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*NEW* Fashion Blog coming soon Second Life Photography , Videoproduction and Fashion Blog


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SL Fashion for Men/woman:heart:

Coming Soon

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 http://glamdesignz.blogspot.de/            :heart:





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SL Fashion for Men/woman:heart:

Coming Soon

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 http://glamdesignz.blogspot.de/            :heart:





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You probably only need to post the link to your blog one time thanks. I think we're smart enough to figure that out posting it a million times doesn't make us more anxious to go there. On top of that PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remove the music. I was on that page literally 5 seconds until it started playing. I don't know why people with SL blogs think that's a good idea. There's a good reason people stopped doing that in the 90's on webpages at large. the reason is IT IS ANNOYING. I really don't like being forced to listen to your music BLARING over my own. thanks but no thanks.

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NeskoFlash wrote:

the blog is new but they understand it? Donald is a new design and creation or the music is so **bleep**ty or loud? I do not like their attitude is?

I'm not sure what your trying to say here. If you want to communicate with an english audience you may need to word things clearer? Perhaps you should consider writing in your native language instead?

The music is annoying. PERIOD. I seriousaly can not figure out why SL bloggers think this is good. I really can't. I'm not being a bi-tch here either. People HATE music auto playing when they go to a page. Here this page sums up the reasons music on a webpage is bad.  http://lorindawebdesign.com/bad_website_ideas.htmlIn fact let me paste what they say for you.

"The only exception would be websites created for musicians, entertainers, or multimedia-based sites." ( Note: YOU PAGE IS NOT ONE OF THESE EXCEPTIONS)

"Background music was popular a few years back, but now it's the sure mark of an amateur. If you're still not convinced, here a few legitimate reasons not to have music on your site:

  • Copyright Infringement - Unless you own the rights to the music, you run risk of being sued for copyright infringement.
  • Slower Download Time - Music files are large and they cannot be compressed. They make your pages load slower and use up valuable bandwidth.
  • People Have Different Tastes - What sounds good to you may annoy or offend someone else. Your website should be geared toward a wide viewing audience.

Read what other professional website designers say about music on websites:

Matthew Inman and Alcan Gulez" -lorindawebpagedesign.com


Yes your page LITERALY loads slower for me and other people. It has to take time to load that music app. Then when it does load it conflicts with the music I (or the user viewing your page) has playing at the time. THAT IS BAD! Do you really want your reader to have to wait extra minutes to load your song and then hunt down the application so they can stop it BEFORE tehy read your page? You might be able to get away with that if your well known and people know they want to read your content but if your just starting out people don't know if it's worth that extra effort. This means there  more likely to leave instead of sticking it out. Your in essence chasing away your readers.


Seriousaly if they blogger is new to blogging (and apperantly webpages and the internet as a whole apperantly) then perhaps he should consider taking advice when it's given.

As to the pictures being small I disagree with that poster simply because you do have javascript  in place. However how that holds up when javascript is disabled....I dunno.


Edit: Also please stop posting your blog link everytime you make a post. You only need to do it once on the forum people can search for it if they want to here. If oyu want to post your every post I suggest using a appropriate means for that such as flicker.

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Ok, maybe 'small' was the wrong word. I think your photos should showcase the fashions more than the avatar - your photos are large when clicked, but mostly empty. You could get better usage of the space by using more close-up photos that show detail, or maybe several poses, front/back, within the photo. If you want to catch my attention so I will actually click on the photo you have to show me a little more than what I'm seeing so far. You say you are promoting photography along with fashion blogging, so better photos are in your own best interest. You asked for opinions, that's mine.

And the music is very annoying.

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Shelby Silverspar wrote:

Ok, maybe 'small' was the wrong word. I think your photos should showcase the fashions more than the avatar - your photos are large when clicked, but mostly empty. You could get better usage of the space by using more close-up photos that show detail, or maybe several poses, front/back, within the photo. If you want to catch my attention so I will actually click on the photo you have to show me a little more than what I'm seeing so far. You say you are promoting photography along with fashion blogging, so better photos are in your own best interest. You asked for opinions, that's mine.

And the music
very annoying.

This I can agree with. For the time I was on the site (not long...MUSIC) I did notice the photos looked empty aside fromt he avie. If even the background was more interesting I think it would add to the photos more. If the music was removed I could add better artistic crisism though but as it stands I can't stand to be on there for to long because of the music.

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So I've now removed the music I do not understand exactly what is wrong with that but it is ok who comes across better dan I make it go away, and yes, the pictures are original size and you can see the good matrimonial matters what is presented as or are still too small? others thought is just the right size!

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