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Fair Pay

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Good evening,

I'm looking to hire for a few positions within SL, however, it's been so long since I've hired from here that I do not know what is considered fair pay. 

What is the $L equilvent fair pay for writing services?

Also, I'm looking for someone to manage an in world office for SL and other virtual environments. This would be part time. It'd mostly be placing ads, recruiting, etc. I don't know what would be a fair weekly pay for this. Any assistance would be appreciated.



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Good evening,

I'm looking to hire for a few positions within SL, however, it's been so long since I've hired from here that I do not know what is considered fair pay. 

What is the $L equilvent fair pay for writing services?

Also, I'm looking for someone to manage an in world office for SL and other virtual environments. This would be part time. It'd mostly be placing ads, recruiting, etc. I don't know what would be a fair weekly pay for this. Any assistance would be appreciated.



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A writing job is a writing job, whether it be in-world or out of world. I personally wouldn't accept less than minimum wage per hour/per 500 words etc. Fair pay is when you pay someone the appropriate amount for using their skill they worked to refine.

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Hi Frawmusl.

Thank you very much for your reply. We pay per word, not an hourly wage. The amount earned depends on how quickly the writer works. The $L index changes so much. For example, when I went to check how the $L to USD conversion was, 1 cent could purchase 2 $L, but as I went higher, the conversion changed. That's why it's important to know what the going rate in world is. 

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Graciella Princess wrote:

Hi Frawmusl.

Thank you very much for your reply. We pay per word, not an hourly wage. The amount earned depends on how quickly the writer works. The $L index changes so much. For example, when I went to check how the $L to USD conversion was, 1 cent could purchase 2 $L, but as I went higher, the conversion changed. That's why it's important to know what the going rate in world is. 

The $L/$USD conversion rate doesn't actually fluctuate all that much. The variability you see is caused by rounding errors in the conversions because you're converting such a tiny amount. In the five years I've been in SL, the conversion rate hasn't deviated substantially from L$250/US$.

I just checked the rate and it's 247L$/US$. So one cent would be L$2.47, which rounds down to L$2 (the smallest Linden denomination is the dollar). Three US cents is L$7.41 which rounds down to L$7. The rounding errors are, relative to the transaction amount, much smaller if you convert larger amounts.

To find the current exchange rate, log in to the web control panel and go here...


The default conversion (in the US) is for L$2500. If you want the conversion rate, just enter "1" into the US Dollars field and click the "=" sign.

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I remember some work way back that was $500 for a few hundred words, basic grammar and spelling correct to a point anyone in the blogosphere that can speak the language can understand it, AND it included a picture. Location reviews basically. The website disapeared, it was a marketing effort from a landlord (I think) who had a residential place and wanted reviews of places in SL so people can see what is here, search engines obviously bringing in possible tenants maybe? Not sure, but it went away.

I know something like translation would cost some big money in SL, but who knows it all depends on who you hire and how fast or what level of quality.

I would write for approx. $2USD, or about  L$550-$700 or so. Why? $7USD an hour, which is 'Minimum wage' in the USA, is a joke on the net and you frequantly find this price or a bit more so it sort of translates to SL as a low bottom figure for how much you can expect to pay IMHO. Plus, a writer that writes for a blog that is low profile or a smaller website may not pay the same as a trained professional because they are not looking for one! if you hire a unskilled handyman you pay less than a skilled carpenter for the same carpentry work, but the fit and finish may not be the same. The carpenter may try to match your moulding with a custom made part that takes some time and money but the handyman patches it up or replaces a whole section and tries to make it work. Different level of finish and pay.

Quality or qualities you look for are an issue. Some people want more real sounding voice, not perfect. They use it for whatever purpose, could be dialog in a story or basically paying people for comments (sad in a way, but if they honestly voice thier opinion then it is no different than surveys in respect to it being legit feedback) so...yeah, qualities or general mass appeal quality is an issue.

But, yeah you can get almost 500 words for liek $4 or so, if unedited and done quickly the skies the limit because if research is low some can obviously type at 35WPM+ and almost ramble until they get a few hundred words out easily....uh..yeah, not speaking about me here but yeah, sort of me. Like this post. BUT, if you check the spelling and grammar of my posts HA, funny stuff. Plus, structure? Not much at all if ANY attention to the structure of the post, as far as "well wrote" as a goal. There is no goal when I post here sometimes, just rambling and joking. Sometimes I try to help, like now. Uh, well...yeah. That is all, sorry for to many (half useless) words! But, they are free to read and may help.



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Thank you very much for all of your replies. So much changes over the years, and I've been out of SL for quite some time. Thanks for the information regarding $L conversions. I didn't know about the rounding errors. I honestly don't remember them before but then, it has been quite some time.

From what I'm hearing, 2 to 2.5$L would be the conversion for writing services. That's actually good info because I can use that to multiply out the pay for other positions  as well.

Okay... so second question if you guys are so inclined. 

A long time ago, I used to use a variety of advertising methods. I did the whole banner advertising, magazines, radio, etc. I've been told that this area of SL has changed greatly. What do you guys recommend for advertising?

Thanks for all of your assistance!


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