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Second Life Mobile Beta? Fake or Real?

Hard Rust

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I got an email today from "Second Life" <no-reply@em.secondlife.com> with the following mesage:

Hi Hard Rust,

We're looking for enthusiastic beta testers to evaluate a version of Second Life designed for mobile devices.

Sound interesting? Then simply...

  1. Visit  <link removed to be safe> to create a FREE account with <link removed to be safe>, then
  2. Visit  <link removed to be safe> to complete a 5-minute questionnaire
You have to finish both steps to be considered for the beta.
We'll email those selected when the program begins and check in periodically over the next couple of months to get their feedback. 
This is your opportunity to be among the first to try a new mobile version of Second Life, and we hope you'll help us to make it a great product with your input.

Thank you for your consideration!

Linden Lab


Is this fake or is there really a mobile beta?  I'm not registering for anything until I know for sure, although a mobile version would be awesome.



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Sounds like a nice little fake email and a phishing attempt. LL does not test anything with SL residents. They do it within the Lab. 

See here:

  • Fake email address: Many fake emails include a forged From: header that may be a real email address. For example: From: support@secondlife.com From: billing@secondlife.com From: abuse@secondlife.com The From: address can be forged. Never trust an email just because it says it's from secondlife.com or lindenlab.com.
  • Your account is in danger: Many fake emails will try to trick you into thinking your account is on administrative review, or otherwise in danger, and that you will lose the ability to use Second Life. You can always view your account status under My Account on the Second Life website.
  • Urgency: Fake emails often claim that they require immediate action, or else your account may be terminated, your inworld information may be deleted, or you may face charges.
  • Attachments: Emails from Linden Lab never include attachments. Do not open attachments in a suspicious email, even if they appear to be innocent (like a .txt file). Scam artists can use several tricks to try to hide the filename of a more dangerous file (like an executable or .SCR file). Attachments may be malicious files that may not be picked up by virus detection programs.
  • Links in the message: Of course, many legitimate Second Life messages include links. With a fake email, these links can be forged, just like a From: address, leading you to a different website (created by someone other than Linden Lab) that may look like the Second Life website.
  • Asks for personal information: Most of all, fake emails will ask for your login name, password, real name, or other identifying personal information. Any email that asks for personal information, or includes a form to fill out within the email, is very likely a fake email.
32px-KBnote.png Note: Linden Lab NEVER asks for your Second Life password, your credit card details, or other personal information via email!

If you have any doubt as to whether an email is real, close all your web browser windows, open a fresh new web browser window, visit http://secondlife.com, and perform the action that was requested. Never click on a link in an email you're unsure about, especially if it's asking for personal or account information.


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They sure would announce something on the blog IF.

LL never "used" residents for beta testing (i mean REAL beta testing not working with buggy viewers sending useless bug-reports)

A mobile client, besides what we have from 3rd party, would be awesome but will only be available from 3rd party programmers not LL.

They even ditched the interesting SL in a Browser project - oh there they had residents for beta-testing :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:


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Inspect the headers.

em.secondlife.com seems to be a marketing handling sub-domain, the mailbox there resolves to / exacttarget.com

Exacttarget handle mass email, CRM etc, since it's routed through the secondlife domain on first glance, this method is reasonable. It could easily have been copied/faked however, so check Receivedenvelope-from and any other associated data for clues. Feel free to paste the headers (minus your own identifying data, of course) into this thread.

 I don't see why this couldn't be legitimate (so far), LL have done random, reduced sampling in the past, and this method ties in with their typical process for it (send email invite, select from responses).

This post is not an encouragement or endorsement. Use your own sense of caution when determining legitimacy.

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Monti Messmer wrote:

They sure would announce something on the blog IF.

LL never "used" residents for beta testing (i mean REAL beta testing not working with buggy viewers sending useless bug-reports)

A mobile client, besides what we have from 3rd party, would be awesome but will only be available from 3rd party programmers not LL.

They even ditched the interesting SL in a Browser project - oh there they had residents for beta-testing :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:


Actually Rodvik Humble mentioned in an interview that the Lab IS developing a mobile client and if you go to the lindenlab.com web site they have an area where you can sign up for beta products using a system similar to what this E-mail describes. In this case it would be safer just to go direct to ther web site and sign up manually than following E-mail links though.

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I received one as well. I have inspected the extended email header and it does appear to be legitimate. HOWEVER, the "questionaire" link does not work correctly.  The Questionaire link takes me to the same location as the first "account creation" link.


-es0 torok

Owner of LC Sculpts

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The headers in the email message are using the same names and IP addresses that other promotional email they send about their Premium Account features.

The headers include the Authentication-Results:

mx.google.com;       spf=pass (google.com: domain of bounce-1375_HTML-19716725-41845-6166442-3@bounce.em.secondlife.com designates as permitted sender) smtp.mail=bounce-1375_HTML-19716725-41845-6166442-3@bounce.em.secondlife.com;       dkim=pass header.i=no-reply@em.secondlife.com

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This is promising news, then. Passing SPF is just about the most reliable thing an Email can do to ensure legitimacy on its own, and comparison with older mails makes a lot of sense. Smart move!

