to another region I don't have rights to edit terrain on or estate manager.

. Faster Avatar Rendering.
. Animate Mesh.
. Fix the AMD Shader bug with AMD cards that has been here for ages.

... The way I see it Second Life is done for without new management running the service someone who can get people what they want. It isn't just because of Linden Lab, LL has some good Linden's I don't blame them for everything, but its because of the people allowed to Grief the Second Life community for years with Network Wide ban systems, making residents afraid to go to any club or risk they might get banned from many sims after spending hundreds/thousands of dollars.

... And to be honest everytime I even step foot into SL no one is even bothering to do as much griefing as there once was neither is the sand-box as full as it once was I remember having 30+ Residents in a single sand-box or more never anymore do I ever see this.

Linden Lab let these Ban-Networks ruin our grid by chasing off residents when they didn't do anything, they then let CopyBot destroy it not to even include the lack of security that if a player gets compromised good-bye inventory this is something everyone needs to think about because it could be you after spending thousands of hours in Second Life, and lots of money is it really worthit?

... After all there are those who play Second Life for creation, I do not, I play Second Life for the RPG experience or did anyways, but now that there are all these new RPG's being released things that were never released before but things that have better preformance than in Second Life, and with way better seucrity why bother with Second Life to be honest like all my favorite RPG's in Second Life are now avalable for download and play online except for certain aspects of RP, but then I really don't care anymore I have more fun playing EVE, Star Citizen, Mech Warrior Online, GW2, LOL, DarkFall, I would say APB Reloaded, but gamers first is a trash company game originally had great potential to add aspects similar to Second Life in a way.

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Improved avatar mesh. Exactly how this is implemented is a matter of debate, but I think it should still be manipulable by in-word tools in the manner of the shape editor. An improved shape editor which makes realistic proportions more intuitive would be part of this. Get rid of the slider-based hair, and split face and body into separately wearable components. New starter avs to go with all this.

More incentives for premium owners and big spenders, especially long-term residents who pay yearly. They're a stable form of income for LL, and are the least like to grief and exploit because they have the most to lose. Encouraging more residents who are invested in SL has to be an improvement.

Deformable mesh. If mesh is so important, let's have it done properly.

Improved starter areas with moderation to prevent griefing. Access to basic instruction in SL concepts... subjects that come up time and again here and in Q&A like unpacking.

Marketplace search that can distinguish between vendor names, ad text and item titles. If I search for 'Robin' I don't want to find items made by people called Robin. More sensible categories. Currently we have Avatar Accessories, which includes hair and genitalia but also handbags and flight attachments; Avatar Components (mostly skins and shapes); and Avatar Appearance which has no sub-categories, but contains a mish-mash of skins, shapes, make-up, whole avatars, and even a few costumes.

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Marigold Devin wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

  I don't know..


Oh i got it!!


1. rose colored glasses so i can remember the other 4 things i want back!!





Nice one, Ceka.

i only wish i was kidding..

i really can't remember..but i knew there were a few of them hehehe

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