I don't personally see many reasons to worry about the legitimacy of this.

Good luck with your beta-ship, should you choose to apply. :)

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Here are the full headers.  Thanks for all the replies!


Received: (qmail 30621 invoked by uid 30297); 21 Oct 2013 23:08:39 -0000Received: from unknown (HELO p3pismtp01-061.prod.phx3.secureserver.net) ([])          (envelope-sender <bounce-1375_HTML-19700542-41845-6166442-3@bounce.em.secondlife.com>)          by p3plsmtp15-03.prod.phx3.secureserver.net (qmail-1.03) with SMTP          for <MYEMAILADDRESS>; 21 Oct 2013 23:08:39 -0000X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Result: AlEIADyyZVLHen1CnGdsb2JhbAAURYJDfE6DLQOyTYl1Fg4BAQEBAQgUCTyCLyAdAwECCAMpAQVBBwkFAgIxLAgIAxkEBIdlCAWGXqAyAXWDYwKBYIx/AQaODAaBWoJggT+JQoVaih+LJAGDSYUtHTUBAX4Received: from mta.em.secondlife.com ([])  by p3pismtp01-061.prod.phx3.secureserver.net with ESMTP; 21 Oct 2013 16:08:38 -0700DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; s=200608; d=em.secondlife.com; h=From:To:Subject:Date:List-Unsubscribe:MIME-Version:Message-ID:Content-Type; i=no-reply@em.secondlife.com; bh=dFCHgSfJKQw7AiiuF7boiCLYoIo=; b=I4obU+jwtLSAyI2A7wAxDZotBGSyQ+8BhTgxOgdqQvFRQ4noX6/pP8lTLNdVUfV1D/uS+F4begz3   A3Pnah+48k7NeRZDQdDQLCLGEAqmS8pWA+nTsKTo61n8NAIcvaunQDH2v5bC6q1TgJLj10qNomb2   w7aV8NDMuIqaYhsq4+g=DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; q=dns; s=200608; d=em.secondlife.com; b=kn2/XfD2Epao1+1iWGWcc2lz3Yoa7lnNdmGHoAsuBq8WhYQStJ5TyzVjeV+WLVw3hM1B1LCrU2Sb
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It's real, the links goto a onlive signup page, which has to be done first and then heads to the beta signup page and then from there you enter the information they want, and then you get to wait for them to select you for the beta.

I went through the whole process just to make sure it was legit and doing so on a virtual machine to minimize the risk if it was faked. 

domainstools.com  is one resource you should keep handy to check if in fact things are real or not.  

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Thank you Mr. Rust!

It looks like this Email has been confirmed as legitimate, but just in case you (or anyone else) is curious I'll explain why your headers demonstrate this, also. :)

Received: from mta.em.secondlife.com ([])

 The bolded IP registers back to ExactTarget.com (source) - ExactTarget.com - if you remember my earlier post - host the MX (mailbox) at em.secondlife.com.

The DKIM signature output of Qmail is a little foreign to me (although it does seem as though it roughly matches what I would expect). I will hold off on an explanation of this, as I might just confusethings further. :P

Short answer though, it's difficult to fake this header. :)

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"complete a 5-minute questionnaire" sounds like a scam, whaterver it is legit or not the order shall be, link to product page under the main domain "secondlife.com", a question if you want to answer cuestions and option to download and answer after. Newer do questionaries before you will be able to download something, that it a system scammers often use and it would be bad if LL did that same thing.

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Kennylex Luckless wrote:

complete a 5-minute questionnaire"
sounds like a scam

Ne[v]er do questionaries before you will be able to download something, that it a system scammers often use and it would be bad if LL did that same thing.

I agree with what I think was you saying that the links in the Email should go back to the secondlife.com domain. I haven't seen the links, but I'm assuming that they do.

Regarding the questionaire, this is actually typical for LL (and similar companies, notably SOs of MMOs) - they want to make sure that you'll be of relevant interest to their beta test. For example, it's no use giving me an (entirely hypothetical) iOS-capable SL viewer, as I own no iOS devices. Account creation also features as a part of this process, allowing people to take part in the beta without having it affect their main accounts, or if special procedures are involved.

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Thanks for your interest in participating in this beta survey and test of a program offered by OL2, Inc. (OnLive).  The survey and test are part of what shall be referred to as the “Beta Program”.   This Beta Program will test access to Second Life via the OnLive Viewer for Second Life through the OnLive Service. By responding to our initial questionnaire and participating in any other Beta Program activities,


Is what I got after signup

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just contact LL support to be sure and on the Live Chat their reply was:

"Yes, it is a legitimate email from one of our addresses and yes, we are seeking interested beta players for a closed beta of a new version of a viewer for mobile devices. I hope you sign up - it should be interesting!"


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Hi Hard

It's very legit but LL are "cheating".  OnLive is a virtualisation platform for streaming game type or desktop content to a lightweight client.  I doubt it will be free, more like a montly service cost.

The rest of my thoughts happen to be in another thread here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Second-Life-and-Ipad/m-p/2288997#M134963

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